Rank Decay is NOT Gone

There was even a message when I loaded up Comp that said rank Decay has been removed. HOWEVER, my GM damage role went down to Master, my diamond tank role went down to platinum, and my platinum support role lowered tiers in platinum.

Is this a joke? A late April fool’s day prank? The hell happened to “no more rank Decay.”


Were u actively playing throughout the season? Idk my gm5 damage stayed gm5, but I didn’t even play past the 1st week

Yes. I ranked up multiple roles yesterday.

Oof it’s probably a bug then, sorry to hear that

bug or it has something to do with hidden mmr instead. i went up divisions instead even though i didnt played ranked in a while


this is because, whatever they say, the opposite is true.

hidden mmr is so dumb. Just get rid of it. My rank is my rank.

if youre confused you can read the forum i made about the topic, it isnt necessarily decay.
About wrong ranked rewards - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (blizzard.com)

It’s is removed, finally they fixed competitive and now you who got boosted elo are finally in rank you belong.

This change didn’t affect me as I belong where I belong, my friend on the other hand had a rank boost as he didn’t belong where he belonged. So keep crying, mimimi

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It’s gone they just matched your sr to your mmr which apparently was lower than your sr.

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yup this is exactly what the devs tried doing, which also completely deletes boosted accounts (hopefully)

Hopefully it throws all the boosted players down.

“Boosted” players get to their ranks by playing with someone who is better in order to artificially raise their rank.

I solo queue about 99% of my games. Have been since season 2.

yeah not saying that makes you boosted… its just how blizzard chose to show your TRUE rank which was decided on how you perform in every match (not by stats of game making plays and other factors). boosted players were instantly hit but thats not the main reason this was done, just a good side effect. this was done to communicate with the player more so that we know how good we really are (like ow1)

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I logging and played some games. I messaged the chat, and so far every player I have come across has deranked. So I guess most players are “Boasted’” or we can accept that Blizzard did not remove rank Decay.

If thats true, why was i deranked with 60% winrate on all roles? All my friends got deranked. Every. Single. Person. Even if its true, why not give me the rewards for the season before? I made sure to end on a peak just for that just to be screwed.

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because season 3 broke everyones rank and wasnt your true rank read my forum for more info (About wrong ranked rewards)

The same thing, it has been a diamond since S34 and a high diamond since S35, S36 and S1 (OW2) and now the game gives me platinum 1 and I receive platinum rewards and not diamond (I ended up in D2 in S3, with a maximum of D1).

and that’s why. your cosmetic rank was ahead of your MMR. They said removing cosmetic would result in most people going up – those that hadn’t played enough games to catch up from last seasons decay. But if you ranked up and then stopped happy with your new climb, you’ll have dropped down a little because your cosmetic rank got ahead of your MMR.

Let’s revisit this. I just played some games on Tank and Damage.

I went 5-2 on damage and immediately ranked up from Master 1 to GM 1.

I went 5-1 on tanks and immediately went from Platinum 1 to Diamond 1.

So “Boasted’” and cosmetic rank my hairy booty. This was a rank Decay, otherwise I wouldn’t have climbed like 5 tiers after just 5 games.