Really, another Brig nerf?

Good, goooood. I like it.


Brig’s basically a bite-sized roadhog at this point, ult charge. But with even less threat.

But she doesnt have a big hitbox like him, and she sits behind a shield. I guess every hero is a bite-sized roadhog for ult charge.


She is still played every now and then. Can’t have that.


it s hugeeeee nerf for brig ultimate
now I wll finally shoot at her when she ult

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The second bug they fixed, is the one that was talked about in this thread?

Because it is, oh god I’m so glad.


Yeah giving her ult some modicum of interactivity and fixing a bug that made her ult too strong. To answer your question: Really.

The barrier thig is a huge nerf if you use it in midfights. It wont affect the ult for initiating the push.

However, the armor-stacking fix is a huge (deserved) nerf. I hope they will buff brigitte at the end.

She was OP forever, there’s nothing wrong with fixing her ult if its bugged. If its too weak then it can be buffed. There is a price to pay for playing the lowest mechanically challenging kit in the game.

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Yeah I agree with you with this big nerf she needssome kinf of buff

But this bug was known just few days ago so it s probably an emmergency bug fix they will probably buff her /rework her for 2/2/2

Nice, let’s nerf a hero already niche

it does sound like an emergency fix and i hope its not. i hope that they knew for a while and then we caught on because if not then i expect brig’s rally to feel like it hardly gives armor now but ill see when i play.

poor girl needs a buff at this point

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Barriers block LoS for Lucio healing, Soundbarrier, moira healing, inspire, baptiste healing burst, and tranquility. AoE heals/overheals are always blocked by shields. It probably was unintended that it went through shields.


bugs should be fixed even if they result in buffs or nerfs

She should count her lucky stars that she hasnt been deleted.
Her kit is a raging dumspter fire, terrible design for her class type (support).

Great. Can we buff armor back now ?

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Id rather not, as it makes consistent dmg heroes even worse than 1 shot heroes than they currently are.

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Not sustain heroes or armor’s fault burst heroes are so strong.
Just nerf them, they had it comin’ for too long.

What does the line of sight one mean? I’m confused.

Rally doesnt go through enemy barriers like Sound Barrier and Moira heal.

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