Reaper is not edgy


NAh, he edgy af.ᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠᅠ

Huh, he literally got angry, killed someone and started acting all passive aggressive because he was questioned. He is my favorite character, but he is edgy. This denial is on par with, well, a lot of things that happen within this community, honestly.

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Did you know Blizzard literally designed Reaper with the most edges of any hero? Also, Reaper DiEdIeDIEEEeeee (low high pitched voice)

I suppose your perception of edgy is different than mine. Becoming reasonably aggressive due to the awful way Overwatch was being treated and shoved aside by the world and being taunted by someone who knew the law would be on his side even though he was clearly guilty in the eyes of reaper doesn’t qualify as edgy to me. Calling that edgy is

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Well folks, welcome to guessing characters feelings! However, I agree with you ^

Okay, sure, but then how do you explain the “die die die” voiceline?

“I swear, I was practicing a magic trick! I was trying to make this pillow move without moving my hands!”

Reaper is the sort of character that a young, first-time D&D player would roll. You know the sort–he chooses a neutral evil alignment and and thinks that this means he has to have his character dress head-to-toe in black and constantly talk like an Adventure Time villain. And in combat his character absolutely says things like “Die! Die! Die!”.

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This guy gets it.

Gabriel Reyes was one of the best developed characters in OW’s lore. Too bad the guy who replaced him threw away all that depth to become the “living” embodiment of edge.

IMO, People get this idea because one of his voicelines, he says “This is my curse.” Could be referring to Moira’s experiments or the fact he has incompetent teammates? Doomfist was suspended, Widowmaker was on attack and Sombra went AFK? oh, I’m digressing, nevermind.

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We have found ourselves a Rick and Morty fan. Obviously using the mental genius of Dan Harmon.

no h8

He kills people just because they used to work at the same place as him. Hardly morally grey

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The real edge boi is Zenyatta I mean listen to him: “gaze into the iris…”

Bottom of the barrel for your Reaper trolling now huh? ;0

“It’s in the refrigerator.”


hes almost a 60 year old yet behaves like a 16 y/o hot topic teen
hes a big loser


i just came back to forums after months of inactivity… im glad some things never change


It has nothing to do with the conversation, but I came to say that Reaper is sexy af and his badass attitude makes him even sexier.

and he thick

Yeah i agree. Reaper is just angel of death and he is acting like it.