Ready to Make History - A Look into Venture's Development

This is certainly a take. Have you searched up what the stripes on the trans flag mean?


Yea but degrees are kind of set in stone. We’re not coming up with new numbers for it all the time.

They’re doing a terrible job then. How do you even normalize something most people don’t understand and don’t believe in?

I just bust out laughing sorry. Being transmedicalist is crazy too btw.


This sentence alone is wild.
Some trans people simply don’t have the option to transition and you want to call them not valid, because maybe they don’t have access to the medical care they need or the money to do so (depending on where they live)

They literally provide the option of “You are still valid, even if you don’t feel comfortable in either box.”


Yeah…I don’t really care tbh

Trans is an entirely different thing.

What, are you one of those people that thinks Blaire isn’t a real trans woman because she’s not a member of your hivemind? Because I’ve heard that one a few too many times tbh

By… showing that it exists???
People also used to not understand gay people and in some countries still do. Yet exposure to gay people helped with normalizing it.

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Blaire White is a grifter. Of course she’s a woman; it’s just funny to think she’s an authority.

I’ll give you a hint. The white stripe on the trans flag includes nonbinary identities.


Transitioning and getting surgery are two very different things.

By creating another box. If nonbinary was a popular thing when I was younger, I’d probably have identified as something like that because of my interests being considered feminine. And yet…now that I’m older, I’m proud of my masculinity and know for a fact that I am a man. Because I’m mature enough now to realize that painting my nails and gossiping with the girlies is not the same as being a woman or being something in between.

The boxes themselves are harmful. Creating a third one for people that can’t identify with either doesn’t help to dismantle harmful gender roles. It actually makes it worse because you’re not calling out the oppressive nature of societal boxes.

She’s not

I never called her one. She’s not. She’s just a trans person agrees with me, but I don’t know her personally so I mentioned her by name.

I know, I googled it. Doesn’t mean I can’t consider it different.

Being non-binary literally is about not having boxes.
If you feel more masculine, dress and act that way, if you feel more feminine do so. If you feel like neither fits, dress and act androgynous.
You can be non-binary for years and if you find yourself identifying as a man later, you can still do so.
That’s literally what gender being a spectrum is all about.


Okay, so what I’m gathering is that if you don’t even care enough about what the trans flag represents, you’re also not the one people should be listening to regarding how nonbinary identities interact with the trans umbrella. Glad we cleared that up.


If a large portion of trans folks find it offensive to be associated with them and I happen to agree, that’s 100% a stance that I’m allowed to have. Just because they’re considered as part of the community doesn’t mean everyone agrees.

Sex and gender are both spectrums. I don’t believe in arguing with someone who isn’t knowledgeable enough to participate productively in the debate in the first place sorry. You are out of your depth.


Okay? And because of that you think it’s okay to take this away from other people?
As I said, if you are questioning your gender, that is okay at a younger age. You don’t need to ‘commit’ to being non-binary for your whole life. It’s not a definitive answer you can’t ever change.

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They’re not, and that’s a harmful mindset to have. Sex is ignoring basic biology. There are two, technically three sexes. Gender is connected to sex so it’s two (Intersex people usually identify as one or the other, so while it could also be three, it’s not typically)

Associating gender to harmful gender roles is oppressive.

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I think people want to identify with what they want to identify as, and it’s a bit insulting for someone else to say they are also something else.

And because I care about children’s mental health, I want all boxes to be erased. I’m not gonna go into detail on the forums here, but I didn’t exactly want to live after realizing that I’m not traditionally masculine. Those boxes are objectively harmful and many children lose their lives over them.

Nonbinary reinforces said boxes when that’s the exact opposite of what we should be doing.

I never said otherwise. But what you’re not understanding is that children are impressionable. Do you know how long it took me to get over the whole “Lord’s name in vain” thing? I haven’t been Christian since I was like 12. But since I was raised Christian, I couldn’t say basic curses like “Jesus Christ” until I was like 20. And that would’ve actually lasted way longer if not for my husband. If children are taught that they are different from a young age, they will likely continue believing that as an adult. And again, this is harmful.

Based on your history in this thread, I think you’re concern trolling. So let’s just keep it moving.


What does that even mean?

Who exactly are you to tell someone else what they should also identify as?

While I am sorry what happened to you, and as you said, it’s not something you want to get into here, it very much sounds like, the best would be for everyone to be non-binary. Because, and I don’t want to put words into your mouth here, it sounds like you do agree that gender isn’t a binary.
If I got that wrong, I do apologize.