Reduce WP Pack price for people who own OW Legendary edition

the watchpoint pack is supposed to be mostly for new players but those who already own the legendary edition shouldn’t have to pay 40 for the pack which includes the legendary edition in its price. its like back when you gave Raynhardt skin along with other stuff from other games - forcing people to pay for useless stuff

the icon is too good and shiny to miss on, the Cass Raider skin is top notch, premium battle pass and tons of currency to get future premium battle passes / skins and arguably guaranteed beta access on day 1 is good.

The legendary edition upgrade of OW is like 5-10 bucks
so reduce the Watchpoint Pack to like $30 / €30 !



Here’s the cost breakdown for you. Again.

$10 Cassidy skin
$10 S76 Skin
$10 2k currency
$10 Battle pass

This pack isn’t aimed at selling new players Overwatch. It’s to sell you two FOMO legendary items, 2k of the currency, and your first premium battle pass.

“But how do you know the cost?!”

FOMO legendary skins have been $10 for ages. See OWL skins. The other premium currency we have (OWL Tokens) is $10/200. We can assume it’s $10 per 2k in the cash shop. That’s $30 of your $40 accounted for. The remaining $10 is your battle pass. If you don’t own OW1 yet, or somehow don’t have the legendary edition, grats. You get free skins. For everyone else? They’ve priced it this way for the reasons above.

It’s also aimed at people who want to buy OW now as there’s no way of doing so other than this bundle if I’m not mistaken, or at least that version of OW.

might have missed but I don`t recall them giving the breakdown of each part of the pack anywhere else? are you making this estimmated guess comparing with prices from similar games?
the pack contains first day beta access along with the cool icon and the legendary edition supposedly these have a cost too.

Then why is the legendary edition of OW included in the pack?

The skins description never said they are available one time (FOMO) only with the acquisition of the pack / bundle. They most likely return in the game shop of OW2.
“But how do you know the cost?!”

The skins are not FOMO, never were they called exclusive or anything like that in the description so we can assume you still can get them in OW2. Was it confirmed that legendary skins in OW2 will cost as much as OWL skins with the game’s F2P model?


Not from similar games. From OW1 itself. Beta access is guaranteed to you by at least Jul 14th, so long as you sign up. This gives you a queue skip, yes. But so long as you sign up, you get access.

Because this is the last chance for people who do not have the legendary edition skins a final opportunity to obtain them. Also, this is quite literally the only version of OW1 you can buy now. There’s no standard purchase option, no upgrade option, just this.

It 100% did. Go reread the fine print again. It has also been confirmed by devs during the live stream yesterday, on twitter, and on the forums here iirc. I’m fairly certain WyomingMyst made a post about this when he contacted the team the other day.

Overwatch® 2 in-game items and content will be awarded to players that have purchased Overwatch® 2 Watchpoint Pack when Overwatch® 2 is launched.

See above. Also, $10 has been the base price for the FOMO legendary skins since they started selling them in the OWL shop. There is zero indication that they’ll change that model now going in to OW2. Yes, things are subject to change, but all we have to go off of right now is OW1 and it’s monetization practices that already exist. It is more than safe to assume these prices.

Edit: Here’s the post confirming that the skins are indeed FOMO and will not be available for purchase after OW2 launches. Watchpoint exclusive only. Battle Pass Price - #127 by Kaedi-11739

Yes I can see the skins being $10 USD each but you’re basing the rest of this on assumptions.


Go check how much OWL tokens cost. Then take a look at how many tokens it takes to purchase ONE legendary OWL skin. $10 for 200 tokens. One legendary costs 200 tokens. Again, it’s extremely safe to assume that 2k tokens will be the cost of a legendary skin in the cash shop, going off of the other cash shop we have, which makes it $10. That leaves $10 left to fill, and the battle pass has already been confirmed to be upgradeable from free to premium via the new currency, so… Yeah. $10 baseline for skins & battle pass, and of course the currency will have different purchase packages, but $10 for the 2k as well.

Again, it’s pretty sound logic and you may be right but at the moment it’s speculation and assumptions.


They’re being very careful not to discuss pricing in light of the D:I backlash. And D:I is the gift of misery that keeps on giving seemingly every day. People would burn these forums down the moment they mention that commons are 500, epics 1000, and legendary 2000, especially since they won’t be converting any of our current currency over to OW2. Still, this is how f2p live service games work. Give you crappy deals on individual purchases, offer discount incentives on bundles. I’m guessing the “classic” skins/emotes/etc. will all be heavily discounted (as in, what was available in normal loot boxes), and the increased/current pricing will only apply to new skins & seasonal event skins.

Yeah it’s a shame really, I could have been swayed if I’d had a bit more information on this bundle. And they did say that they were going to be more transparent.

Man, I’m kind of kicking myself. I really liked that Junker Queen trailer and so pumped about seeing what type of skins she’d have and what things I could buy.

If only Blizzard could fly on down and show me what the 2000 OW2 currency is going to buy for me and why would I purchase it on versus waiting later.

fair points. do you happen to know if the 2000 OW2 credits would be enough to buy a weapon charm?

that was for PR
they are transparent only with the good things at least

So far, the only way we’ve seen to obtain the charms is via the battle pass. They had it as a reward for one of the goals. But again, they’re not really wanting to discuss the shop with us.

Maybe during the third beta, they might bring in the shop and allow us to spend money and buy items from it, then refund us coins upon launch of OW2 so we can rebuy all the stuff. But I fully expect the shop to turn in to a massive point of controversy.

Why? A battle pass, 2 legendary skins, and 2000 currency alone is probably going to cost around $57 when the game is released. Why not pay $40 for it instead?

To clarify it appears that the watchpoint bundle will be available after the game launches, but the skins will only be available in that bundle.

Will the bundle update each season to include that season’s battle pass as a one time thing? Or will the battle pass portion be removed and the cost reduced slightly after launch?

The main target market for this pack is current OW players. The game is just thrown in so maybe some new players will buy it too.

Do they have any plans for other bundles/deals leading up to the October launcher?

If there are, they are beyond my knowledge. I would recommend that if you are interested in these specific skins and player icon to get this bundle now, as they are exclusive to this bundle.

Unfortunately not really… I was more interested on how the new currency would be valued and how much battle passes would be in the future. Do they have any plans on elaborating more on these particular features and their costs?

Oh yeah, they will be detailing everything about how cosmetics and additional purchases will work in the months ahead leading up to the launch of Overwatch 2. Your patience is appreciated here.