Regarding the Sinaatra Situation

I am so sorry to the woman who was allegedly abused. I hope she will move on and be able to do great things for herself and put this behind her.

Will the MVP Zarya skin be removed? I think that it would be justified to issue a PSA and subsequent removal of the skin from the game, refunding players 200 (or possibly more, to compensate for the loss) OWL tokens. I think it would be best not to have a skin directly for Sinaatra when he probably isn’t the best person to represent (if the allegations are true).

For those unaware of the situation:

EDIT 1: It looks like Blizz is taking the justified approach in providing refunds upon request for the skin, and removing MVP badges and the OWL tag for the skin.

EDIT 2: To try to get the thread back on topic:

Now that they have offered refunds, what do you guys believe is the right course of action, in the event the allegations are false? Should they give the people back their Alien skin? Or should they make the OWL Token Refunds final?


I wouldn’t be surprised if Blizzard just ignores it all together

Removing the skin would be for the best however


I wouldn’t put it past Blizz, considering the fact he dropped out of the league and chased a career in Valorant instead. They may finally have found a reason to remove the skin


Pr suicide if they do that. Ignoring sexual abuse relating to one of their most known players who has content credited to them is going to be the final nail in the coffin for them


Why would they remove a skin?
Not only it has nothing that connect it to the person content wise, but it is not even for sell anymore.

Also the whole abusive thing… didn’t something like that happen with another OWL players in the past near the start of OWL?


I’m inclined to say they don’t need to do anything with the skin. It would be different if the skin directly represented the person, but it doesn’t. The person was just inspiration and source material used when creating it. The only remaining link between the two is old articles and marketing announcements from when it first released, and you’d have to specifically go looking for those to even make the connection if you hadn’t already seen them. Other than that, it’s just the Alien Zarya skin.


The skin was credited to him as he was the mvp of the season so it would make sense to remove it/make a statement about it

yeah but is not like he have created it.


He didn’t create it but he gave the go ahead of the skin and is officially said that

“It’s not every day that we get to immortalize not only a person but a moment into the game,”


Ban him from the league as well.

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Considering how many players paid real money to acquire the skin, it would generate a ton of backlash from both the players and the investors. Players will be way more reluctant to pay for skins if then knew they could be taken away in the blink of an eye.

It’s sad what happened to her but it would be much easier to scrub his name from the skin compared to outright removing it. Also considering that many players who bought it probably didn’t/don’t care for Sinaatra, but like the skin itself.


Alternatively for skin, we can replace it with a different skin. Maybe ask the second place MVP for their idea for its replacement.


Sinaatra picked the hero and the skin was specifically made in honor of him being MVP. That’s about as close correlation as you can get. It represents him, should that really be in game?


The WWE more or less removed Chris Benoit’s existence from the annals of WWE history and he was 100 times the man Sinatraa is before his brain injury.


You could refund the player the OW Tokens they paid or possibly offer refunds. Judging Blizz’s history, they’d choose the former, but there ARE solutions. And having a skin around an (alleged) abuser isn’t the best look for your company.

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Cause it’s connected to a horrible person

It was made for him because he was the season 2 owl mvp.


You guys are weird, very weird indeed.


I imagine this is a police matter. :oncoming_police_car:

The skin is ugly.
Blizzard shouldn’t be connecting specific people to skins for this sort of reason.
OWL is boring.
People who hero worship are weird to me.

I remember being disappointed to read that Jeremy Soule was accused of rape and sexual harassment. He denied the accusations, with no charges being filed. Jeremy Soule is the greatest game composer so while I don’t worship him, I do appreciate a lot of his work, so that was maybe the first time I ever felt kinda saddened to find that someone whose work I admired (allegedly) did this sort of thing.

Examples of his amazing work!:
Total Annihilation
Total Annihilation: Kingdoms
Icewind Dale
The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind
Neverwinter Nights
The Elder Scrolls: Oblivion
Supreme Commander
The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim
World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria

Gosh, games don’t have music like this anymore! :partying_face:

Sorry, I got side tracked. We were talking about some OWL gamer? Bleh…
“”“Talent”“” :sweat_smile:

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I’ve only played eso tbh are the other games any good?

I am not for removal, though I do think they should offer refunds to anyone who wants them. However the skin DOES directly represent Sinaatra. It was made in tribute to him, and it’s design is based on his direct desires