People don’t believe rape victims when they don’t present evidence, so she got her evidence. I’m very sorry that happened to you.
I guess I probably should have listened to the clip before posting this reply. I did read the doc however.
Yes. The clip is very explicit. She asks him to stop multiple times, and not only does he not stop, he basically tells her to shutup without using that word.
It’s nothing gray about it.
I don’t blame you for not listening, it’s disturbing.
They had to. No way they could contain their face without suspending him temporary, and i assume in future, for once and ever.
Unless a new light is gonna fall upon this case, Sinatraas days should be over. Even Twitch should ban him from streaming imo.
I haven’t viewed the material myself yet, so I can’t comment on that, but yes… apply my statement to whenever the allegations have been fully proven, whether that’s now or later.
Still can’t believe she had to live through that.
Okay, I did not understand the tone of the clip just from the transcript, thanks for clearing that up.
The least complicated course of action would definitely be to remove the skin and refund those who bought it in either money or OWL tokens.
It’s now. She really ensured it was open and shut against him. I don’t know how it ends up explained as anything else. Unlike many other cases where my more extensive review is required, she presented very hard and disturbing evidence.
I admit I haven’t listened myself because it would likely be triggering but I did see the transcript, and tons and tons of unrelated people have made it clear the transcript is representative of the audio and that audio is even more disturbing than the transcript. So…
Take away his mvp award as well.
Well, there you have it. I don’t know what Blizzard will do, or not do, but this guy is going to be radioactive going forward. He should be. And if that recording is what you said it is, he should be looking at prison.
Nah, if it was a big deal I would’ve done something about it at the time. I’m strong and brave like that.
I’m not so sure someone’s reaction to such a thing happening to them is a matter of strength or bravery. People aren’t weak because they reacted differently than you.
I agree. If you find her tweet you can read the transcript yourself or listen to the audio.
I believe you, and that’s why I have no interest in hearing the recording.
Are you really putting down the bravery of a r*pe victim who couldn’t act on it at the time?
I’m sure Twitter thought she was strong and brave for involving the world in their personal life?
I mean she also addresses why she didn’t. She’s struggling with mental health issues of depression and such. You should really read her entire thing
I see where this is going. Not cool.