Reasonable Hanzo Nerf?

Because of the animation cancel, I count a basic arrow into the barrier burst damage.

It really is nearly instantaneous.

(See if you can notice it at the very beginning of this video)

It’s not Sonic arrow, it’s not storm arrow, it’s not dragons.
It’s Lunge. Giving mobility to a sniper is idiotic, and especially on a 5 second cooldown. Then maybe we can debate the projectile speed on his M1.

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Well removing HS to nerf Hanzos who cant hit HS is kind of redundant?

To be fair, I still prefer just less arrows and no HS, since Hanzo is kinda meh in lower ranks, but is kinda godtier in ranks where people can headshot regularly.

Kind of, but it was the only solution I could think of. I liked the ideas you and Greyfalcon have been talking about though

remove lunge and change storm arrow to be one big arrow that splits into many small arrows when it hits the ground or a wall, which then reflect all over the place. I call it reflect arrow.

In the old barrier meta i saw his barrier brake as a necessary evil, but with that being gone there is no reason spamming it being that rewarding. He should have a higher skill floor for what he can do.

I definitely agree with that

I think the whole idea of Hanzo was anti-tank sniper. It’s the only one that makes sense, even if they pulled it off poorly.

Either Blizzard need to give up on the idea (unlikely, as they are stubborn), or an AT ability needs to be thought up for Hanzo that isn’t an I win button/spammable.

He kinda needed to be, when he had no lunge. Since he didn’t have an escape ability or a heal ability. But now that he has an escape ability, (on a really low cooldown), he’s kinda broken.

That said, Lunge is really fun, so I’d prefer they reduce his anti-tank capabilities.

Especially since the only counter to a ranged sniper character is a barrier, a better sniper, or running away from your team into a 6v1. So barriers should be a reliable counter to snipers, since the other options are bad balance.

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Well, I did just have an idea.

Piercing arrow, instead of storm arrow. Same damage as normal arrow, but ignores defenses (except maybe DM). Allows him to get a pick if he uses it wisely, but it would have a long CD, and his team would have to capitalize on it. Thoughts?

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I dont think Hanzo was meant to be anti tank. Even back in the day with scatter. His ability being on a relative high cooldown didnt make him a reliable asset to deal with tanks. Especially since people could dodge it by jumping and the arrows werent always going at the angle that you wanted if the ground was uneven.

I think he was meant as a mid range sniper, which is weaker than Widow at range, but less defenseless at mid to short range.

Sounds really annoying if it can go through barriers. Could be decent if it just pierces through players I guess.

But I think that players would still prefer 3 StormArrows that don’t headshot.

I think Scatter was a “Winston just jumped on me, I can’t escape, here’s an antitank nuke that’s really easy to aim at close range”

If the Winston is half decent and knew how to bubble dance, there was no way to hit him reliably with all 6 scatters anyways. There was a reason Hanzo was a troll pick back then. If you got hit by the scatter it was salt inducing, but on the Hanzos end you only saw how unreliable the ability was.

Pretty much. But that’s still the design reason you’d give a really strong anti-tank ability to a hero with no horizontal escape and no self heal.

Which proves he’s anti-tank, and why Blizzard would never accept Storm Arrow not being his AT ability. It’s probably why scatter was also removed, because it was unreliable.

Piercing would have a long a CD as possible, you’d have to land a headshot, and your team would have to take advantage of it. It also deals with the problems of a tank, without turning them into free ult charge. Oh, and obviously make it obvious when he uses it.

In their play testing during the Hanzo rework they actually tested that but said it simply felt bad getting killed through barriers. So they didnt went with it.

Yeah, I was about to say that too.

Besides which, barrier are weaker now, so Hanzo isn’t having super rare situations where he can get a shot past barriers.

Oh ffs.

I guess they just won’t touch him because they’ve backed themselves into the stubborn corner with everything.