Rate Overwatch as of Right Now

On release 3/10, Now is 5/10

Only with friends, otherwise the racism on voice chat is huge.

Nope, waiting 5-10 minutes for an unbalanced and broken matchmaking.

Better matchmaking, Recording complete matches, Better reporting system and more basics of a PvP game.

Been playing since launch.

So current rating for me would be a 6/10

Reasons being:

-The game now relys less on skill and strategy and more on who can pump out more power faster.

-content flow is weak, in 3 years we have had one major update to the base loot, previous to thay it was the Rein skins with Eichenwalde.

-events provide less skins than year one, and aside from archived do not have any new game modes.

-Tired of shields, stuns and turrets every game.

-communication is slow, sparse. Meanwhile other games their dev teams are very vocal, such a Epic, BHVR, and DE. Three very diverse comminities in size and game type. All constantly communicating with their community via tietter, reddit, forums, and twitch.

-Lore, I get it, its a PvP game, but they gave us lore, said there was lore, made lore, advertised the future of lore, but the lore is the slowest thing thats pumped out. While id rather have more skins and balance than lore, the lore is pretty sparse, we now have 30 heroes. We still have heroes from the Original batch that have not gotten lore love. Mercy, Zen, Lucio, could use a cinematic yeah we know about them but whay about their origins, and there present where abouts. Winston has been calling for members to get back together going on 3 years now, and only a handful have been recognized to be coming yo the call.

Now I dont want to crap all over OW, deep down I love this game, the characters, art style, diverse play styles are amazing and unique. The beautiful (yet patchy) lore. I just wish we could have more content (skins, VP, HiLi intro, etc.). I would love to see OW back as the It thing, but they need to do more, and need to do it faster.

All of this is my opinion obviously im sure some will greatly dissagree with some things but these are my quickly (on my cell phone at work on break) typed out thoughts

Game play is still fun
Community is terrible with no real support from devs
Comp is a mess and designed in a way thay you can’t really grow
A live service game with no roadmap or schedule and very little updates from the devs
Takes way too long to patch and update the game and release new heroes PTR is a waste and makes the waits feel even longer especially if youre a console player.
Focus is way too much on their Pro league to the point that the actual game just feels like a side advertisement to watch the league.