Reaper ult needs a slight buff?

its aoe and locks reaper into a certain area so its only lethal to the heroes in this area but it gives you more than enough time to kill him before you die even with his lifesteal. maybe the lifesteal on ult could be 10% more. stuns still destroy him as well as shields and matrix.


ehh, imo other areas of reaper’s kit need buffs more than his ult


I find it kind of dump that bastion can just heal through it. It’s basically useless against tanks and makes you a free kill against everything else.

25 armor would help.


lots of things kill you through lifesteal. if you dont jump in the middle of a 6 man team you rarely survive. armor might be too much after his dmg buff. i think he is fine where he is but his ult is kinda bad.

They should give him an alternative fire, maybe smoke grenades that slightly blur vision and do low AOE damage.

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It’s a very powerful ultimate for finishing off low health teams, but I see so many trying to kill people from 100 to 0.


I’d rather have FEAR rather than near-sighting. Also, his Shadow Step needs fixing.

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Reaper is fine.

Maybe make him a bit quieter and he’s perfect

For buffing the Ult, allow him to move a little more or a bit faster while spinning.

For having a secondary: He had Grenades in the reveal trailer. Maybe utilize that? Otherwise maybe slug rounds that allow him to attack at range and expend all his ammo? Something like they lose attack strength but have better lifesteal properties? Not edgy enough to come up with edge lord abilities especially so limited since animation and such is out of the question.


Like what.
shadowstep is actually good now, wraith form is a great ability and his shotguns got buffed.
People in low ranks in 2021 are way faster to react to it than those in 2017. for better players more than doubly so. i seldom see it get value unless its at the end of a fight that likely would have been won and you just wanted to speed the process up.
if anything i want its cost reduced because he does less dps now and less lifesteal on top of it already having a steep cost.

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Reaper is in a fine spot he is one of the more powerful dps so no
its powerful it has counters
its fine

He is literally one of the worst heroes rn


The buff took him from extremely niche, to the worst mid-range dps.

Oh baby, he is in a fine spot indeed.

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He’s already heavy sleeper I think

But if he really is weak just let him cancel his ult like McCree

doesn’t help. its so fast that you either make a play or instadie you cant react that fast.

It could be much much worse. Just pretend it was like Barrage instead

  • He could have 200hp instead of 250
  • He could have no lifesteal
  • It could be a narrow cone you need to aim instead of a sphere around you
  • It could suicide you if you use within 10 feet of any physical thing or player
  • It could have random spread and you pray to RNG to hope enough bullets hit
  • It could lock you literally in place with no ability to slightly move or jump
  • You could not have wraith to get into/out of position with safety
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barrage deals x5 the damage of reaper and it goes really far really fast. its definitely better ult.


not really
his damage is good he has much better range
the only reason he is “bad” is other heroes are just so much stronger
but no
do not buff reaper anymore
he is just fine as is

Reapers f tier trash lmao what are you on

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Im sure hes really good in plat or whatever elo you’re in that thinks reaper is viable

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