Regarding the new Mei changes (Feb 26 PTR)

The change is to encourage people to shoot it, 500 was too much there was no reason to shoot it because the time you break it the duration of it was ended.

Mei players need to stop thinking that they have unbreakable wall.

Again, you’re acting as if people always hunger for teamwork and carry out optimal plays, and not like this is the same game that saw a massive drop in shield damage dealt after it stopped counting toward gold medals.

100 HP is a huge difference in the context of 1 or 2 heroes choosing to attack anything in the game. I can’t even begin to list all the damage caps that revolve around a difference of >100 damage, even against the largest HP pools in the game. Might I remind you that Soldier’s largest increase in players happened after his bullet damage went up by just 3 (75 per clip if all bullets hit, along with a nerf to his spread)? But 500 less HP across her Ice Wall is inconsequential as far as you see it? I guess I just don’t agree.

A lot of Overwatch’s playerbase does a good job of learning damage thresholds, and I really do see this making a big difference. Brigites grasped the idea of Bash->click->Whip to one-shot Tracers and Baby DVas quickly (since nerfed), most of the playerbase has picked up on Flashbang-Headshot to reach similar numbers, as well as headshot-melee with McCree. Soldier and Widow Rocket/bodyshot -> melee also reaches 150. Storm Arrow, on first release, had backlash due, in no small part, to how well it could tank-bust with various body/headshot combinations to reach kills on Orisa/her barrier. I honestly think people will look at the 100 HP reduction and think more about how they can deal with it themselves. Maybe that’s not the case with your teammates/enemies, but I wholeheartedly believe it is for mine.

I’m having trouble seeing any of this. Bastion was one of the hardest heroes to go up against with Mei because they could easily shred your wall.
If you’re choosing your hero based purely on the category your teammates’ lie in on the hero select, and then you’re going to complain about where Mei struggles and when tanks need to be added to/removed from the mix, I think you need to take another look at what you’re doing. It’s been a long-standing and proven idea in organized Overwatch play that Mei isn’t supposed to be used as a typical DPS pick. She’s always worked better to pad out lapses in tanking ability across the team and jived well with healers that can put out damage as well. Claiming that she’ll help carry her weight as a DPS combined with the change encouraging dedicated tanks to operate alongside her doesn’t add up to me, sorry.

Mei players… need to stop thinking… they have an unbreakable wall…

And you’re happy it was-- I’m just gonna go ahead and assume you meant “Mei players need to stop thinking they deserve an unbreakable wall” and save us both time.

As I’ve already talked about in a previous reply, I prefer the idea that wall works more like a shield than it does a complete roadblock that needs to be neutered, making for a more versatile hero than another one that just kills you. You’re clearly coming at me as if I’m salty about Mei being nerfed, but if you’re fine with the piercing unblockable CC beam killing you even faster, then I guess you do you…

They should strive towards teamwork. Otherwise, they should go play single player games.

Oh man, you’re right. Now that everyone knows that thanks to you, I won’t see any more selfish players in my Overwatch games, or any Overwatch games at all!


I know that’s the way people say to use her, but I’ve always felt that it barely works, at best. I’m never terribly happy to see a Mei on my team and it’s because her damage is so bad. I would gladly accept a more ‘conventional’ Mei who is less niche even if she’s a little worse in that niche.

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I don’t really understand what you’re saying?

Are you telling me that encouraging cooperation between a TEAM is bad game design for a team based multiplayer game?

No, I’m saying you’re not going to accomplish anything by just denouncing selfish players. The fact that the game sporadically, but not consistently, takes steps to design with them in mind, means that I’ll have a worse experience for it. Matchmaking and group-queues, numerous hero changes in the past, the counterpicking core hero design in Overwatch that people started banding against HARD earlier last year, and hell, people in this thread can’t even make up their mind if this is team-focused or solo-focused in design.

Ignoring players like this won’t make them go away. Design that helps protect me from selfish or toxic teammates I can’t control won’t ruin the experience for teams with good communication. A competent design team could make solo and team play fun, and many have in the past. I’m not going to feel regret over holding Blizzard to that standard.

I see your point and it’s fully understandable, but the thing is, Mei has the lowest average damage of all DPS’ers AND tanks.

I don’t think Mei needed these changes, but I think Blizzard want to make Mei less tanky and more DPS-ish with these changes.

They did fixed one bug though:

Her ultimate can’t get stuck and delayed anymore.

About the bug where you teleport around the map on the Icewall, I haven’t encountered that bug in quite some time. I guess it’s a pretty rare bug.

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I’m glad to see your stance is more understanding and less argumentative, but I still have to point out that I DO understand why/how Blizzard is leaning toward a more DPS-styled Mei, but I still disagree with it for the sake of a more varied lineup capable of tanking. I’ll admit, fully, that I’m very potentially biased as someone who wants to be helpful to the team and can’t wrap their head around the current tanks in the game (hasn’t stopped me in other games though), and someone who often sees too many DPSs in their games to comfortably work with, whether I’m DPS or support (my most played role), but when you consider the abundance of tank/support mains who agree, is it really that out-of-the-ordinary to ask about? The game seems to be making more and more designs toward a homogenized, over-saturated DPS lineup, even with the occasional throwable Turret, potentially out of resentment for the rise of comps like GOATs, which didn’t affect players like me negatively in the first place.

The only thing tanks did to hurt me was being so necessary by the game’s core role design. And this change isn’t helping that at all.

