Raamah's Entries (Part 2)

Read part 1 at Raamah's Entries (part 1)

Raamah’s Entry #93
Thanks to the small Robot that saved a few years ago,
We finally succeed to find a “Cure” for the corruption in Program of the “Omnics” as they call them selfs now,
But the damage was made already,
And the world would never forgive us.

Raamah’s Entry # 146
There been a Breach into the main facility in the city,
From the hostages, we captured and integrated,
The assault was by a terrorist group that calls them selfs “Talon”,
we Heard about them, but we didn’t believe that anyone could ever get to our city, the location was kept in secret for years now.
Anyway drove them back, but the cost…
We lost over 50 humans and Omnics,
What could be so Important here they so many lives lost cause of it?

Raamaah’s Entry #147
Our technicians say that They stole files about “Overwatch”,
the guards who were in the Data Facility managed to cut the power off,
But they also paid for with their lives
one of the files they managed to steal was about “Winston”,
He is the only friend I got left from Overwatch,
We must warn him at once,
They going after him now.

Raamah’s Entry #149
Damn it,
Talon blow our communication down,
And we can’t send anyone to Winton,
the city is in ruins, we must take care of the city or we all will fall from the sky.

Winston, If you will ever hear this,
forgive me.
but my people need me.

Raamah’s Entry #205
I believe this will be my last Entry log,
I’m leaving the city now, my family, and everyone I knew.
whoever hears this message,
I might die, and be forgotten forever,
I released all my logs, all that everything happened because of us, because of me,
please, Share my story, tell the world what have I done,
and what to come, the world must KNOW!
some of the files might be still hidden, but hopefully,
most Important details will be released,
It all starts again, the world again gets into chaos,
and war at our doorstep.
I won’t sit back and watch the world burn from the sky again,
I must put my shame and fears aside,
for the sake of my family and friends at least,
I must stand up and fight,
I must defend the world,
I won’t let any more Blood or Oil be spilled for nothing.
but I will need help, maybe someone from the Overwatch would be willing to help me,
either way, This time I’m ready,
I have my armor and weapons, and companion on my side,
to defend the world.
I Will Make Things Right Even If It Means My Death.

[“Hero Concept Abilities, style, lines and etc” will be posted soon]


Please, Blizz, hire this dude!

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Leaving the spelling/phrasing mistakes unnoticed, this is a glorious writing. Really enjoyed reading it and immediately started to see a little movie in my head. Hope to see the concept soon!

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