He is not edgy, Ok? And he is not cringe-worthy. He is just misunderstood. He is the most mature character in the game by far, clearly meant to be appreciated by a smaller adult playerbase that is fond of complex morally grey characters with an elaborate backstory and a multi-dimensional personality.
We live in a society where Reaper isn’t meta.
Nah hes edgy af aye.
I can’t help but thinking op is the same as saying “It’s not a phase mum!!! This is who I am!!!”
Made my day, thanks xD
Nah, mate. He’s edgy.
He’s complex, yes. But he’s edgy.
i hope this is a joke
Kind of like Anakin in the Prequels! Remember? He went from a sad but positive slave boy, to a powerful Jedi Knight and loving husband, to becoming a suffering old man and Sith Lord; also burning to a crisp after his best friend cut his legs off leading him to live in a painful leather suit for the rest of his life!
I was twelve when I saw that; I totally wasn’t traumatized by Revenge of the Sith. Not one bit!
He refers to himself as death, all his voicelines could come out the diary of your local emo kid, he screams “DIE,DIE,DIE” during his ult and most importantly, he looks like he gets all of his clothes and gear at Hot Topic.
So yeah, pretty edgy to me
Trying to explain why Reaper is not an edgelord is like being handcuffed naked to a bed and explaining to your mum that “It’s not what it looks like”.
He is what he is. Embrace the edge.
lol cringey and edgy aren’t the same thing
He’s SO edgy, and not cringey at all.
Reaper is edgy as can be. Gabriel Reyes is the one your talking about. He is the most mature character in the story. When he becomes Reaper he is all about death and stuff.
reaper the poster is never wrong and all those that disagree with him should be purged
The man is a literal assassin for a terrorist organization who basically helped bring down Overwatch by nearly killing Soldier 76 in an incident in the past.
He’s definitely supposed to be edgy.
Even if he had reasons for doing those crappy things, he still did them. Motives don’t usually justify murder, and Reaper is the poster boy for that.
in the retribution short he wasn’t that edgy, he is one of the best cases of character progression this game has when he isn’t busy roleplaying as the grim reaper.