Ramattra Reveal - Overwatch League Grand Finals

Thats if they do the exact same placement for Ramattra as they did for Kiriko. I hope they will adjust that.

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Iā€™d wager a lot of people pay for it, and Iā€™d wager a lot of them will be playing the new hero. At least week 1/2 queue times are gonna suck. With people unlocking 55 over time. Tank queue times are already the longest.

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My boy Adam Smasher made it into Overwatchā€¦


So the article doesnā€™t mention much about how Ramattra playsā€¦ and thereā€™s already some leaks from the showfloor that indicate that Ramattra will have two forms that he can switch to while in combat. Apparently similar to D.va, maybe? I dunno, the way it sounds like itā€™s a non-ultimate form of Primal Rage.

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Yeah, but can you guys do something about Kephrii and Phyerx being complete stalker creeps? https://purpleppl.site/kephrii/

Very nice story Mondatta and Zenyatta tried the peaceful omnic lives matter protests like MLK and it didnā€™t work canā€™t wait to play as Ramattra and get some retribution

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Sojourn and Kiriko arenā€™t duds. They are strong heroes with a high skill-ceiling. Junkerqueen is arguably a dud.

Lore wise, I agree with you. Ramattraā€™s character and plot arc are interesting and very impactful to the story. Sojourn, Kiriko, and Junkerqueen feel less impactful.


Not sure what omnics being ā€˜single generationā€™ is supposed to mean and donā€™t understand why Zen-type omnics all have similar names, but this looks sick.

Did they do this within the game? I feel awkward having posted on Kephriā€™s Twitter now that Iā€™ve since learned heā€™s a creepazoid.

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Was expecting Mauga since everyone was hyping him up, but Iā€™m personally way more excited for Ramattra after seeing this origin story. The voice acting is amazing, its a pretty close tie between Moira and them for best VA now. And having another character to interact with Zen and flesh out his lore makes me very happy. Tank queue is gonna be bad but still looking forward to getting regular content drops again.


So dude is literally Magneto and Zen is professor X?


the world must learn of our peaceful waysā€¦ BY FORCE


A new hero thatā€™s nice, until people realize heā€™s in the high battle bass tier, and there goes the hype lol




So does Kiriko remain locked for people who havenā€™t gotten her in the current BP or?


They donā€™t care as most of the people donā€™t care about the gameplay but Cosmetics. The game we paid for was destroyed and we canā€™t play it anymore. First time it happens to me in decades. But gg. I wonā€™t pay anymore, I donā€™t trust this company.

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I wonder what the voiceline interactions between Ramattra and Bastion will be. Obviously Bastion likes humans and hangs out Torb, Brig and Rein. Ramattra may not like Bastion so much because of that.


Honestly that just makes me hope that Zen has some very dark secrets.
The things Professor X has doneā€¦


So Season 2 will start in December and Season 4 and 6 will feature the next Heroes. So weā€™ll see the next hero start of May and September then if all goes well and my calculations are correct.

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5v5 isnt fun? youā€™d rather go back to the shield-wall simulator?


People are probably gonna call him ā€œRamā€ in comms. So thatā€™s gonna be funny.

ā€œRam in our backline, please helpā€