Controllers sacrifice aim for sensitivity. The default sensitivity is very low, which is good for aiming but also drastically slows you ability to turn and react to things, whereas PC players can snap in any direction with a quick movement. To make up for high sensitivity making precise aim harder with sticks, aim assist makes it easier to stay near a moving target. It literally just makes the game playable on controller
PC already has movement and aim advantages. Where console has the disadvantages I mentioned, PC players have easier strafing and more unpredictable jerky movements that console players cannot replicate. So not only are they making it harder to play with your native controls, it’s against players who have good controls and don’t need aim assist AND they can dodge better than console players.
It will feel absolutely horrid to swap back and forth between having aim assist and not having it. You’re asking me to disregard everything I know about how the game feels, so that I can… Spend time with my friends in your game. Wow, Blizzard. Just wow.
Consoles are locked at almost universally lower FPS than PCs. 120 is your best bet and ONLY with the Xbox Series X. PS5 and last gen players are locked in at 60, while the Switch is at 30. So not only is our ability to aim against people with better aim going to get worse, those people will ALSO almost always have a better visual experience. And we all know that playing at 60 FPS is drastically different from 120, which is different from like 200+ as PC players can get.
If console players are going to be worse, and PC players will have console players in their games, that literally makes the PC experience worse too. And you won’t let them opt out, because they all would since you’re filling their games with people who won’t even be able to play it to the best of their ability anymore.
Blizzard said the intention of this is to make the playing field more even. But all it’s gonna do is make the game unenjoyable in a way it shouldn’t have to be. For console players, for PC players, for people who just want to experience the game with their friends.
People can abuse aim assist with m&k and besides I doubt anyone but the best console players will play hitscan, aim assist alone wouldn’t make it even close to even when your playing at 30 fps.
MMR should solve this issue rather quickly.
“Bad” players drop until they reached their true MMR - what peripherals they use doesn’t really play a role in that.
I would play hitscan into mouse and keyboard players because I am just that confident. Without aim assist, though? I don’t know. Sounds like a hard throw. Would be easier to just use Junkrat.
Well the real concern isn’t official ways of using keyboard and mouse.
It’s stuff like XIMs that take keyboard and mouse inputs, while emulating a controller, to get the effect of aim-assist, but with the benefit of keyboard and mouse.
Aka undetectable “legal hacking” on a system that can have unlimited smurfs.
It isn’t their true mmr if they only drop while handicapped and climb while in console only queue against an even team. And thus their match quality will be much worse because they will be paired constantly with people they outskill and should out rank.
I know that, but is it really so much worse than hacking on PC? Is it really worth removing aim assist as a whole and making the experience frankly unpleasant for all parties? Because XIM will still exist even when it’s not against PC players
No matter what console is stuck with that forever, just as PC will always have new hacks going around. Besides, why would most XIM players want to go against PC where they’ll face actual competition?
The game is built for PC. Console has aim assist on its ports because it WASN’T built for controllers as the default. You PC players would still have the advantage, and you’ll only have more of one when aim assist is removed. You clearly don’t understand it at all, so please don’t speak on it
I’ll be selfish, I hope they don’t get aim assist just so less of them group with pc friends. Since unless it changes, we don’t even get the option to opt out.