I don’t see what’s so hard to understand in me saying they clearly aren’t throwing if they’re rolling. Also when did I ever say they weren’t smurfs. I’ve said multiple times they were. That doesn’t necessarily mean they are throwing. A smurf is literally a higher level player in a lower level game. Here’s an example for you. Redshell placed in silver for his unranked to gm. I’m pretty sure ml7 placed high plat or low diamond. Idk what you want to hear but it’s not a guarentee that they were throwing and/or boosting
Can stall call that minimal evidence as it is all anecdotes.
If I play a few games and there are zero smurfs I could just as easily claim that my minimal evidence shows there are no smurfs at all.
Ban them for throwing games then. Doesn’t matter who they are.
If they are just playing to win, fair play to them.
Redshell got someone else to level the account for him, a much worse player, hence the silver rank. He should be banned from the game for the account sharing part.
ML7, as is the case with nearly all “unranked to GM” things leveled it himself off stream, so will get about diamond every time.
Didn’t know about this part. Figured Reddit lucio don’t get good stats
So could this not apply for the smurfs too? I really doubt ml7 threw to get plat/dia
I am a bad Lucio and placed 2480 just playing him…
If any GM buys a new accounts, levels in and plays. Even not trying that hard they will place around 2700-3400 depending on a few things.
In their first 10 or so games on that role they will be getting 80+sr a win so will be long gone.
I placed tank 2412… first game after placements I got 100sr, 93sr the next one (then lost 89 with my first defeat, should have just left and took the -50 lol).
And I am just someone playing ranked for the first time.
Ok but the point is a t500 Ana literally placed high plat/low dia. Why couldn’t this apply to the smurfs. They didn’t necessarily throw. Based on the evidence we have, they didn’t do anything wrong.
Correct. I dont think they’ve done anything wrong and anyone complaining about where they place is wrong.
It’s what they do after that that is key.
Play normally and climb - lovely.
Throw games to derank - not so lovely.
But anyone can throw games. If you jump off the map repeatedly at any point, the game should be able to give you an immediate suspension.
See Yeetle’s reply here:
In order for them to get to a low enough rank to dunk on people and be considered ‘smurfs’ and not alt accounts, they would have to purposely play badly in order to be seeded low enough to do so. Ergo, they have thrown games to be in the low rank they are at. This is called extrapolation of context.
If a full group of six throws, the enemy team who was handed a free win MAY OR MAY NOT report them (because, after all, they did just get free SR). I myself have been on the enemy team from a stack of six throwers (they just never left the spawn) and of course reported them, but others on my team were like ‘why bother they aren’t hurting anyone if in a full group’. But they are, because they are giving free SR to people who don’t deserve it, and are coasting downward in order to destroy people in bronze/silver/gold, whichever they choose.
I’ve also been the sixth person in a stack of five throwers.
Smurfs throw, by definition. They throw to remain in a low rank to stomp on those who can’t fight back. Alt accounts try. There is a difference.
I don’t care if they threw games to be placed where I am, there’s no way to know that and it’s irrelevant.
The only thing that matters to me, is smurfing in soloqueue is iffy, but smurfing as a six stack breaks the matchmaker and makes it impossible for the game to put you against other smurfs because it will never find six of them. One smurf on each team is fair, and if you soloqueue the matchmaker will do that every game. 6 smurfs on one team and 6 honest players on the other is cheating.
Ban. Ban. Ban.
The reports have been piling up for years. They collect nice SoCal paychecks for years and their CEO collects $200M bonus. They really don’t care. They’re out in the desert shooting guns right now to make sure they sound just right for OW2. Enjoy your pirate hat skins btw.
Only issue is they did nothing wrong. What would you say if it was 6 placed plats all together? I’d assume you think that’s fine. There’s no way for the matchmaker to know if they are smurfs or not. It placed the new players around plat. Those new players rolled you. So they go up higher on the bracket. That’s the system in place in ranked. Just because they say they are gm doesn’t mean they are. A 6 stack of diamonds would’ve done the same to you.
The matchmaker is trying its best to determine skill level. It can’t be placing people too high off a couple of good games where there’s too many factors that could inflate the stats.
It was one bad game for you and afterwards those people will never be seen at plat again most likely. No one cheated at all.
Funny how this had nothing to do with what I said aka you’re strawmanning.
OP claimed they reported them because they believed the enemy team was smurfing. OP says smurfing gives an unfair advantage. You claimed that is not cheating. I then said by Blizzard’s in-game definition it most certainly is / can fall under that category.
You bringing up “well maybe they were just new players!” is a completely different argument entirely and has nothing to do with anything said previously.
“We don’t need” =/= “It’s not reportable / shouldn’t be reported”
I’m pretty certain they check for cheaters but that doesn’t stop people from reporting hackers.
Yeah, The match maker is bad enough the way it is. If someone is smurffing in this game. It really damages Fair matches.
Blizzard’s literal definition of cheating is “engaging in any activity that grants an unfair advantage.”
Pitting a GM team against a Plat team absolutely fits this description. So, therefore, cheating. I’d report that in a heartbeat.
Reported them “as” cheaters? I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, 90% of those low level accounts destroying people aren’t good players on new accounts they are bad players on cheat accounts. They just rotate out 4 family accounts moving to the next one as one gets banned.
You can see it plain as day. The reason those new accounts are good is because they always eat those last few shots that would finish them off at 10% or less health. Just like when you steam roll a group of soy boy betas that can’t take the loss and all of a sudden they can’t be killed because they always manage to escape.
The idea of smurfing is freaking stupid. They’d have to throw more games than they’d rofl stomp. Plus they’re just going to get matched up with other “smurfs” doing it so it ends up being no different than playing with legit skilled players.
Those likely were CHEAT accounts and needed reporting as such.
The idea of smurfing is a bit stupid.
Just as much as the idea of crying about it is a bit stupid.
Mr Loach, just as a curiosity, what rank are you in? (damn private profiles)
I dont play ranked at all, not enough to get a rank anyway. Or havent so far.
So, not worth worrying about smurfs then.
QP doesn’t have that kind of match making. When levelling I was playing with masters, GM and silver players.
You are the reason the report system needs to be reworked OP.
Report abusers like you get a lot of innocent people suspended / banned.
My man (or woman or non-binary person). This is what should happen to all smurfs.