Really, another Brig nerf?

She should count her lucky stars that she hasnt been deleted.
Her kit is a raging dumspter fire, terrible design for her class type (support).

Great. Can we buff armor back now ?

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Id rather not, as it makes consistent dmg heroes even worse than 1 shot heroes than they currently are.

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Not sustain heroes or armor’s fault burst heroes are so strong.
Just nerf them, they had it comin’ for too long.

What does the line of sight one mean? I’m confused.

Rally doesnt go through enemy barriers like Sound Barrier and Moira heal.

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Here’s an example. You’re on Brigitte, one of your teammates is on Reinhardt and is directly ahead of you. You activate Rally. Your Reinhardt then steps through the enemy Orisa’s barrier.

Previous to this nerf/bug fix, your Reinhardt would continue to get the Rally armor. After this nerf he won’t.


A lot would need to change in the game for consistent dmg to compete with burst dmg again. With the strength of healing, and the small windows to actually do dmg atm with barriers up time being so high. Consistent dmg just cant compete, nerfing burst dmg heroes doesnt make consistent heroes any better, just the dps category worse again. Plus taking away 5 dmg from a hit that does 120 dmg doesnt matter much but 5 dmg from an attack that does 20 is pretty massive.

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Ah I see, nothing too serious I suppose. It’s usually used to initiate before fights anyways.

Wow, they actually nerfed it. Brig is literally unplayable in 2/2/2.


I can agree that healing is also too strong, but again, armor isn’t to blame.
Armor blocked 5dmg max per shot since forever, yet heroes like Soldier, Reaper and Tracer have been meta at some points.
EDIT: hell, last time Soldier had 20dmg per shot, he was keeping every other DPS away. Armor isn’t the reason he’s so bad right now and certainly wouldn’t make it worse if it was reverted.

At this point I’m surprised they haven’t nerfed her ability to walk out of spawn


It’s ironic how Goats ruins the game by getting it balanced around countering it, not just it existing. The healer buffs and DPS creep is so braindead, where’s the tanks? Oh yeah, they’re in that corner over there not moving or breathing at all, like they have been for months now.

Armor’s a joke now, since everybody’s Junkrat and just eats it alive at this point. Armor was supposed to counter damage, lol, not awkwardly extend your semi-slow painful death. Brig’s so watered down it’s not even funny, you might as well nominate her the next honorary throw pick.


soldier was only ever really meta in season 3 triple tank, but he was also competing with hog who would often by the fourth tank
in og dive he was only really used to counterpick pharah

reaper was awful outside of when nanoboost was unbelievably overpowered

tracer was used because she could easily separate and destroy rein/zarya with old pulse bomb and had little counterplay because brig wasn’t in the game, like the other dive characters

people forget how strong ranged burst armor overheal actually is at peeling dive away from your backline

The 3 tanks in season 3 triple tank were Reinhardt, Zarya, and Roadhog. I think Soldier was sometimes replaced in that comp, but not by another tank. Who did you think the 3 tanks were?

Oh im not saying armor is the only reason or even the main reason consistent dmg heroes are bad. But it affects them more than burst ones, so id like to not see another nerf for consistent dmg. Id be open to armor being buffed back up with massive other changes in the game, like reducing the amount of barriers so burst dmg isnt always king. Reducing healing, have a 2/2/2 meta etc.

Yes it would make it worse for consistent dmg heroes as armor affects them more. Oh and didnt even take into account how much more it affects when there is dmg falloff. If shooting at a range where you would do say 13 dmg on solider, now its down to 8.

Alright, it would, but, my point here is, nerfing armor didn’t make them any better.
On the other hand, it made playing tank a worse experience.
Thus, buffing armor back would make playing tanks better, without having much effect on the sustain DPS, since they’re bad regardless.
Not saying sustain DPS don’t need anything of course, but armor is the least of their issues.

It made them slightly better, still not as good as burst dps cuz of barriers and healing, but still better.

It doesn’t matter in the long run cause at the end of the day, Armor doesn’t do it’s job anymore, which is mitigate damage, nearly as effectively as it ever did, it won’t as long as Blizz keeps believing in this bs about Goats being too strong, they’re making it stronger by making regular 2-2-2 comps with no special buffs a nightmare to hold together when tanks can’t even live 5 seconds in a push. Countering damage was it’s job, complaining about it is pointless, since that’s how it was able to counter Dive at all, and in a nutshell, what Brig was based off of entirely.

The problem here is Blizzard based their game off of counters and ability advantage, and then decided to chunk it when Brig ruined the game by bringing Goats to the table and they spent way too long doing nothing about it. It took them months to nerf her shield bash, the one truly, and only broken ability she had. As soon as it didn’t go through barriers, they should have left her alone, maybe nerfed the Rally a bit, but not to this degree.

other healing is blocked by enemy barriers too. Moira’s spray was changed awhile ago to work that way. If Brig’s ult counts as a support ult, it can follow those rules.