Re release exclusive skins (limited time)?

Yeap, it kinda sucks for people that thought they were getting something special.

Personally, I don’t have them nor want them. But I can see Blizz using FOMO to get people to buy them the first time, then just sell them again later for a “limited time”.

I mean what stops them to open the “vault” again, and this time it has a pink mercy inside? lol

Or they can just attach it to another charity, that way if you complain, you are a bad person.


A person can not “have” everything in life. This is how life works, it is bound by time. Every choice and every second marks something that you chose, while all other possible and infinite potential choices are lost for that specific moment.

At that moment in time, when these skins were added as limited, some people marked their choice by buying these skins. Sure they felt happy for it, while others did something else and felt special for whatever choice they made. Every person was entertained.

But now, bringing those past skins back, when they were advertised as something limited, it nullifies the effort of people who worked for them back then. That time is no longer special, and their memories are no longer valued, simply because the company wants more money, while losing trust in the process.

I made the recommendation for more NEW skins because of the official reply here, as being just pixels. Well, new skins are also pixels from a technical perspective. But from an emotional perspective, because we are all humans, skins also mark something important as some valuable moments of our time, which obviously have no meaning for Blizz, making customers not feel valued.

Due to the context when all this happens (latest scandals), it’s hard to not see it as some simplistic and untruthful way for a “quick buck”. It’s just a basic greed that will destroy the company from within. Many players love the hype train of Overwatch 2, but also they will not forget these vaults later in that “sequel” when company might try to sell something “limited” or “exclusive” in future. And this trust also extends to other games of this same company. Trust is severely compromised here, and they know it, but they just want our money so bad, from preorders (even though company can make new games without getting the money in advance), to returning skins (even though they could simply create new pixels out of passion for games). I hope you see the mentality here, hidden in their marketing shroud of positivism.

People who believe digital items should be exclusive and limited to them only because they were around and had the chance to acquire them are selfish and greedy. If you decide to buy a skin or got one in the past it doesn’t mean that skin should be exclusive only to you and never come back. Locking content away is not right.
I got every single challenge and event epic skin and I would be happy for them to come back so others have a 2nd chance to get them too.
Now, Blizzcon skins & Pink should come back with a price tag as they weren’t free the first time they were around, Noire should be tied to a preorder bonus etc.


I understand they are doing it for money. I also know you might be frustrated if that was the reason you bought it. Yes, no one can have everything, but most things in life are more earnable than the skin, which is honestly sad. You can earn money to buy a collectable. You can work hard to achieve your dreams. You can invent what you wish existed. You can cure a disease if you take great effort into trying with a bit of luck. You can break world records. You can do so much. But you just can’t have this one skin no matter what you give. That sounds so unreasonable. I get that you’ll always have something you’ll regret in life, but know that just because life is often not a happy experience doesn’t mean that it should be that way in unnecessary places. Humanity should work towards making smart decisions to avoid forever regrets and help each other live a happy, fulfilling life. A skin may seem trivial, yes, but what if it does mean that much to some? What if it’s what got them into the game in the first place. What if it fits the ideal they want to look in real life but will never be? What if it just is, just that special to them? If you have to say oh well, regrets are regrets, then that goes the other direction too. Oh well, people who bought the skins for exclusivity wouldn’t have known it’d come back if oh well people who didn’t have it didn’t know the game existed.

First they never said these skins will explicitly never come back though. They said limited time, as I remember they did too with event skins (summer skins) that come back yearly. Limited time does not mean exclusive at all. Just because it had never came back until now doesn’t mean it will never happen. Everything has a first time. I’m sorry to hear that you are disappointed or wasted money. But I guess you can never make everyone happy.

Exactly. If skins are precious, so precious that they can create happiness and also can create regrets, one could have gotten them for free (watching OWL), and one could have obtained get them by paying a few bucks. Life should be about moments of happiness and enjoyment in our short time we have.

But a company which does not understand this, and brings back skins which made their clients feel valued at those limited moments of gaming, which they advertised as limited, and which generated beautiful memories, means that company no longer cares about it’s clients and the skins that marked their customers experiences at that time. They played with words; yes, limited time means “limited” even as in short period with intention to bring them back later, but this is the first time, after 5 years since release, when they created “The Vault”, and in 5 years skins were never mentioned as coming back later. In the context of late scandals, this copy/paste does not seem a coincidence at all?

