😡 Don't delete Symmetra, Make a New Hero instead #SaveSymmetra

Waiting for PTR before pointing out why the things they told us about the rework is a bad idea, is a bad idea. Especially given Blizzard history of all the stuff they (didn’t) changed between PTR and live servers.

Definitely. Symmetra 1.0 was terrible. Mostly because the devs overnerfed her in the closed beta, because of how strong she was back then.

Symmetra 2.0 made great strides towards making her more viable. Photon Barrier and Shield Generator made her much better both in attack and point B defense.

We shouldn’t be reported for that regardless of the rework. No one report Ana players on sight, and she is in a statistically worse place than every single off-meta hero. Her average healing stat is on par with off-healers!

Symmetra being hated by the community is not a problem that you solve by feeding that hate deleting the hero from the game. It’s the Mass Rez situation all over again, where they turned a balanced ultimate in a C-tier hero into the must-pick status that she is now.

Swap “GM” with “OWL”, and I agree with you 100%. The fact that we have a lot of GM Symmetra players and a few of those in Top 500 every single season thus far tells me that she is balanced enough to the point of not being a chore to her team.

She is not viable for pro play because coordination and teamwork counter Symmetra (more than Winston, more than Pharah), and those are a given in any organized team. And I’m perfectly fine with her seeing no screen time.