Regarding the new Mei changes (Feb 26 PTR)

Truly, the pinnacle of game design. Just upset players of a certain character while also buffing the most frustrating part of their kit to play against.

You a Mei main then?

Figured, it was either that or you just have nothing else to do than get into arguments.

Mm, I think this salt will go particularly well on my chips.

Do you resort to petty sarcasm everytime someone addresses you with something you don’t like? This is just an honest question so don’t get offended.

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“Do you resort to petty sarcasm everytime someone addresses you with something you don’t like? This is just an honest question so don’t get offended.”

Great question! No. It was mocking you.

Do you?

Edit: Wait, my bad I think you just answered that with your reply.

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So did I:


I will even make it worse. It can affect other players as well:

It’s a rare bug, but it definitely needs to be fixed.

If you’re are interested in more Mei bugs, then you should give this thread a look:
🛠 A complete list of all the Mei bugs

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Actually amazing reply. I’m super happy you weighed in on this, especially after I started feeling crazy and started wanting to talk more about Mei being buggy, with or without talking about her fun factor.

I’ll definitely be sure to check out the thread, and I’ll stop spreading misinformation about this being post Ashe-patch stuff, which I guess is when I just started playing her extra often to notice.

Thank you!

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