Rank rules are unfair

Wanted to try comp.
1/3 games had leavers.
Had to play the game till the end despite we had leavers even if it is early in the game.
Games are lost.
Rank points are lost.
Time of my life is wasted.
Don’t feel like playing it ever again seeing how unfair it is.


You can leave after 2 minutes if you have a leaver though?


IMO your rank shouldn’t be adjusted if you have a leaver. It’s a guaranteed loss and shouldn’t be considered a reflection of your skill.


Only problem with that is teams would try to bully one person to leave if they are losing so the rest of them don’t lose score. Or have a friend teamed with them that can leave in order to keep their score.


They could try that, and get reported for it.

Good thing we have d/c penalties.

It is absolutely ridiculous that the rest of the team is punished because someone left.


Yep. I feel bad for anyone who takes comp seeiously. Its a joke.

I get why you say this, but I don’t think the risk of that actually happening on a regular basis is high enough to not consider making some sort of change.

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i disagree. completely insignificant bc departure allowances are quite strict thereby making any such concern completely insignificant. its time to start making developer decisions with a positive mindset instead of negative mindset. why? bc lets weigh the effects of OP concern. players NOT being able to retain SR upon permanent departures, often result in app closures and uninstalls. which contributed to ow having to run to steam game pass. whereas, the positive alternative: permitting SR retention upon player departure, outweighs uninstalls and app closures. simple multidimensional thinking. developing with a negative mindset, results in a negative trajectory.

Lmao yes it should. Only fair way

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I agree in principle, but you appear to be underestimating the propensity of people to game the system.

The simplest exploit is “Game going bad? One person bails and then everyone else benefits”. This works best with premades, but the ability to do this threatens the (limited) integrity of the mode.

This could be combatted with super harsh sanctions for the person who leaves, but there are enough reasons that someone would leave that a loss is probably the “least bad” outcome.

Also, why should a winning team lose their win just because someone on the other team bailed?


“Me and 4 buddies queue up for Comp, 4 of us on our mains and 1 on an alt account. Game going well? We finish it out and get SR. Looking like a loss? The guy on the alt leaves and we all get no SR drop. Then he swaps alt accounts and we go again. We all have like 6 alts so we can do this basically forever, and new accounts are free anyways.”

Not hitting the losing side’s SR just because they had a leaver would lead to massive and widespread exploitation immediately.

Besides, it’s a closed system. If 5 people gain SR, 5 need to lose it, otherwise it just leads to widespread rank inflation.


And also as the one guy cycles accounts and drops sr for leaving, matches get easier. Because you have a “worse player”

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Maybe, maybe not but they are equally unfair or fair to everyone - so you’re not being punished any more than others.

There are also other aspects if leavers would make the team not lose rating;

People might start bullying their teammates to leave games so they dont lose ratings.
Re-joining a match might get “weird” - people could get upset if you come back to a “lost game” and cost them the ratings.
“Nice people” then again might just not rejoin sometimes.

Easy fix. Groups that lose one player, everybody loses the same SR.

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So that’s quite literally what we have now. Every time you make an exception, the case for another exception arises, and it becomes a whack-a-mole of managing exceptions, which becomes exceptionally unruly.

Sometimes game designers need to compromise to make things suck less but still suck in order to not create entirely unmanageable asterisks, provisos, quid pro quos, etc.

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Win trading happens already. It would just be worse.


It’s not you’re in the rank you belong in

It can only be abused by people in groups. No reason solo players should take an L cause of a leaver, especially given how awful it is for solos in general.


no. maybe I wasn’t clear. People who are grouped together to prevent abuse of a system.

Solo players would not suffer the problem, if they don’t leave. And to try and keep it even more fair, if you were grouped in the last 3 matches together, you lose it. Actually grouped, not given the same teammate.

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