😡 Why are Symmetra players Angry at the "Rework"?

They are directly buffing her tactical and strategic capabilities while improving her direct combat abilities.

The ability to utilize the teleporter to move even low/no mobility allies around to unexpected places is incredibly powerful, even in tandem with other f-tier heroes.

The ability to split a point to make it easier to contest is a great advantage to bring to a team.

And with the new range she is getting and more damage output as well as the benefits it has against barriers is going to make her following her tank even better.

Being melee range on a hero with no sustain, no mobility, and only standard durability is not viable. Melee range heroes in range dominated games have always required either enhanced mobility, sustain, durability, or a mixture of those factors to make them viable.

It’s why Symmetra has been a trollpick since beta as people developed. Because she lacked those things and thus her primary fire held her back.

If you do not play symmetra for the no-aim lasering things to death then in truth you are getting a huge playstyle buff with what she is getting. Her potential is going to massively increase in how she manipulates the battlefield.

Remember they said Mercy rework was a success. Then went with successive nerfs for the next 4 patches to correct their “success”.

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I really feel like I’ve already got more than my money’s worth out of Symmetra as she is. Go on, rework her, give me a new set of toys to learn and enjoy.

Symmetra is not a melee range hero. Her Photon Projector is an emergency panic weapon, like Mercy’s pistol. Her main weapon is the orb spam zoning people out of their chosen path of attack. Once people understand that and stop trying to W+M1 their way to victory, is when they really start to improve as Symmetra players.

Sure, if the enemy is within melee range, then attach that microwave and melt them to death. But Sym is not Pyro. If she goes out of her way to flank the enemy team alone expecting to clear them all, she is in for a really bad time.

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You can’t please all of the people all of the time.

You gotta assume for someone that can bend light into physical form, you’d get a ton of varying opinions on the most optimal way to implement gameplay for her.

I’m still gonna love Symmetra as an individual hero, but I’m super sad to have to assume that this game is pretty much never gonna see a hero that supports without healing ever again. Much less hope that the average player of this game is ever gonna learn to use health packs.

ok so mobility and durability are the problem according to you. So we replace her sheild, an ability that gives both of those things to her and get rid of it… It provides durability by blocking damage, and mobility by opening up spaces she can walk through without taking damage.
what are they replacing it with, telly. the new telly provides positioning not mobility. It will function similar to reapers shadow step. Please tell me about the last time you started taking damage and shadow stepped to safety. oh wait that ability is used on the approach to get positioning before a fight which is different than mobility durring a fight. This new telly would be extremely difficult to place and use effectively mid fight, and would be best for positioning before a fight.

Durability, they are removing her ability that adds 75 health to her… so less durrable, also you know the shield.

as for this

yea thats the best part of her kit and it defines her, I don’t even bother placing turrets half the time, her gun is amazing if you know how to position yourself.
as for her being a “troll pick” please explain my 70%win rate over 200 hours on comp and quickplay, and why i normaly get 3 gold medals

I’m not sympathetic.

Sorry, there’s one less hero with auto aim now, which means there’s one more hero for me to play and enjoy.


No no. I didn’t say people are afraid of her changes. I said people are afraid of change. People are scared of change in general. And why wouldn’t they be? It’s something they’re not used to.

umm shes great at melee range, you just have to know how to approach, who to approach, and how to get charge off things like unattended sheilds

Jesus christ you people are never happy are you?

And her secondary fire due to its slow projectile speed rarely hit people which is why Symmetra’s were often times pushed into melee range to use the primary beam to do something to make up for the team performing at a man disadvantage.

With the new primary fire when she is hanging back she will be more able to lend damage, both on barriers and when throwing out considerably faster orbs.

productive comment, thanks for sharing, maybe if you don’t care this isn’t the thread to spend your time on. whats going through your head when you post this. “other people are complaining, i better tell them they are bad people by complaining about their complaining, that is more valid use of time and space than people who are trying to provide constructive critisim”


Mei is also great at melee range, but if you watch any high tier Mei player, half the fight they spend making walls and shooting icicles. Symmetra is the same way, the grunt of her gameplay is turret management and orb spam. The key that separates good Symmetra from bad Symmetra is learning when its time to go full beam on someone, and when you need to keep your distance and spam.

Saying that as a Symmetra player, if you want to flank and kill people from behind, Reaper is a much better choice for that. An occasional flank or two might get people unprepared, but its not how she benefits her team.

Because when you have a character with a sub 1% pickrate most who see you will think you are troll pick and not take you seriously. Most will also not know how to fight you and so more easily fall to your traps.

Its a similar reason why people seem to lack in the ability to counter Brigitte, despite her numerous weaknesses. They do not know how to face her because she is new and would rather complain about her then learn.

and you know this from your 4 minutes of play time with her?

Yes, it seems like a contradiction but this shows the flaws of the initial design. It’s a terrible cheap class that only works in low levels because any talented team rip her apart.

Yes, all classes need team awareness and positioning, that’s a given, every class, even Symmetra, needs that kind of strategic skill, but the mix of such output damage with the absolute lack of mechanical requeriments plus 6 little minions is what makes this class so frustrating for the enemy, like the old Road’s hook, some OP McCree iterations, etc, etc, etc.

Winston needs to aim, btw, and the difference of damage of both weapons is brutal.

Did you forget about me telling you yesterday that arcade does not add to your stats?

For one thing, this isnt the ptr. They’re still testing this stuff so there is no reason to be mad about this stuff, none of this may actually make it into the game.

thats why get plat or diamond every season…

Ok, and I hope you get Grand Master with the new version, it will show your mastery.