Reduce the Hanzo arrow size

It’s actually

Illari : 0.1m diameter(0.05m radius)
Ana hipfire against enemies : 0m for a long time, but buffed to 0.2m diameter recently(0.1m radius), same as Hanzo arrow

All the size Blizz said is radius.

more like 110 to 120-125. 200 would obviously be too much because thats a literal one shotting hitscan LOL

So, an extra 10-15 meters per second or however speed is calculated/ named is worth having his arrow size reduced to- what? How small do his arrows have to be before they’re no longer “logs” or “skyscrapers”? If they reduce the size of a projectile like this, they should buff their speed by a percentage of roughly the same amount.

If they nerf the size of his arrows from 0.1 or 0.2, whatever it is, to half that or less, it should fly about 50% faster or more.

The day ya’ll actually understand replays do not account for things like latency and hitboxes you will be happier.

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It’s a bug in current replay viewer apart from normal lag issues in ow1, if you slow down hanzo shoulder starts rotating too often doesn’t mean it happened in game.

There is also a bug were sonar arrow visually looks like it travels like a zero charge shot but actually you were firing fully charged, so when you see this in replay in slo mo it will look like arrow is traveling slowly then suddenly it tps and hits target.

There is so many bugs like this in ow2 replay.

Wiki and you can test it in workshop

should also mention how replay is on 20 tick compared to 64 tick, so many nuanced things are cut out for the sake of replayability. So my aim in a live-stream replay will look comparibly better than the replay, people should just study the technicalities of the game before commenting


i would say reduce it to 0.075 meters. currently its 0.1m , and reducing it to 0.075m would be a midpoint situation between 0.05 and 0.1 (i say this because people say illari’s feels too small, and she has a 0.05m on her primary)

def not anywhere below 0.05 or even 0.05 in general.

eh i dont see a point in that really. just increase the speed by how good it feels, both as and against, not just bc you reduced the whatever by like 12.5%. percentages make things 10x more weirder lol

just to bring what i said b4 back down, i say 0.075 is a better solution than 0.05 would be. and yes the size is 0.1m currently

yea, they forgot the past when his arrow was extremely fast, almost hitscan level. He was play by a ton of widowmaker mains doing so many consistent headshot at mid range.

So long range map, they played wm, close to mid range, they played Hamzo. There was so much whining during those time.


It was specified by the developers themselves.

If you weren’t aware, the hitbox of Hanzo’s arrow is a ball located at the tail end of the arrow.


They’ve done it before, increasing speed by as much as the size was reduced, and even that wasn’t enough considering they buffed the speed like 2-3 more times later, then nerfing it from 125 to 110 later. So, nerfing his arrow size by about 25% should at minimum see a speed buff of at least 20-25%.

then that would be 137.5m/s. thats REALLY fast and if 125 was too fast, 137.5 isnt any better

125 would simply be reverting a nerf while nerfing his size by 25%.
20% boost would be 132 for losing 25% size.
25% boost, equal to the size nerf from 0.1-0.075, would just be an equal trade.

Besides, it’s what people complaining about his size and randomness want anyway whether they realize it or not. The only reliable way to make a character like him more skill based is by increasing his consistency, which is achieved by a size and/ or speed buff. Everyone wins.

Hanzo mains rely more on skill than luck and predictions, which is half luck anyway.

And everyone else gets to enjoy fighting someone who would be more skill based than luck.

yeah, a nerf put in place because it was too fast for his current 0.1m arrows

Would it be too fast for 0.075? I doubt it. 132? Doubt it. 137.5? We’d have to see.

People complained zero-sized hitscan too consistent for a long time, but then sized hitscan too small? Nah.

that’s the thing, it probably is. 0.075 is still decent for a projectile, and the problem is hero hitboxes are too big. and alec said that hero hitboxes were too time consuming to change and that’s why they rarely ever do it. so just reduce the arrow size and increase the speed to 125m/s and boom you have a hanzo that’s better to play against and play as because the increased speed means it’s easier to land shots, you just gotta change some muscle memory a bit which shouldn’t be too hard for good hanzo mains

They need to decide what range he’s supposed to play at and make him useless at the other ranges.

I would decrease size, but also increase arrow drop