Reason for not being able to post pics

I, and I know MANY ppl besides me, find it very strange when we cant post picture on a bug report forum. I understand it might get out of hand in General Discussion, etc but this is a forum where we unpaid players help you Blizzard to find bugs and helping you to create a better and more stable product.

Isn’t it logic then that you should make it easier for us to describe and report your bugs and faults?? What is the reason that bug report forum is not able to use pictures, which probably is the best describing tool to complete the identified/suspected bug?

Please Blizzard - make it easier for us to help you identify your bugs!!

You can upload pictures to Imgur and then link it.
If you’re new you can post links but not clickable by this method:
highlight the link and click on the </> icon next to the “ icon.


But I agree. They should let new users post pictures at least in the bugs report section.

I’m pretty sure it’s because “free” accounts (Blizzard accounts that aren’t linked to a copy of overwatch) can access the bug forum. Console users use this type accounts, but so do trolls and spambots. Further more, the trust level system prevents even linked accounts from posting certain links and embedded images if you’re a new user, rarily visit the forums or got some kind of suspension.