Reducing shields was such a good change

They need to try out 500 Health Orisa barrier 6 second cooldown

You’ve been here how long and you don’t know. I mean “c’mon man”.

Not just WITH players that are worse than xqc’s, but also AGAINST players that are worse than his, both sides have less healing and coordination than in xQc’s game.
Im looking at the average tank comp stats rn and comparing gold to GM, tank elims are close to the same, OBJ kills GM is lower than gold, OBJ time GM is lower for most heroes, damage is higher in GM but some heroes are lower than in gold, E:D ratio close to the same, solo kills lower in GM, final blows is close to the same.

so even with overbuff in most cases gold stats are either equal or better than GM, does this mean gold players get better results than GMs, no because the stats were gained under 2 totally different circumstances.


Locate “TooEasy” and destroy.

For the last God damned time, I was high Platinum before private profiles infected the game.

Not to mention, that’s not how stats work, but whatever let’s you sleep at night.

I mean, that’s my problem.
I could make it work, if they need to.

OW2 PVP, Low Barrier problems

That would be a buff. I think a less healthy shield but making it available way faster would be good. Sigma is literally just better right now.
I wish orisa was good too but idk how to make her good. I’m a sigma and hog main so Orissa players are my favorite

Less enjoyable to play shield tanks = less enjoyable to play heroes that need shield tanks. No it wasn’t but tip your imaginary hat to them all you want. I’m gonna slap them with my imaginary opera gloves when I get the chance

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Let’s see… :thinking:

900 HP barrier; shattered in less than two seconds :point_down:

If you pause the video @ about 18 seconds you can see they reduced Orisa’s 900 HP shield down to 630 even before it seemed to fully deploy.
That team, in that patch, didn’t need the shield nerf at all.
600 HP barrier; SHATTERED!!! She cowers behind cover.
500 HP barrier; Orisa, “Effie? Why do you hate me?”


Carry out the initial order.
Seek and destroy…

Don’t worry. Just step away from your PC you will be fine.

:desktop_computer: (TooEasy)


500hp with a 6 second cooldown would be good


There is another “TooEasy” device.
Destroy it.

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You don’t understand… I’m hog a player :disappointed_relieved: we’re supposed to be friends

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500 HP on a 6 second cool down would be like this…

500 HP

(Wait 6 seconds)

I understand. You are a tank ally.
I am just trying to show you it’s a bad idea.
The amount of damage they do collectively is huge.
They should revert the shield nerfs.

I would have to disagree, it is true that I do have to use cover more often but I have not found that to be any better than before. In the end tanks will have to come out into the open to capture the objectives and being blown away is seconds does not feel good.

Shields have been part of this game since the beginning but people are acting as if they were some great foe that needs to not exist. I have seen people say shields effect tempo or they are anti-fun which I find kind of incredulous. Is the game being closer to valorant the perfect tempo?

I was drawn to this game because of the different play styles and Shield tank was one of my most favored play style, before the shield nerfs. I guess the only fun for most people is giving swift death to tank as soon as they peek. I truly hope there will be more shield tanks when Overwatch 2 comes out.

Personally I would like a slower game with stronger shields and have some strategy involved beyond kill everything in seconds blitz.


That’s completely valid, I get your perspective. I just personally like the fast paced “make decisions on the fly” thing we’ve got going on now. If I liked tanks because they had powerful shields I’d probably be pissed too

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Hard disagree. The reason high burst damage exists at all was to allow for kills made from the chinks in the enemy’s armor. Without the armor, dps are oppressive and just kind of shoot wherever and get free value.

That’s true but hopefully if they follow through with the tank changes they proposed for OW2 It will feel a lot better.

Right now if you play rein it feels like even if you get a 3 man shatter the few players that aren’t shattered still have enough damage/CC to stop you from getting much value with it. So playing rein just feels like - absorb damage for the team and just aim for small shatters on out of place players so you dont get absolutely demolished after you drop shield

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It’s not like there aren’t any barriers anymore, and smart barrier usage still blocks plenty of damage as Rein or Sigma.

Orisa lags behind still though, and while Sigma has the stats necessary to still block plenty of damage, the cooldown nerf he got makes it unreliable.

Softer barriers were still inevitable unless they just chose to stop adding anymore after Orisa. The options were either softer barriers or arbitrary limitations to character selection. I’d much rather have the former as long as the barriers are still individually useful, and most still are.

A Rein barrier gets bursted before he and the team can ever move to the next corner without a lucio (sometimes even with) Think about how quickly primal Winston goes. That’s about as long as even the best barriers have when people focus. It simply isn’t enough. It’s why most fights require a pick before moving in these days

Eh, that sounds highly exaggerated to me, or at least map dependent

Most maps have plenty of cover to move between so that barrier health can be preserved.