Rein doesn't need any help right now

Sure, there is good synergy between Rein and Baguette. So good that without her Rein is struggling.


Again, high pick rates doesn’t mean the character is balanced. And I disagree with you, this meta made playing Reinhardt a living nightmare. This meta isn’t beneficial to him, he’s just being used with an OP character. She’s almost a must pick in Masters and GM, and she needs someone for her to drag around and use as a human shield to soak all damage and CC. Both Reinhardt and Brigitte aren’t balanced, one is way overtuned and OP, while the other is so weak that you can’t play him without Brigitte.

She’s getting alot of nerfs soon, and we’re expecting some buffs to Reinhardt as well. That’s how you balance the two characters.

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Have you actually played him at all, OP? Balance aside, his entire kit is a bugridden mess right now.

  • They never actually fixed the hammer no-reg issue
  • Earthshatter either doesn’t hit anyone when it’s meant to, or hits people it shouldn’t
  • Charge either casually knocks people aside or vacuums them in
  • Things like Pulse Bomb going through his shield when they’re not meant to

And that’s just scratching the surface.


Not Buffing Reinhardt at the same time Brigitte is getting nerfed sounds somewhat logical, but we’ve been asking for those buffs and bug fixes long before we knew about a character named Brigitte. I think we deserve these changes as soon as possible since we’ve patient for a long time now.

Ahem, 2 years to be exact …

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I got blown by a bomb earlier today, even though I shielded it … I have a proof too!!

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This is sadly a 100% true statement that is backed up by a ton of Video evidence. I wish it weren’t true, but it is. The bugs are real:


I think a lot of Reinhardt mains don’t really care about Rein’s viability, myself included. While him being meta relevant is a nice bonus, I think a lot of us just want the actual experience improved.

It’s not even that there’s anything wrong with his kit. I don’t think anyone wants a rework.

It’s a combination of the unholy amount of bugs, and the change of his role from being the team’s shield to being the enemy’s punching bag.

It’s a bit like old Lúcio in a way. You help by existing, but your actual input as a player doesn’t matter so much. You just need to soak loads of heals and get juggled around like a ping pong ball so the rest of the team doesn’t, but it’s not the same experience as actually making proactive choices and trying to control the tempo of the fight.

I don’t want to go back to the “Rein is mandatory” meta from the earlier seasons, and I’m not going to complain about his viability. I just want him to feel like he’s actually doing the job he’s built for.

I’ve been playing Khan in Paladins, and I got the “Oh yeah, this is what Rein used to feel like” from him. As in he’s stalwart and durable, and you can actually make decisions. He actually feels like the tank he is. This is what I want Rein to go back to being.


To anyone who says “Rein doesn’t need help right now,” I implore you to play Reinhardt as solo queue in competitive for several games and dare you to say that statement again with a straight face on. Let’s see if you can keep a straight face on, because I know you will find issues, anyone with a decent game sense will find issues.

Reinhardt has been having issues long before Brigitte was added, and I’m not even talking about the bugs. Brigitte just highlighted the problem only now and the problem is no exaggeration. REINHARDT NEEDS HELP, PLAIN AND SIMPLE. Only people that are clueless in the matter or folks who have absolutely bad game sense can deny that. Reinhardt is still playable but these issues are real.

This argument that Rein is doing well in pickrates and winrates? People should know by now that those stats don’t show everything that needs to be fixed. Heck, pickrates and winrates didn’t show how stupid the Sombra hack buff was and it still got fixed. And Brigitte is not enabling Reinhardt to be meta, if anything she is just carrying him, and that is not fine.

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I don’t think stage 4 will bring in Brig. They didn’t bring in the updated Blizzard world in this stage so.

I don’t think they want to make one of the slowest play styles in the game slower.

This doesn’t look like Rein’s ok for me though.

There is just no winning with these forums. People beg for solutions to make heroes have a higher skill cap, to be more dynamic, to have more counter-play… I offer up probably the best solution to creating all these, and someone fears the game being slower.

Newsflash, deathball is already the slowest meta you are ever going to play in. We might as well make it more fun, dynamic, challenging, filled with more counter-player, and a higher skill ceiling.

really hard to tell right now

Brig seems to do a good job of enabling him and they’ve just done some of the biggest balance changes in the games history so its a bit wonky

Might be easier to tell after the brig nerf but right now you feel a bit like a meat pillar and he is in serious need of some knock back resistance or something

I already knew that deathhball was slow. That’s why I said it in my post. Isn’t that why people didn’t like triple tank. Because it was slow and nothing died. So they made a good Dive counter to help him. Now they are nerfing the part that contributed most to the never dying problem.

While i agree he should be immune. It should only be from the Front. If i manage to jump above rein as Lucio, i should be able to boop him away to the side, same as pharah or brig if she somehow sneaks up from behind.

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There’s something you’re not understanding here. I don’t want to play Reinhardt because another hero is good, I want to play Reinhardt because Reinhardt is good.

Has Brig increased Reinhardt’s pickrate? Yes. But that’s because you’re forced to pick Reinhardt when you pick Brig. Try picking Reinhardt without a Brig; I doubt it’ll work too well the majority of times.

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Sounds fair enough to me.

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