Rate Overwatch as of Right Now

Depending on how next patch goes itl bump to a 6/10

Game can improve by nerfing Widowmaker and Hanzo’s damage per second.
Can improve by nerfing Zen more.

-10/10 for competitive.
6/10 for solo queue Quick Play.
25/10 for salty genji mains when I’m Moira or Sombra.

A 6/10. Would’ve been a 5/10 before the new changes. It’s decent but stay away from Comp.

I’d give it a 6.5/10 right now. I still enjoy it, I enjoy practicing it and I enjoy the challenge. But content is extremely slow coming out, both in terms of lore and gameplay. We’ve had the same four core game types since launch and we could really use more in Quickplay and Competitive. Even in the established game types the map releases have been extremely slow, and so have hero releases. There was no new Capture the Flag map this year, just a recycling of Busan. Which brings me to events, we’ve had nothing new outside of cosmetics in almost two years (except Yeti Hunt).

I used to play 007: Nightfire on the PC, a game which only ever saw one patch in its lifetime, so it was extremely stale. Know what kept it fresh? The community got its hands on the mapping tools (which were never intended to be released to begin with). Community mapping tools keep games fresh. Why are there still no map creation tools for Overwatch? Even StarCraft and Brood War came bundled with its Campaign Editor. At this point it’s getting pathetic.

matches are fine but hero balance isn’t

game could improve greatly if they listened to suggestions that didn’t come from elitist players.

The Devs need to decide if they want a casual game or a competitive game and work towards it. This forbidden love child is lost and confused and its killed my will to play.

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toxicity, very little communication to the devs, dumb stuff.
BUT! Rein has a “BEER!” voice line.

I’d give the game a 9.5/10

Mercy is finally balanced.
Brig is on a good state now.
Tracer and Genji aren’t as deadly as before.
Torb and Symm aren’t getting as much hate.
Toxicity levels are way lower than used to be, be it QP or Comp.

Overall it’s a great experience. It’s fun and I’m loving it.
Pretty much since the abolish of Mass-Rez the game is getting better and better.

The only thing that bothers me is OWL tbh. I think it “defines” too much the game, balancing having only the pros and masters+ in mind, and lower ranks end up having to adapt too much for those changes. It’s the only thing I want: focus LESS on OWL and more on OW itself. More content, more lore, more events, more arcade, more costumizations, new UI, etc.

3/10. An almost unbelievable fall from grace for a game that, two years ago, had the potential to be one of the all time greats.

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Game itself, purely conceptually: 9/10
On paper the game is solid and it still shows in that once in a blue moon great match.

Practical aspect: current balance state: 5/10
Between Moira and Brig’s addition, the dominance of GOATS and the upcoming powercreep patch, I’m not having much faith in this regard.

Practical aspect: match quality: 2/10
Like I said, once in a blue moon, you have a good match. The rest is anywhere between deplorable and terrible.

Additional rating: 8 smurfs/10
Seriously, this game is swarmed with them (what do you expect, it’s almost free to play)

9 / 10

I still love the game but I do see a lot of complaints about what this game could do more/less of, some of which are rather valid. The devs shouldn’t cater to the angry mob, but it’d be wrong of them to purely focus on those who are content with what they already have.

:two: out of :keycap_ten:

I dislike some of the reworks, particularly Mercy. Slow balancing, apparent focus on OWL, blaming the community for slow updates or lack of new content (e.g. due to their ‘apparent’ focus on curbing toxicity :laughing:) and how disconnected they’ve recently been for a while with their community (including hidden forum profiles presumably because they were caught out on not appearing to read megathread feedback).

I also feel that they cater a lot more towards OWL and professional streamer/content creator balancing and experience improvements, not what the community would generally like to see at times. Matchmaking is still fairly hit and miss in the lower ranks (particularly below diamond it gets noticeably worse). Developer updates appear to have disappointly come to a halt, where instead we’re getting unannounced interviews with certain content creators who may or may not be potentially biased in their views anyway (and some of which may not wish to watch either). I would like to see more community manager interaction with the community, particularly to announce these unannounced interviews.

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Nothing is really motivating me to play the game anymore, it’s the same all the time. You level up and earn lootboxes. And if you have almost every cosmetic items from lootboxes, they are just not enough to get you motivated to keep playing once you’ve reached around gold portrait.

The only time I play is if I want to play Deathmatch FFA or maybe see what’s going on in those “chill” custom game servers. These are the only things that gets me to play for about 15 - 20 mins each day. I remember when I could play this game for 6 hours almost every day without getting bored =/


Heck no. I don’t spam it. Don’t wanna wear it out. :slightly_smiling_face: It’s a gem! :grin:

There is so much potential here for more fun game modes and content and lore than I knows is never going to explored.
They gave up after CTF so it’s just gonna be the same modes over and over again with a few extra maps.

Specifically for me, new heroes are just never going to shake the game up enough for me, I want a new way to play competitive with different objectives, play-styles, team comps, strats and map designs.

Think destiny’s version of call of duty’s domination mode (i dont remember the name) with floating islands holding capture points, expansive maps with higher ceilings that require jump pads to navigate, environments and objects you interact with to use to your benefit (think semi-permanent sentry turrets that fight for your team once you take an objective).

Just imagine if they took the valhalla map from halo 3,completely un-touched, jumpads and all and plopped 8 overwatch heroes on it to fight for control over 4 objectives on it.
I could easily double my time in overwatch in just that one gamemode.

5/10 for the game.
0/10 for the community.

All that toxicity from season 1-13 has ruined this game for me. :confused:

Only if I can play with friends. (most of them left)

Nothing … the developers seem helpless to me.

I don’t think the game can improve at this point.

Technical standpoint: 7.

Everything else; sub zero.

Blizzard might have a technically well made game, but it helps for nothing when they’re not doing squad diddly anything towards making it an enjoyable game, and that means making the 2 primary game modes enjoyable.

1 out of 10

The game would probably be in a better state if it was not once updated after the remove coin flip patch. Dead serious

Solid 3/10
Matches aren’t fun when people throw over a non meta pick.

Game balance is absolute garbage and makes me not want to play knowing that any hero I play could be sledgehammer nerfed into the ground.

If the game wants to get better, stop catering to skill fetishists and focus more on the game than OWL.


With Overwatch logo over the girlfriend’s face. Obviously.

Very cool. :clap:

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