Rallying the Positivity Troops! #1

I can’t tell you how many times I hear ‘boop’ now. :laughing:

Just want to point this excellent thread again while we are at it.


i talked about a certain mercy main

Thank you for linking this. I hope that you and your wife are doing better! :smiley: :heart:

Yo man I hate to be a downer but there would ve a lot more positivity if it was actually well earned.

I mean all this forced positivity does is cloud the issue of the problems at hand that continue to be ignored.

Because in a company’s logic for growth will always be “Why fix something that doesn’t need fixing. The customers are already happy with the product and services.”

I just fear that this type of positivity will just mask the point of where this game needs to evolve into order to keep up with the times.

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Thanks GoodBishonen but it wasn’t me. It was Arkahios.
If you scroll down further, you would see his response to the love by the forum.
Things are getting better for him, his wife and his father-in-law.

If i may, i would like to push forth my own pet project which is to gather data from the community about their PC rig set up, in game settings and peripherals.
This is so that people who are looking to build, tweak and play OW can have some reference point.


I appreciate where you are coming from, but surely there is room for positive threads in the forums?

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With this kind of state?

Sure when they make a right move and fix issues that have plagued this game from the start or by implimenting basic game fubctions that should have been in the game since the beginning.

Maybe proper moderation with all the abusive social and reporti g features that needed rehauling since last year.

That is when we should give them praise and thanks. But the petitions the voices who cry out “why?” The many people who suffer more than have fun in their matches?

Its simple fixes. Anythibg at this point to enhance the experience and help bring players back would be more than welcomed and sadly…that may not happen for a while. Or at all.

So at this declining phrase where hype is done for. Where the complaints are more rampant than ever and toxo
city taken over the community like a buried giant fat tick on a main vein.

Where do we go from here if the promises are being broken. Where looney tunes is the goal now with an esports scene. Where silence is the dev-player relationship?

What do we do?

Sit here and hope and pray? For how long? Will things ever get better?

I mean I want to play but its like the game doesn’t want me to enjoy it anymore?

What do I do?

Oh duh, I should have paid a little more attention. ‘slaps myself on the wrist’

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When I first got the Shieldmaiden Brigitte skin, I thought it was really ugly, but equipped it anyway since it was my only legendary for her.

Months later and now I love it, it really grows on you :smiley:


Sees rally in the title TRIGGGGEEERRRREEEDDDDD


Blind positivity is one thing and i think that that is what you are trying to advocate against, which is fair.

Nothing is perfect, sure. However, when the U.S. forums are a daily mess of negative criticism compare to say, the EU forums; i think that impartial fair positivism for the aspects of the game which have been improved is not too much to ask, is it?

Imagine if you are doing your best at work with a portfolio that is extremely difficult and all you get is more nagging and demands to improve whilst no one looks at the positives which you have effect albeit small and incremental as they may be; would you not wish for those to be acknowledged at least? Would one not feel a little more inspired and motivated to push themselves harder?

And yes, i have been in such situations at work for years and eventually, i turned ashes into gold but dammit, it would have been a little easier on my mind and soul if someone said that there were improvements along the way instead of constantly banging on my table. :rofl:


I just got her Engineer skin this morning; that made me very happy. :smile:

Theres a problem with that though.

They work for us…and have made more than enough in shares.

Even former Blizz employees have stated their business practices are wrong and that their insights and focus are misdirected.

I don’t know. But I know if one of my customers or guests is upset and they have spent money then we go out of our way to improve on it.

And if we made so much money as to really improvr on things than gosh darn it! My bosses would jump jn a heartbeat to pay bills get air conditioning back on and the rooms refurbished. For increased services!

I work at a hotel by the way…so paperwork seems strange as an metaphor when theres so much more than that at stake.

Basic business practices.

Step 1-Public distribution of goods/services.

Step 2-Collection of customer experience feedback.

Step 3-Improvement of goods/services for further public distribution.

Evolvution of a company and its businesses. Moreso for games because they need to patch and advertise all the time.

Yet we don’t even see commercials anymore…so are we really headed towards growth or are we content with whatever we have and get at this point?

Idk…I can’t play the game anymore even if I get the urge to log in now. I get stressed staring at the hero grunting and theb looking back at me as if they’re judging me for not playing more when I know somethings wrong…

Look I’m sorry guys. This just makes me depressed because I’m not happy anymore with this and breaks vacations. Have not done anything but make other games seem more fun yet not as thrilling.

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i’m so down.

I really like pharah’s voice lines. They’re always either really salty or justice related.

“I’m so scared.”
“Play nice, play pharah.”
“I am the rocket queen.”

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Ha ha ha ha! I am sorry, my dude but this imagery really cracks me up especially when i picture Winston doing it…

Well, the hospitality business model is very customer-centric so i know what you mean. My sister was in it for over 10 years and i listen to her stories.

I was doing business development, marketing and sales over at a U.S. company which has business partners from the U.K. and Australia. So i had to deal with the parent company, our U.K. and Australian partners and our own local stakeholders in Singapore. So the pressure came from at least 4 different angles and all with their own unique perspectives. Plus the portfolio includes different products which had to be attended to with equal focus so that the growth trajectory rise simultaneously at no cost to each other.

The best part is that they were all unequal in Unique Selling Points (USP) yet were very similar in their product characteristics and hence, the conflict of interests were very real. Balancing was a nightmare but yeah, i lived through it and made them the top selling products in the company. … Then i had to pass them off to my juniors and set up new products all over again. :rofl:

i know that you had been playing form beta, dude. I read your posts and we have chatted before in other threads. I think that maybe you really just need a hiatus from the game. I mean, no one can read the same book over and over again and not get bored, right?

Yeah, tell that grunting hero to eat some peanut butter.
You need to go play some Final Fantasy XV and look at pretty girls.

Dude, those who know you, would only know the best of you.
You know what i mean.


Winston is my main though…and I am already on hiatus with a crippling fear to replay the game.

I’m sorry but if this is supposed to be a positive topic then maybe you should consider making a different one. I understand you’re frustrated and sad but we’re trying to be positive (:

i know, right. That’s why the grunting and tell him go eat Peanut Butter!

You need some thing else other than crippling fear. You need…