Rein doesn't need any help right now

How can you say he’s fine when none if his bugs got fixed? How could you say he’s fine when he’s the worst tank against CC, in a CC meta?

Everyone knows pickrates doesn’t mean that characters needs buffs or nerfs. May I give you an example of 4 different characters that got buffed, and their pick rates remained the same. Reaper, Mei, Sombra, and Doomfist. All of them received huge changes and their pick rates are the same. On ghe other hand we have characters that got nerfed and remained at the top of the charts. Mercy, Zen, and They’re more balanced than ever and maintained high pick rates despite being heavily nerfed.

In conclusion, pick rates has nothing to do with how balanced a character is. And balance changes wont effect pick rates.

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I guess we’re going to buff mercy again

This makes me wonder. Didn’t Jeff said they would fix his ultimate bug in april?

I do think Reinhardt should be immune from melee stuns like Doomfist’s slam and Brigitte’s Shield Bash when he has his shield up.

He should not be immune to projectile stuns like McCree’s flashbang, Ana’s sleepdart and Mei’s freeze (yes this is also a projectile).

They said they’re going to announce something about his bugs early April, it’s early May now …

Wait he should be immune to melee or should not?

Found the post:

The patch notes of the current PTR is wrong (it’s the previous one), but it could have been fixed.

I really wish it’s been fixed, but I’m still experiencing them :frowning:

Sorry typo.

He should be immune to melee stuns.

He should not be immune to projectile stuns and knockbacks.

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But maybe it is fixed on the PTR.

The patchnotes of the latest PTR update has bug fixes from the previous PTR patchnotes that already has hit love. We don’t know what have been fixed in this PTR update.

I disagree since melee goes through shields

More and more CC is punishing Rein a lot.


This meta is killing the enjoyment of playing Reinhardt because of the CC, but wait until Symmetra arrives my friend.

She’s here to stay and slay all Reinhardts … oh man I can’t wait :slight_smile:

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“I really like your shield, enemy Reinhardt… It’s so… delicious.”

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What if I don’t have a Brigitte? Am I not allowed to play Reinhardt then?

Think about it for a second …

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The problem isn’t Rein specific, the problem is main tank sucks right now. There is so much CC and long range dmg coming in and you have to absorb it all for your team to have a chance. The reason Rein is good now is because Winston just had his role deleted and Orisa is more map specific, more defense focused and I would say is generally played to a lower standard. Rein isn’t good, the others are just worse as this meta is really hard on all main tanks.

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The only reason Reinhardt is picked is because Brigitte is good.

Same reason why Reaper was picked despite being absolutely trash in season 2–Ana was just too good.

That says a lot about both Brigitte and Reinhardt. The former is OP, the latter is UP


Agreed, look at Rein’s pickrate just this week, he’s the best main tank again (excluding Gibraltar…)

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Sure, there is good synergy between Rein and Baguette. So good that without her Rein is struggling.


Again, high pick rates doesn’t mean the character is balanced. And I disagree with you, this meta made playing Reinhardt a living nightmare. This meta isn’t beneficial to him, he’s just being used with an OP character. She’s almost a must pick in Masters and GM, and she needs someone for her to drag around and use as a human shield to soak all damage and CC. Both Reinhardt and Brigitte aren’t balanced, one is way overtuned and OP, while the other is so weak that you can’t play him without Brigitte.

She’s getting alot of nerfs soon, and we’re expecting some buffs to Reinhardt as well. That’s how you balance the two characters.

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Have you actually played him at all, OP? Balance aside, his entire kit is a bugridden mess right now.

  • They never actually fixed the hammer no-reg issue
  • Earthshatter either doesn’t hit anyone when it’s meant to, or hits people it shouldn’t
  • Charge either casually knocks people aside or vacuums them in
  • Things like Pulse Bomb going through his shield when they’re not meant to

And that’s just scratching the surface.