Reducing shields was such a good change

I don’t think it is necessarily a horrible idea. The reason I am not fully opposed to damage reduction through shields is that it would reinforce the idea that shields are meant to be temporary cover while you are pushing through a choke point. I feel that would emphasize the use of natural cover as much as possible.

However, this approach would be a delicate balance situation. Maybe a multiplicative 5% damage reduction for outgoing damage that passes through a shield, for each shield the damage passes through. So for double shield that would be a 9.75% damage reduction if both shields are up at the same time. That being said, with the way balancing is handled in this game makes me doubt it could be implemented in an even-handed, consistent manner.

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My Orisa adapted too.

She cowers behind cover now. :frowning:

DPS shamed our tanks. Hopefully , in OW2, they will get it right.

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I’m sure he does. But he wants that.

If I wanted that, I would strive for that. I played a handful of seasons where I wanted to see how high I could get. I got 1 game away from Diamond and started to notice my ping was a huge factor. Instead of pushing through, I accepted it.

My PC is now mcuh better then it was, and if someone wanted to pay me to play Overwatch for a month, I bet I could beat my old record.

I don’t think that’s going to happen though.

I wouldn’t bet on it.

Natural cover? Where would I find that? /s Most of the maps sorely lack this attribute imo. But I’ll agree that the decline in shields power certainly makes you attempt to use this other inadequate resource more than you otherwise would of.

If you haven’t heard they may go 5 v 5 in OW2.

1 tank
2 Healers

OW2 may bring back tanks to where they should be.
Tough, immovable anchors of safety.
I would love it if Lucio booped himself off the edge of the map trying to boop any tank in OW2.

I can’t tell if this whole post is a joke, or if this is just so much cringe on my radar that it’s making me confuse you with a troll…

The main problem is this;

The way Blizzard balances things, if there is only 1 tank per side, it will always be 1 tank to rule them all. There will be a single SUPER META tank and people will cry, oh, they will cry.

I am very confused why this keeps coming up. This was not mentioned at Blizzcon this year. As far as I can tell, this is pure speculation based on the fact that most of the videos from Blizzcon only had 2 tanks in most of the shots (granted they didn’t show a lot of supports on screen at once either). However, there is one shot that clearly shows 3 tanks in a single shot: Rein, Hog and a dead Winston. People cite the former statement while ignoring the second, or using more speculation to explain it away…

It’s a solution, albeit a bad one, to the queue time issue. Only having 1 of any role is a very very bad idea.

Doubtful. I believe they learned a lot here with Overwatch to develop OW2.

The map designs may force you off some tanks in favor of others. A single tank to rule all the maps would be very unlikely.

Close quarter maps I may choose Rein or Zarya.
Long sight lines I may choose Orisa or Sigma.
Against very high damage comps I may play Zarya exclusively.
We shall have to wait and see…

My point is that there is no official communication that comes even close to substantiate that claim. Yet, people keep saying it is something they might be doing.

Many games will then be lost because “switch off of “X” tank, they don’t work here” and Blizzard will change it like they always do.

I really wonder what devs are thinking with that 800hp Rein barrier from BlizCon.

How exactly are they going to keep snipers in check?

Idk what about this implies I’m joking but alright

They need to try out 500 Health Orisa barrier 6 second cooldown

You’ve been here how long and you don’t know. I mean “c’mon man”.

Not just WITH players that are worse than xqc’s, but also AGAINST players that are worse than his, both sides have less healing and coordination than in xQc’s game.
Im looking at the average tank comp stats rn and comparing gold to GM, tank elims are close to the same, OBJ kills GM is lower than gold, OBJ time GM is lower for most heroes, damage is higher in GM but some heroes are lower than in gold, E:D ratio close to the same, solo kills lower in GM, final blows is close to the same.

so even with overbuff in most cases gold stats are either equal or better than GM, does this mean gold players get better results than GMs, no because the stats were gained under 2 totally different circumstances.


Locate “TooEasy” and destroy.

For the last God damned time, I was high Platinum before private profiles infected the game.

Not to mention, that’s not how stats work, but whatever let’s you sleep at night.

I mean, that’s my problem.
I could make it work, if they need to.

OW2 PVP, Low Barrier problems