Reaper Ult Too OP

As I am reading this thread, I don’t think Rush is saying that Reaper’s Death blossoms is overpowered, I think his issue is the ultimate visual animation, which I do understand.

Maybe a better visual animation that display both the AoE and the height of the ultimate for new comers. On that note, I think changing the title to something like this would help solve the confusion.

Buff/ Fix Reaper’s Ultimate Animation Visual.

Or something along those line.

If you can’t kill a Reaper as Pharrah, you should maybe play another game…

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i was 2 meters above him btw

These people are the reason there’s a whole subreddit for this

Btw to any people who might view this, I made another thread about my thoughts and anyone who was disagreeing with me might want to check it out…

Did you just jebait 25 people? It wasn’t even a medium quality bait

no because I was really mad at the time and i thought reaper’s ult didn’t make sense to go up… lol. in the link below i explain what changes maybe should be made to reaper’s ult

While I can agree that it can feel outrageous when you’re a good floor above him and it hits you anyway(in the sense that you go “what???”), just like with Mei’s ult btw, come on, Reaper needs buffs. Not the right time to ask for such.

Yeah I guess I worded it wrong, at first I wanted blizzard to remove that reaper’s ult could go up, but now I just want them to make the range more visible, like Mei’s ult in the PTR.

One time I played lucio and booped the enemy reaper mid-blossom and he caught our pharah in the air. Hahahahahahaha

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Ana is strong and widely used right now, she shouldn’t have a problem pressing one key and negating ultimates, specially Reapers.

If You look at my profile, i’m a silver pharah main, and she doesn’t have any ult killing abilities, and reaper being below me and ulting kills me and I get annoyed sometimes by it

This would actually be a crazy ult.

this is a joke post criticizing how people complain about “OP” abilities right?

Did you purposely leave out the “not” right in front of it?

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It needs better visual representation of the height it effects. But generally as Pharah, your average height should be out of range and you should be safe, unless he is targeting you (getting high ground and jumping toward you while activating ult)

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They could do something like what they did to Mei and i’d be satisfied.



I can’t believe you all are taking this seriously. He’s clearly trolling right now. And it’s working. Why are we feeding the troll, we were warned about this decades ago. Never feed the wild animals.

Whether it’s a troll or not, I really hate it when people respond with ‘Is this a joke?’ or just laugh. Like we get it, you don’t share the same opinion. But at least have the deceny to respect other’s. If you aren’t going to give any constructive feedback then don’t comment at all.