Record broken - over 600 games

9/10 isnt statistically 0, not even close

also, dont believe those people who claim forced force 50%. they dont know what theyre talking about


do you have proof that you’ve lost 800 games in a row…
like I wanna see 0-800 in what ever mode(s) you play

You don’t get to say you haven’t won a single game if you’re winning 1/10. That’s 60 wins out of 600.

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Apparently 1/10 is statistically 0 in Ethernyet’s eyes

Idling in game and typing, staying in spawn. That’s certainly throwing and you claim it’s “giving up hope” it’s all throwing. I don’t care about your mental gymnastics. I will report you on game if I see that behavior.

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You say this, but what about games where teams are a whole 3 players down? It is possible for them to win. But unlikely. And somehow some teams do. Maybe its because the enemy becomes too lazy

You on the other hand… apparently thinks playing against a t500 is impossible to win against and stand in spawn contributing less than an amoeba

When that one game is due to the other team leaving or consisting of down-ranking smurfs, etc. then yeah it’s a statistical anomaly. And as I’ve said before, these aren’t “wins” and should not count as “wins”, for anyone. They’re just a glitch and have nothing to do with team skill. Ergo ANOMALY.

A win is a win. You cant say that its not

And yet you think they dont count

Listen to me and listen closely. You arent fooling anybody with this nonsense. Time for you to stop. Go touch some grass. Or read a book. Be productive for once


kk add me im curious

If you win with them, please post a replay

I linked to a stream of his where he throws super hard, then wins in the end. It was from a week or two ago. But I’ve seen him multiple games in a row get “you’re about to be removed for inactivity”. It’s not really a secret that he clearly doesn’t do all he can do to win. Some of the games in the stream, before spawn opens he already calls it a loss and has given up. But trying to explain it to him in my experience has been like talking to a brick wall. He told you that “Staying in spawn for 2 minutes at a time isn’t throwing”. So I wouldn’t count on him as a decent judge of what’s going on.


Ive dealt with them multiple times. They dont fool me. I have watched their streams alot. And its all the sane stuff.

They die one time and then rant to the team in text chat for about 3 minutes

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They die one time and then rant to the team in text chat for about 3 minutes

Once again, you’re only watching a fraction of the games I’ve played. As I’ve said repeatedly, I play way more games where I try hard and never type in chat at all – and those games go exactly the same way.

It literally doesn’t matter if I try, the outcome is always pre-determined. EVERY single game of OW is a complete and utter stomp one way or the other. I happen to always be on the receiving end, others are always on the giving end. That’s just how their matchmaking system works. They’re doing it ON PURPOSE.

I watched about 6 games, and it was in all of them

I’ve streamed TONS of games where there’s no typing in chat. Funny how nobody ever talks about any of those.

I can only comment on what I saw. I don’t follow you regularly.

“record broken” or “broken record”? :stuck_out_tongue:


Nobody believes you.

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Ive watched about 30hrs of your gameplay streams, they all show the same. So basically one can make the assumption that you do it in almost every game.

Why is this kid allowed back on the forums again

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