Reaper Spanish voice lines

Lucio’s voice actor learned some Portuguese for some voice lines. Can we get reapers voice actor to do the same? Even if it’s just “Hola”?


It would be nice. I certainly wouldn’t object. In fact, I’d love it.

But if they do this, can we all agree not to give him a hard time about not perfectly nailing a native accent and pronunciation? Lucio’s voice actor was criticized for those voice lines, and in my opinion a bit unfairly.



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That’s sounds so cool :o that would be great!

a…native…la accent?

I mean, yeah his name suggest a hispanic heritage but according to his profile he is from LA.

that doesn’t rule out the possibility of him speaking Spanish of course, though it doesn’t confirm it either. If we could get more info on his background maybe we’d be more clear about it

He’s American tho


im not saying he doesn’t have spanish heritage…but he may be so many generations down that his family my not speak spanish at all anymore

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I will say this, spanish is the second most spoken language in the us

That’s exactly what I mean lol

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So every American hero should randomly speak Spanish then?

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no, but it does mean that there is a possiblity that reaper may know some, given where he was born, that chance increases, as L.A has a high hispanic population

I have a cousin who doesn’t know spanish, we are a Hispanic family. It is okay if Reaper doesn’t speak spanish.

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Sometimes the voice actors get criticism about their accent. Even native speakers have received some complaints.

When Lucio got his Portuguese voice lines, he got some backlash because his pronunciation wasn’t spot on. Which is understandable because he doesn’t speak Portuguese.

Reaper’s voice actor, as far as I know, doesn’t speak Spanish. So, I’m just saying if he records some voice lines we should avoid being overly critical since it is unlikely he will get the accent perfect.

I’d love to hear him try though, even if it’s just a couple simple phrases.


i mean…they couldn’t pick a much better va for reaper given how both reaper and his voice actor…are from la, so they would have similar mannerism that is general to la

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Reaper isn’t Spanish though.

He’s a great voice actor. I have no complaints about him. I’m just saying if they ever do ask him to record Spanish voice lines we should cut him some slack. But maybe they never ask him and this is all moot.

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who knows, i mean, he is a busy guy

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He’s an American born latino. That doesn’t mean he speaks Spanish necessarily, but it allows for that possibility.

I agree with you. Spanish lines would be cool, but I really hope people wouldn’t complain about imperfect pronunciation. I talked to a couple people who were annoyed Mercys VA speaks Standard German and not the Swiss dialect. The fact that we have so many bilingual actors, or actors willing to learn some of the languages, is really cool to me. And I won’t knock them for trying.