Regarding the Sinaatra Situation

I am just curious if his name is even on the skin somewhere (since I don’t own it)

if not, there is technically nothing that connects the skin physically to him.

While I think it is likely that Sinatraa did abuse his girlfriend, the only hard evidence she had that there was abuse and not just jealousy was in the form of the audio clip, which would not have been damning without the explanation she gave. I would like to stress that I think that the is probably not lying, but I would like to see what Sinatraa says first. After all, Nairo was accused but was really the victim.

I think most people would agree that Skyrim is ground breaking and worth playing if you enjoy that sort of thing. Especially with the enhanced edition and it’s got some great mods that make it look even more beautiful.

The older ones will probably feel dated now but at the time they were epic.

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i forgot this skin existed, its the alien zarya skin right? must be very rare i dont think i have ever seen it ingame

Also sf shocks response to the situation

Sentinels (Pro valorant team he plays for) response as well

Valorant esports twitter reply as well


Why remove a skin that, in game, has basically no relation to him?


The audio clip is damning in and of itself, no context required. No means No.


Yes but nowhere in game does it actually say that. In game, it’s just an alien skin. It has absolutely nothing to do with him.

Now, if the skin looked like him, or when you hovered over it it said “Sinatraa mvp skin” or something, then sure maybe. But it doesn’t. As of now in overwatch it’s literally just a skin.


I heavily disagree. She says no, that means no.


Why would they want to punish all the other players by removing cosmetics because of one player’s actions?

The skin is blizzard’s property, not Sinatraa’s, no matter if his ideas were used in making the skin. The guy is not associated with the company outside of owl whatsoever.


I agree that refund offers would be a reasonable choice (depending on the results of the investigations, of course), since many people may have purchased it for the association with Sinatraa and now want undo that.

Yes, the product and its sale were associated with Sinatraa. Nothing in the game indicates that. Leaving the product in the game doesn’t say that the company supports Sinatraa’s alleged actions; it just says that they don’t want to take away items from their players.

This isn’t exactly the first time someone who contributed to an entertainment product has faced civil or criminal allegations. You don’t suddenly remove everything they’ve contributed to from the world just because of that association, as that’s egregiously disrespectful both to the customers who may still enjoy the product on its own merits, and to the teams who worked hard to create that product.


Because if they want to have no association with him after this then this would be one of the courses of action. If they do this then chances are they’ll refund everyone who bought it

Unless you’re Michael Jackson or R. Kelly years down the line.

Do what u want tease

I don’t believe in removing the skin

That’s like HBO hearing about Kevin Spacey’s controversy then going back and removing a movie from 1990 that he gave creative guidance on


I mean, why not just leave and never talk to them again. Why secretly record your personal interactions so you can expose them later? Like, maybe he’s not the nicest person but we’re talking about adults here… exercise some agency and just leave if it’s getting to the point you feel you may need to ‘expose’ them.

Why do you think people get into relationships at that age, do you think they think they’re gonna get married and build a future together at 21 or something? I’ve had a girl pressure me into the act… I was super tired that night but she just unzipped me anyway and I went along with it because I was into her and physically there with her.

I could’ve stood up, left and called it a day but I didn’t. Could’ve gone to the police but I didn’t. I also didn’t nor would I expose her online by accusing her of things that would damage her life that I couldn’t back up. Kind of the scummiest way to go about things tbh.


Read the tweet, recordings were consensual

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When someone is caught red-handed that way, there’s really no good reason to wait. He’s actually caught ignoring her telling him to stop multiple times on tape.


I’d be really mad if blizzard went and removed a skin I paid for.

He’s not associated with actiblizzard company whatsoever outside of owl and he will be fired if the investigations find anything.

Lets be real here; aint nobody bought the skin because they associated it with Sinatraa, they got the skin because it looked like a really nice Zarya skin and they had some owl tokens. And if some feel uncomfortable using the skin from thereon, that’s their right, but players shouldn’t be punished for one person’s actions.

Not to mention with money on the line, refunds would be such a huge mess no company would want to partake in.


Will do. It’s more about the principle of these matters though… ‘exposing’ these things to people who don’t know those involved is just all around not cool.