Also, I DO appreciate bugs like Snowball getting caught less a lot, and I appreciate the highlight yo attatched, I’m just saying more of that, along with other small changes would be appreciated before they go through with bigger patches for the hero.

McCree got his Deadeye damage buffed and buffed and buffed, and he still doesn’t have proper killshot order, rail penetration, and fixed no-regs. He never got other QoL changes like not getting randomly headshot during his variable, model-stretching Combat Roll.

Torb didn’t get his headshot hitbox fixed until his rework, three years after the game’s public beta.

Symmetra’s basically crawling with bugs at all times to be honest. I see her in Quickplay mostly after some new Turret-in-wall spot gets discovered.

My point, here, is that quality-of-life changes often lead to less frustration, but they can very well have the side of genuinely effecting the balance of some mechanics/heroes. Like maybe Symm would get a notable buff and Mei a notable Wall/Cryo nerf if Symms had another hero to add to their undoubtedly important “beam-feeder” list (Wall and sometimes Cryo mean there’s not many people around to immediately threaten Symm either). Maybe I’d be satisfied playing Mei more often if I didn’t flip out and end up somewhere I didn’t realize because her Wall has been buggy since the Ashe patch. Maybe McCree’s ult wouldn’t need to do as much damage if kills players assumed they’d get and not have blocked by a single rail actually went through-- but it’s too late for Blizzard to try that now without risking making the ability OP. And Blizzard has way too much pride to backpeddal most of the time.

That Ashe-patch Wall comment brings me to my last point though… I don’t know if I have any recordings of the glitch on-hand lol. I only started using Shadowplay again recently with my new harddrive, but if I can find a clip, I’ll absolutely show you. The teleporting thing is extremely disorienting (even if it does put me back on the Wall proper after a bit), and I could swear I’ve seen a lot more Cryo-Freeze lag fails since then too.

This change was a bad one, one of the main reasons you play mei is for her utility. The reason she performs poorly against other dps is not power. Her shots are actualy powerfull, but it her speed. She’s slow to get into position, her shots take too long to fire where as a Mc cree, Hanzo even reaper fire faster in the same time and move faster. I’ve even seen Rein’s evade her blizzard by hopping out. She’s just too slow in a game where speed is important.

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Good news! I had ShadowPlay on while it happened finally

gfycat dot com/grouchyinfinitecuckoo

In this clip, you can clearly see me zip all the way to the small healthpack at the base of the staircase that goes to 1st point’s sniper spot. I was obviously disoriented by it, briefly assuming that I got knocked off my wall or somehow misplaced it (which can easily happen, considering test results showing Ice Wall’s activation inputs can be dropped). This, in-turn, cased me to run a bit in a panic, not wanting to stand still while the server rubber-banded me back to where I was supposed to be. I scrambled to jump to the Junkrat I had my eyes on, mis-inputed my couch-jump on the way up, and, instead of being able to go back across the metal bridge, got caught out near the enemy team as the fight below me swung in their favour.

Other times/spots I clearly remember this happening on are:
On Hanamura, Walling beneath your feet to go from defender’s balcony area to Point A, and getting briefly flung to the Point B highground or main doorway to Point B next to the large health pack hut.
And on Temple of Anubis, where attempting to wall my way up from the platform with crates to the pillar near Point B (a jump all characters can make, Ice Wall is just easier), I either see the right attacker entrance to Point B, or part of the entrance to defender’s spawn. All I can remember clearly is stone texture and the bug is hard to replicate to check.
There’s other spots too, but I’m trying to be clear and honest here, so I won’t attempt to recount details of instances where I don’t have a mental picture of what happened.

This isn’t nearly as bad as the bug they once patched in where Wall beneath your feet just slid you off, but this and other things that just don’t feel so good, like Cryo-Freeze both getting you killed, despite a camera change and sound effect, while also being an ability that’s not rewarding to stay in for long periods of time without stalling or healing (ie: no mobility at all, no ammo regeneration, very limited blocking that teammates never count on)-- it all just makes for occasional frustration that could at LEAST be designed around if they don’t want to patch it out (in the case of Cryo-Freeze lag, I’d understand if they COULDN’T patch it out). Like my aforementioned reloading idea, or making Wall perhaps larger so I don’t have to worry about needing to crouch-jump specifically to make it to certain high ground spots while my blood pressure is spiking from the game flashing death and far-off healthpacks in front of my face. :slight_smile:

Mei players are upset?

Now that’s what I like to see.

Truly, the pinnacle of game design. Just upset players of a certain character while also buffing the most frustrating part of their kit to play against.

You a Mei main then?

Figured, it was either that or you just have nothing else to do than get into arguments.

Mm, I think this salt will go particularly well on my chips.

Do you resort to petty sarcasm everytime someone addresses you with something you don’t like? This is just an honest question so don’t get offended.

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“Do you resort to petty sarcasm everytime someone addresses you with something you don’t like? This is just an honest question so don’t get offended.”

Great question! No. It was mocking you.

Do you?

Edit: Wait, my bad I think you just answered that with your reply.

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So did I:


I will even make it worse. It can affect other players as well:

It’s a rare bug, but it definitely needs to be fixed.

If you’re are interested in more Mei bugs, then you should give this thread a look:
🛠 A complete list of all the Mei bugs

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Actually amazing reply. I’m super happy you weighed in on this, especially after I started feeling crazy and started wanting to talk more about Mei being buggy, with or without talking about her fun factor.

I’ll definitely be sure to check out the thread, and I’ll stop spreading misinformation about this being post Ashe-patch stuff, which I guess is when I just started playing her extra often to notice.

Thank you!

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