Record broken - over 600 games

… this is what I am convinced his goal is. I propose we all agree to furthermore ignore his lies and “subtle” advertising himself and just let his threads rot in 2 comment hell.


I only watch for entertainment. Thats it. And you get that with Ethernyets streams

Dont worry, i stopped watching them ages ago

I dunno man… I get to deal with whiny people blaming others all day automatically… I don’t need to seek it out. Especially attention seeking whiners.

I know.

But Ive stopped watching them. Even I can only take so much braincell loss


I have a friend who had that same mindset too lol and was extremely toxic. It got so bad for him that he was on his 12th+ account after losing so many, eventually he finally grew up and realised he shouldn’t be acting that way and quit the game, and he’s a much better and awesome person now.

Before though, playing any games with him was draining and extremely depressing, nearly ended my friendship with him over this game. My friend would report anyone who “killed him” when he thought it was a “unfair” a cheater and would report them, if he thought it was a lose he’d stand in the spawn making the lose faster, he even did it in games I was with him in.

Doing placements later in the week. Once again I will win zero of those as well, just like every season. It’s no longer possible to win by accident because the better smurf is NEVER on my team.

Oh and just broke 900.

:sweat_smile: I have this crazy (conspiracy) theory that in reality he is a well known OW streamer/OW creater/OW caster/Top-500/OWL player/etc. and the whole thing is a injoke behind the scenes … :smirk: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

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God how I wish this was true. In the end, I just want training to be able to be Silver instead of Bronze. But there’s literally nobody on the planet capable of making that happen.

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Oh, the troll is back at it again? Claiming a large, impossibly high losing streak?

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you should be awarded the title of biggest crybaby tbh

is it NOT funny? - Check.
is it annoying everyone looking into this? - Check.
does it bring NOTHING positive or useful to the community? - Check.

Yeah, you’re probably right, it’s actiblizz officials after all.


Only made it to 943, but this is another week…

Why do you still play? Honestly.

skill issue (get gud)

Yeah. Ok buddy… sure

Nobody on here believes you

yknow I’d say I am entertained by this but im not. this is just dumb


Already over 400 this week. Might be able to hit that 1K mark by Monday…

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what is the actual point of posting that you’re losing all these games? Do you enjoy it? Are you some kind of person who derives pleasure from negativity?

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Why do you still play?

overbuff. com/players/pc/Ethernyet-1290/activity

You can track his gameplay here. But the actual rates are not quite what he advertises.

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