I stand by my point: it’s just greed. Customers should be valued, and old players should be treated with respect for their memories. To satisfy the market, they have the money and resources to create new and shiny skins as much as they want, but instead they want to prepare us for preordering a DLC with a fancy name of “sequel”, while bringing back skins which were limited, and while they crunched their employees into work. This is greed, and my trust in them is long gone.

I miss the moments of the past, when games had a small and free demo, to let players decide if they want to buy, or not. Now we have preorders, and copy/paste for skins, but this is a different discussion.

This is just an excuse for selfishness. No reason skins can’t come up for sale repeatedly.

Which is why everyone gets a shot.


There is a reason to not come repeatedly: advertised as “limited time”.

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Why the hell does this matter to you people so much, just buy the damn skin and enjoy it. Why does it matter so much that you would waste your time on a forum whining on an on about it? Why? Its just a dumb skin. This whole thing is just frankly petty and selfish when you boil it down.

True, it’s a dumb skin. But that dumb skin costs $10, it was advertised as limited, and it’s no longer limited as advertised. It’s not about the skin, it’s about a company which uses “weasel talk” for sales. It boils down to trust in selling pixels, not to pixels themselves.

I’m sorry you regret it. I do understand why you feel that way, because you didn’t think this would be the result. However, the thing is, with successful business, it will always be a matter of money. Even exclusivity was done for the sake of money. Also, limited time does not really mean exclusive still. The summer games event were marketed as limited time on the twitter, and yet it comes back yearly. In the first year of the game, my friends told me they didn’t know if the skins would ever come back. There’s a first time for everything. I don’t know when you started playing, but this is by far a new thing, like every other new thing that came in the past.

A skin I actually grinded my butt off for and had over everyone else came back (contenders Mercy). I was one of the few who got the skin on the first try. They brought it back even though I worked so hard to get it and the original deal was a certain amount of hours within the month. That’s fine for me though, and I know not everyone is fine with it, but I want others to be happy. No matter how you put it, it is selfish, at the end of the day, to hog something all to yourself and yourself only. A new skin doesn’t replace its meaning for me, and while the skin may also be imbued with memory for you because it came out at a certain period of time, it isn’t like they deleted it.

And yes, while you said not everyone gets what they want in life and that you don’t think my ignorance should be given a chance, some things just aren’t in your control because certain people had to tell me for me to get into the game. Had I met them earlier maybe things would be different, but I couldn’t have met them earlier, because I wouldn’t have ran into them otherwise due to my circumstances. It’s not my decisions that I ended up here. Sometimes it’s just bad luck, and likewise, I think you misinterpreting the idea of “limited time” is bad luck too. There are certain skins they said won’t come back (Noire, Blizzcon), and if they do, I can understand why it’s upsetting… I sympathsize that you are unhappy with your spendings, even if you don’t sympathsize that missing out is beyond my control. But as I said, at the end of the day, you can never make everyone happy.

There are way more exclusive things in the world, if you go by the notion of new things being better. Exclusivity is a concept, and while some things might not be as obvious, there are many little things you have that others will never have. You are special as you are you. You have your own talents and memories that others will never be able to have.

I’m not saying this to make you upset, but I ask that you really think about it. At the end of the day, didn’t you enjoy the skins? Didn’t they make you happy? If they did make beautiful memories for you, I think the money is worth it. No matter what happens to the skins, you had your time with them. Nothing is forever, and someday, everything in the game will probably be gone along with the game.

It will never be easy not having your expectations invalidated, and I know it is hard, but one day, there will be many more of such happening whether from those close to you or other companies. I don’t mean how you feel doesn’t matter, but it’s never a bad time to start realizing this. I worked for 3 months giving up all my free time only to be betrayed by a whole community at one point. They made up some excuse to deny me something that I deserved more than others. Like Blizzard, they never guaranteed it, but they set up this expectation because everyone I knew got it that way. It hurt in the moment knowing I did all this for nothing, but I realized it wasn’t not worth it. The memories will never be valueless, for they did represent growth and learning. For you, you had fun, a happy time.

Thank you for the reply. Please note this is not about me. I was just stating my opinion. I did not have these skins as I started playing last year. But I feel sympathetic for people who were tricked by that “limited time” advertising. My concern is not related to the skins themselves. My concern is related to the trust and care which one should have for their customers, in an era where pixels and art can easily be generated digitally. They just don’t care anymore, because of greed.

