[Rant] Why can't Symmetra just be good?

Yeah if people could actually kill things with sustain damage sure but healing is too high nowadays and he’ll probably never be good again

Your damage can almost never be blocked now, and there’s less and less healing as the patches go on.

Yeah but he was only ever good when there weren’t the b’s only healing supports

OP, unfortunately for you and everyone else who wants to main Sym, Blizzard looks to want her to be niche. That’s been blatantly obvious for years. You waiting for them to make Sym good in most situations is a waste of time because it won’t happen.

Honestly, I’m ok with her being niche. If she were to become a reliable, consistently good, DPS then they would have to rework her from the ground up. I mean it being a much stronger rework we’ve ever seen before to the point she wouldn’t be Sym anymore. I doubt you guys want that

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He was good when Ana was overpowered during triple tank, he can be good.

And who knows he might be better than you think after the dps / heal nerfs, nobody plays Soldier so we don’t know.

Why not play other DPS? Like this:

Hasn’t Sym been 100% weird stuff from the very beginning? I’d put some thought into figuring out what it is that you like about the character. IME you might find it on another character, or you might find that it had nothing to do with gameplay in the first place, and worst case your feedback would be a bit more articulate.

There was a thread around the other day with people reminiscing over old Torb. “Remember when he scooted around picking up scrap, throwing out armour nachos and having to upgrade his turret?” That kind of thing.

But if you play Torb now, you’ll find that he’s a fun and capable hero that isn’t held back by unnecessary, clumsy gimmicks. There’s no fat in his kit. If only Sym was the same way…


She’s too different to be good.

Because this has always been a core part of her kit. Removing these would feel like clipping Mercy’s wings or stripping Sombra of her hack.

Reworking her into a healer will allow her to keep these gimmicks. Healers are picked based on utility and healing, not on raw damage output (though it is a factor).

As long as Symmetra had good utility and some healing, she can keep her gimmicks as they’re being compensated for.

either hero hate or incompetence as can be very easily concluded by the VERY blatant poor changes she’s gotten from infinite tp onwards.

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veeery simple actually.

  • revert tp to old 3.0 finite tp or implement Arcadium’s idea of “tp 12s cd starts on deployment, pauses when 6s left until destruction” plus a nerf to 25m placement range.
  • tp deployment time reduced by 0.25s
  • orbs.balanced around being midrange shots
    • e.g. 30~40m/s projectiles, 20~30% reduction on projectile size and splash radius, 120~130 damage at full charge while keeping the 1s sniper-like charge time.
  • primary lvl 1 dps deals 80dps rather than the current pitiful 60dps
  • turrets and wall remaining the same as live in its already nerfed state.

Your post conveys the notion that you are a ONP. :horse:

Symmetra doesn’t work on every map nor does she work in every comp.

Once you accept that reality, you will feel better about the state of Symmetra.

So give her secondary fire the same proj speed and similar damage output to pharah for a secondary fire. This is definitely the play

Because her theoretical peak potential is too high.

What they should do is make it so you can’t teleport pre-existing sentries, and then lower the sentry damage in half.

Then give her a bunch of buffs.

  1. it was already similar to pharah rockets in the first place.
  2. they have the sniper like charge time on them which distinguishes sym orbs from pharah rockets. that sniper like charge time combined with increasjng their proj speed and compensating a but on proj size and splash radius makes them more aimed compared to pharah rockets that can be spammed at like twice the rate.
  • this change makes orbs actually have something that justifies the sniper like charge time and in a healthy manner:
    • people that can aim will benefit from being able to more consistently land shots and have longer effective range
    • people without aim just have terrible spam to work with.
  1. this sym will play much more differently to pharah because tp would be more frequent for her to flank, claim new areas, move territories, etc. as seen with sym prior to infinite tp.

objective data suggests otherwise. we had an unnerfed sym (like unnerfed everything excluding orbs) and she was underperforming for >1yr during all that time.

I assume the “high potential” you’re referring to is regarding team tps which legit back then weren’t being used all that much differently even in pro coordinated scene despite higher cast frequency on tp and higher flexibility with old 3.0 finite tp. esp since they still swapped off her immediately after tping back then too.

legit, why add more “compensation nerfs” when she’s already been overnerfed? like turrets are already doing 30~40dps each (depends on platform), with lower slow + 10s cd each + being the most counterable cc in the game… how much more do you want to nerf them and how low until they’re finally considered obsolete to you?

To free up room to give her plenty of buffs.

Also to lower her annoyance/cheese factor, which is a surprisingly large hurdle towards getting buffs.

Better question, Why do you care about dumb cheese that doesn’t even work above Silver?

Why not trade that garbage away for something useful?

She would still be just meh at everything, like she is now. She’s be spammy long range but not as good as pharah and junk, and still close ranged high sustain damage which imo should be what she does. I don’t understand the problem with not being able to play sym on junkertown. If widow was only excellent on Havana Rialto and junkertown I don’t think it would be an issue as thats clearly what she is, a long range specialist that forces positioning

Just reduce her Max damage output and make everything in her kit FASTER. She already has the good damage numbers, her base kit isn’t that bad on its own, it’s just that she doesn’t have access to that damage when she NEEDS it. Most divey characters will delete you before you can fully charge a single ball. The beam has such a laughably low high damage up time that you may as well not use it unless you’re going against double shield.
Teleporter activates so slowly, it’s almost impossible to use it as a defensive reactionary ability for yourself. It’s a good grav escape, but you almost always need a tank stuck in there with you to soak damage while it activates.
Turrets are weak, destroyed too easily, and Tele-bombs are so slow and telegraphed that it’s pointless most of the time.

She already has the ingredients for a strong character, she just needs some number tweaking.


and I’m saying there’s objectively a lot of room available without needing blanket “compensation nerfs”.

if these compenaation nerfs were reasonable like e.g. if making orbs more reliable/aimable by buffing projectile speed then lowering orb size and/or splash radius is reasonable to make it not oppressive, then ok fair.

but straight up nerfing turrets more when they’re already in such a weak state after already receiving various nerfs despite the hero underperforming without such nerfs, doesn’t make sense. like if they’re going to take up an ability slot with 30s cd total, they should be able to do something.

like her slow af orbs were long overdue to get something to justify why they have a sniper-like charge time on them irrespective of turrets.

tp is long overdue for a better cd mechanic irrespective of turrets.

those 2 abilities being improved will already put sym in a much better place. what would nerfs on turrets specifically compensate for?