Ranked: Eskay speaks out


Yep ranked is meaningless and ranks mean nothing.

5 and 3 2 percent.

5 and 3 derank.

Manipulation at its finest.


Blizzard please for the love of this game listen to this video and actually try to understand it.


Damn… I never cared for Eskay content but this is a major W take.


Everyone has their theories as to why matchmaking is bad. The thing we all agree on is that it’s BAD.


Just being honest. NOTHING is going to change until Microsoft takes over. They may try to bring the game back. Until that point Activision is going to milk it for every dime they can and do as little as possible. It just makes sense. Theyre losing control of the IP. They arent gonna put much into it. They want to extract what they can while they can.


I feel like eskay is one of the content creators they have an eye on.

Eskay got invited to the test of the pve content before its release.

The question is what do they do with this information.


Strange thing is it was getting better as of last season. This season its like the reverted all changes made so far… it is beyond disaster now.


very well made video


Yep, I was 4-1, I knew I just need to get 1 more win to get to another rank, but game trolled me and put me into another 4 losses in a row until I get the last win.
End result? Same rank. I have no reward for the previous 4 wins in a row at all, no satisfaction, no feeling of victory.

This system is so bad, who came up with this.


She’s 100 percent right about all of this. The devs NEED to watch this vid and take it in


Ok that’s fair, I’ll modify it to “the thing 99.9% of people agree on is that it’s BAD.”
There ya go


Is Eskay the girl that throws games when someone picks the hero she wants to one-trick on her smurf accounts in low-rank games?

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A better attempt. But using specific values that can easily be disproven seems pointless.

Your opinion would of been less challengeable if you’d of said “most people” or even “some people”

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Roku likes to step into conversations where people are speaking casually and point out technical nuances with what they’re saying as a way to feel special. Roku is the type of person where if someone says “this has been the best day ever,” Roku says “how can you claim such a thing since you couldn’t possibly quantify the quality of all days ever existing which is required for making such a statement.”

Sort of the Dwight Schrute of the forums. I’m going to start calling you Dwight Schrute, of “Schrute Forums.”


You can argue the obvious all day. But the fact is the VAST majority of the player base outright quit playing due to matchmaking quality or can give examples of how its bad with evidence if they still play. You’d be very hard pressed to even find ten people that would say this matchmaking and ranked system is good and working well. Thats really all the evidence anyone needs.

A multitude of things need to be fixed when Microsoft takes control of the IP. Will they do them, I feel like yes they will try to resurrect this game.

first and foremost bringing old players back. Lowering shop prices. In game they need to add a strong anti cheat/smurf detection. Get rid of this current system and bring straight SR back. No manipulation outside PBSR in lower ranks to boost those that don’t belong there as they did in OW1. No MMR pulling the strings, or at least tone down its influence by a huge %. Then youll see players returning, the game will start making more money, players will eventually see things getting better and it will eventually work itself out and maybe even be a competitive game. As in competitive outside the top 1%. I mean a competitive game throughout without having to be the absolute best of the best. Most games can pull this off.


Adding nothing to the conversation


From the video:

“your happiness and achievement are being held just out of arms reach…” almost as if by design? :thinking:

EDIT: Great video though, especially for someone like me who hasn’t touched comp in years. I knew it had problems, but I didn’t realize they were this bad, or that the ranking system was so much more confusing.


I hope Eskay doesn’t regret leaving Valorant for F2P Overwatch. She said she knew it was the right decision to leave Valorant, last year (something related to Valorant pro league being unfair towards players without strong sponsorship).

I guess it’s not too late to start from scratch on Valorant.

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