There a key difference between doing that for an actual tangible product that can accrue in value. There are also reasons to believe something like that could truly be limited as the producer will stop making them after some time for new inventory. Your original run items are also going to be worth more by virtue of being from the original run. If DC ran a reprint of Action Comics #1, that won’t make genuine original run Action Comics #1 worth less, but now other people get a chance to own it.

You bought digital items that are genuinely worthless other than the enjoyment you get out of them. if that enjoyment is exclusively in lording them over other players who don’t have them, consider not being a weird little freak. If that enjoyment is from selling your accounts for a profit, you’re breaking TOS anyways so why would Blizz care how you feel.

(inb4 “BUT NFTS” these aren’t NFTs and NFTs are scams anyways)

Alright. That’s cool, though just know that it’s not as trickery as you’ve stated. In the past, skins have came back that were stated wouldn’t because of different reasons. Maybe it would help to know that they did state what skins would never come back (and so far they haven’t). I’m a kind of person who takes words seriously too. I guess next time everyone who did make this mistake should do more research about it first. I know your concern and I understand why it is problematic, but I also hope my words helped clear up some of the things, such as the way Blizzard uses the term “limited time”. All I personally meant in my former posts is that concept of exclusivity shouldn’t exist at all, but yes, if they brought back those specific skins they explicitly stated wouldn’t come back, it would be morally wrong. As someone who has always been obsessed with a certain skin that actually came back, I want to clarify that I remembered doing my research and a help page on saying they have no plans to bring back those skins as of that time. The key words, I guess (though not exact wording), is what the plan was at the time.

Sadly, the world is not very clear on this kind of information. They put this stuff in fine print or hide it in places where only those who care a lot will find it. I don’t think anyone wants that, but we don’t have another option in a world of media fighting to make you see them a certain way even if it’s not necessarily true.

its in the TOS they can change terms when they feel like it. Might want to review that a bit before going on too long. You would be the first to rant if there was a skin you wanted but missed out I bet.

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I don’t think you are going to find any people that will argue against that idea. I certainly wouldn’t.

An interesting viewpoint. What if their motives were to make available skins that some people missed out on and not motivated solely to make a buck? What then?

Interestingly enough, there was some talk a few years back from the devs actually thinking about adding into the game the ability to trade items with friends. Not sure if anything ever evolved farther than a discussion, but it was on the table at one point.

Now, the problem here is interpretation. I read it to mean literally what it says. “Limited Time” That time could be once every year for example, since “events” are also called “Limited time events.”

Nowhere does limited time mean never again. But many players (myself included) can decide to get it now in case it doesn’t come back. But that doesn’t mean I make the assumption its never coming back. With the exception of a few that have been discussed above.
As for feeling tricked, well, I never felt tricked and I probably spent more money on this game than I should have between loot boxes and skins. I try not to think about it, but I don’t feel cheated for it, I don’t feel robbed for it. It was my choice and I made no assumptions that things were never going to come back again.

What official reply? This one from WyomingMist?

They are an MVP. They are not an official source from Blizzard. Just a forum poster with green text that posts useful threads to help others. Don’t confuse the two. I like and respect that Wyoming puts a lot of effort into helping out the forum, but I don’t agree with them all the time, and some aspects of this very topic (their view vs mine) is one of them.

Anyway, just more of my opinions, such as they are.

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Oh yes i see, it is stil 200 tokens. Thats my fault, i stil have 50 tokens in the bank and all skins unlocked, i thought that was the price when i clicked on that…

And again, Blizzard is false advertising this product. Its misleading and untrustworthy. These gaming campanies want to see their products as valueable and important as non digital products. There are plenty of gaming studios out there who sell “limited” offers for every kind of product, i have never seen them selling them again.

Think about Legos for example, they also had a small Overwatch product line. These Legos and the Overwatch Minifigures and some special Bricks made for these Sets have increased in value over time (because they are a real traded product on the market) but Lego will never ever bring back these sets again. They will maybe bring new Sets with new figures with Overwatch 2, but never the old ones back.

You can stil buy these sets, they are all price stable and advertised as “limited” because, you know, they are. Once they are sold out, they will never come back.


Inb4 that skin is next :rofl:

In what way though? They only said it’s not planned to come back at the time. They never said “it will never come back” though.

Here, 0:14 shows Blizzard marketing a yearly event (summer games) as “limited time,” by the way, so no, not the first time.

I also purchased these skins off of my own money. They aren’t giving away these skins for free, they still cost 200 owl tokens each.