Re-Balancing Defense Matrix

Defense Matrix makes Shield Break on GOATs comps unrealistic because it can effectively block Junkrat/Pharah/Hanzo/Bastion spam from bursting down Reinhardt/Brigitte barriers.

I’m proposing that DEFENSE MATRIX ONLY BLOCKS DAMAGE TO TEAMMATES (and DVa herself) There’d be an animation that turned projectiles translucent to show that Barriers/Turrets could still take damage but Teammates would be safe.

Bunker Comps and Spam Comps would now be an effective counter to GOATs on some maps with this change. I think Defense Matrix would still be strong but it wouldn’t help cover the weaknesses of GOATs anymore.

This re-balanced to DM is meant to buff Junkrat/Bastion/Hanzo/Pharah who are all heroes that have been severely hurt by GOATs despite being the theoretical counterplay to the comp

Please consider this change. I think it would really help diversify the meta while keeping DVa in a strong position


So dva would have no way to actually defend herself and her humongous critbox, unlike every other tank who have blocking capabilities?

No thanks, bad ideas are just bad. Dva is still supposed to be a tank, not a fat dps providing loads of ulti charge to enemies by existing.

Also sorry to break your bubble, but junkrat/pharah/bastion would not work regardless. Junkrat and bastion are just bad heroes and pharah is countered by bazillion hitscanners. Hanzo doesn’t care about matrix, he has arrows and longer lasting storm arrows for days.

People have already switched dva around with mei anyhow.


I misworded it. DVa can still block herself she just can’t block damage to shields and turrets

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And yet zarya can gain charge from bubbling reinhardt with shield up because the bubble extends past the barrier. How would this kind of interaction even be fair?

Also, we don’t want another fiasco like we got with Moira with the shield interactions. It would also be ridiculously bad if dva’s synenergy with any main tank hero because they happened to use shields was crippled.

Enemy hog walked into friendly bubble and hooked someone? Too bad, can’t matrix it anymore lmao. This kind of interaction would just be ridiculously bad.

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Honestly, that Moira change didn’t really hurt her that much and I hardly notice it.

You mean outside of being the worst healer with the worst winrate since the change in higher ranks? Lol

Making hero interactions clunky af is not the way to do it. You would never accomplish breaking goats by breaking dva.


Junkrat and Pharah or double sniper were both doing perfectly fine against GOATs until the support patch.

Brigitte’s sustain needs to decrease and Mercy needs to go back to 60hps so that spread out comps have an effective healer duo again.

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It’s a really clunky change that is inconsistent. Defense Matrix blocks the least amount of damage of any barrier-type ability of the tanks. It is not the lynchpin of GOATS.


It’s all about lowering the versatility of GOATs. This change increases the effectiveness of counterplay options (like the Brigitte bash-barrier nerf)

Except you don’t want to dumpster heroes just to decrease the versatility of GOATS.


So you want to nerf a balanced hero because of a comp that isn’t her fault?

I mean, are we gonna make it so Rein holding up his shield can’t give Zarya charge when she bubbles him?


And goats is still not about dva.

Breaking a hero to break a meta is a really bad way to balance things.

Heck, dva is still far less meta than rein and zarya, why don’t you break them instead? Oh wait, owwc pickrates are gospel.

Dumpstering dva would only really dumpster dive.


DVa is traditionally run in Dive which has very little barrier reliance. It wouldn’t hurt her in her intended niche

Also the stuff that is supposed to counter GOATs hasn’t been in a good spot in years

Orisa, Bastion, Junkrat, Pharah, etc


Aside from the MAIN TANK relying on a frikken bubble shield.

Dumpstering dva will not accomplish breaking goats. They would just replace her with somethign else. THEY DID replace dva back in tripletank with Zarya like we said they would, after she got nerfed to oblivion.


yea id rather not pls

A Winston bubble doesn’t survive long against Bastion/Junkrat/Hanzo with DM or not

And you would make winston and his bubble survive even less, so there is no hope to ever dive the sniper heroes anymore? Friendly winston bubbles being a giant F U to any friendly dva is how you make a proper team game?

No thanks. Your ideas are honestly bad and you should feel bad.

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Ashe/Widow/Hanzo use their mobility to get out of the bubble. They rarely try to break it if they’re being dove

The problem is that it completely derails D.Va’s synergy with main tanks. There is no reason to disrupt this synergy arbitrarily and can have worse consequences than just killing GOATS (which I doubt it will because DM is not the key to it)