Ran into a six stack of smurfs, reported them as cheaters

Six stacking cheaters rigging the matchmaker to get easy games are not innocent people :slight_smile:

this happen more than you think. i cant stand premades all of them with the same name throwing games. im talking about eu servers, and yes. IT HAPPENS

It is called skill advantage, before reporting anyone ask yourself how dare you to be such a pepega w/o any shame? Ofc you got to be farmed hard. if you find it unfun - fight for your fun, develop your skill, that’s how it works. It is not like, “okay, I press play button, where is my fun dud?” Smurf has fun, you don’t cause you call him smurf instead of being skilled enough to beat him instead of be the better player. Your report does nothing but self excuse, consolation prize, to feel better about being worse.

i mean they’re clearly not good enough to get past where they are now and therefore have to resort to fighting people 1000 SR below them. i’m fine with soloqueue smurfing, it’s iffy, but at least it’s all skill since the matchmaker will still try to put one smurf on my team against you.

but six stack smurfing is cheating, plain and simple, because if I’m up against you it’s because the matchmaker will never find a smurf six stack to put you up against. so it’s no fair, and yeah, then it’s totally cheating.

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Nothing about this makes sense, except brainless defending of smurfing and cheating.

Basically means “hOw DarE you expect the game’s matchmaking to work and not be manipulated so smurfs can stomp you. Only cheaters are allowed to have fun!”

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I hope OP gets their account suspended for clogging up the system with false reports. People like him are the ones that need to be suspended for being toxic, not the “Smurfs” who are just better than OP.

Which they had to go to be at smurfing outside of their rank.

Right they HAD to because no one buys new accounts to start fresh on.

Mods please lock this post before the stupidity infects the whole planet.

They wouldn’t be only at 2800 on newish accounts, if they are normally 4100.

I wonder why there are three different smurfing related threads with a combined 1,000+ posts and 4,500+ views at the top of the forum?

Ah well, mysteries.

That one user lost every argument. Yikes.

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I can tell you why: People like to deflect blame A LOT, specially when they lose terribly and if any of the enemies is lower than level 200, they will claim its due to smurfs.

Sure smurfs are a problem, sure they exist but I am 100% sure that the biggest problem by far is people not taking responsiblity for their losses and deflecting blame to others.

Thats why :smiley:

that’s not what cheating is defined as in OW tho
it’s giving yourself an unfair advantage during the game via third party software
everything a smurf does is within tos, it just really doesn’t feel great

Agreed, you reported smurfs but what’s OPs point? That there are too many smurfs? We know that already

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Here is how I rectified my situation with smurf and unfair matchmaking and I suggest you do the same…just quit…and don’t play anymore. One day OW will be nothing but smurfs and cheaters and maybe then Blizz will do something about it, probably not. Smurfs generate profit that’s all that’s important, not the quality of games not if players are happy or not just profits.

The sooner more players get this through their head the more they can move on with better games were the quality of life is so much better. Out of the 50 friends I played with 2 years ago maybe 3 still play OW, the rest of us quit and moved on and will not be purchasing OW2.

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well done, their reports are deserved, blizz keep ignoring the problem?


we won’t, get reported and I hope all the smurfs get suspended.

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It’s hilarious to see this thread still going and the brain cell leakage in full effect as people still can’t acknowledge a difference between high levels throwing to de-rank to grief, and skilled players making new accounts which faces them off temporarily against lower skilled players as the matchmaker learns to place then.

The latter case being the most likely based on OP’s explanation of the scenario. Pretty sure it’s more likely 6 players started new accounts and coordinated their theme names than they all chose to de-rank and change their account names.

The latter case being something Kaplan himself has stated is not against the rules.

Yet here we are. Still.

There’s a difference between arguing what the rules are that are being broken and what one feels the rules should be. This thread is still locked in arguing that fantasy rules are being broken.

Also being refused to be taken into consideration by most here is the fact that there’s no proof that just because someone from that team supposedly admitted they were high rank smurfs after being called out, that means they were serious and not just joking to go along with the accusation

Everyone assumes the OP must actually be a good player getting dunked on by throwers who de ranked when I doubt anyone here knows them or has played with them, and it’s equally possible they are not even a good player who thinks they are better than they really are, and a 10 year old could dunk on them in reality, and this team of griefers was not that at all, and instead Just average players coordinating in team voice.

But y’all will believe these type of complaint posts about things with no proof, but if someone posts about how they were banned “for no reason”, no one ever believes them… It’s funny to see the bias involved in what people choose to believe off the bat with no actual evidence sight unseen on these forums but that’s people for you!

sorry thats my bad, i was playing against a mccree so ill patch up my leakage

Yes, if they were throwers I would have reported them for throwing. I don’t know why anyone is accusing them of throwing because that’s just an irrelevant aspect you’ve brought up to imagine a reason why cheating is ok.

Just because you’re not throwing, does not mean cheating is ok. In fact, in most cases, if you cheat and win you deserve to be reported even more.

Once again, I will look the other way on the “occasional cheater”, ie a regular soloqueue smurf.

But the “blatantly removed every chance of fair matchmaking” cheaters, who buy SIX ACCOUNTS SIMULTANEOUSLY AND SIX STACK TOGETHER WHILE SMURFING, those people I will never not report.

If your entire team are themed names on brand new accounts bragging about smurfing (all of them were a variation of peggy but the verb, should have reported), then you are cheaters who have destroyed the matchmaker for this round.

If you queue as ONE smurf, then the matchmaker will EASILY FIND A SECOND SMURF TO PUT ON THE ENEMY TEAM. If you queue as SIX SMURFS, the matchmaker WILL NEVER EVER EVER FIND A SMURF SIX STACK to play against and you guarantee an easy ride. So, reported, cheater.

Don’t worry Omegalul, this shouldn’t effect your smurf accounts unles you too are a cheater who should be banned for sixstack smurfing. Do you do this kind of cheating? Do you go that far? If not, you don’t need to keep defending these cheaters. If so, you should get banned too.

Should have reported for gameplay sabotage, not cheating.
Anti-cheat software isn’t going to ping them, but GS will.

Tbh this is why I stopped playing comp a couple of seasons back. I know it’s not much to brag about, but I got up to 2900 sr and couldn’t go up higher because of how many smurfs there were that were either on my team and throwing or on the other team and playing at a higher level (usually the former over the latter).

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