Re-Balancing Defense Matrix

Blocking for your fellow main tank should not require pro level coordination, horrible positioning in front of the shield and voice communications lmao.

I mean old genji deflect could deflect damage inside rein shield… because it was so fat. Why should dva not be allowed with her large cone that is built for exactly this purpose, blocking damage at further ranges than regular barrier?

It would also break comparable interactions with rein barrier, if dva’s ability is suddenly blocked by LOS by friendly barrier, when barriers can be shot through.

Don’t Firestrike and other barrier piercing abilities that aren’t melee do (reduced) damage to barriers? Eating Firestrikes is kind of important

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This won’t change goats. They aren’t just standing their slowly pushing in with sheilds. They rush in and take everything out quickly. So spam damage is irreverent.

Look I get that you’re a DVa main but can you please remove the first setence of your first post on the thread especially considering I edited my post to clarify. It’s just spreading misinformation

that makes absolutely zero sense, what’s stopping her from just standing in front of a shield and using dm

also dva is fine

Also, why are we nerfing torb again? And symm? What did these heroes do to deserve your wrath?

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That’s actually a good point. But at the same time, Dva wouldn’t be able to block an entire Rein shield.

It’s to make the change more consistent. If it’s not part of a playable hero’s direct health pool than DM doesn’t block the damage from it

DM is fine! It lasts just two seconds.

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Ok how about as a compensation we amp up D.vas damage? Or give her the 200 armor back? Or extra second(s) on the matrix? You can’t exactly just go and give a balanced hero a huge nerf without some sort of compensation and that would be either survivability or damage which would both make her your nightmare flanker again. Do you want this or S3

It already can’t unless Defense Matrix is put parallel to it.

Which… why would you do that on an engage.

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Yea no, you’re just trying to make this whole thing the most inconsistent piece of garbage to ever happen.

Also there are plenty things that are not part of hero’s direct health pool like… zarya bubbles… lucio shields… armor…

I am just so glad you are not a game dev.

Why in the world should dva not be allowed to defence matrix a construct is honestly beyond me… She creates an area of denial with matrix where she shoots down projectiles with her lazor beams. It has nothing to do with if the target is inanimate or not.

But you can move the DM intercept the damage.

Where as with this, you’d also need to position Dva infront a a Rein shield. Which would be a big risk if something like a sleep dart snuck through.

Or would make her completely vulnerable to Roadhog hooks.

I don’t think there’s any combination of words in the English language clear enough for you to not misinterpret

And? You can shoot another part of the Rein shield at the same time.

Or would butcher her main tank synergy, something off-tanks depend on.

Well, the Dva issue is a bit of a proxy for the issue of GOATs and the 98% Dva pickrate in tournaments.

You got any good ideas how to deal with those that don’t “butcher” Dva?

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So ignoring the balance implications that this change would have, I spoke with my duo about this who is a ComSci major to see how difficult it would be to actually implement this change in the code. Their response is as follows:


Then they elaborated further with this:

[It would be difficult because of] Just the conditioning statements not to mention if there is a person between D.Va and the barrier, it might catch that as well and just it’s a complicated situation with too many conditionals.

So it would just be a lot of conditionals and if’s and else’s and elif’s and a bunch of computer science mumbo jumbo. The change may seem simple on paper, but actually trying to implement the change in the code is a lot more difficult than it’s worth.


that would just ruin dva around main tanks which is really bad

everyone knows brig is the real issue with goats

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If the matrix can delete projectiles. It can change the damage properties of projectiles.

Tossing around a bunch of big words doesn’t mean that’s difficult.

Take care of the actual problem of GOATS and not care about tournament pickrate because the game should be balanced around high ladder tiers instead.

Really interesting post, thank you! And I mean, D.Va’s already riddled with bugs that fly under the radar because we’re not as loud about them as we are with Rein and Doomfist ones

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