Quit with the laid back attitude. make some effort

So are you denying the fact that when you play the game right now with valkyrie you do not think;

which teammate is more aggressive for you to heal more ( or less ) ?
which teammate is the most valuable for you to risk your life for a rez.
when to press the left click since you are healing less so naturally, you have to predict who will get damaged first.
have your mind over how much ultimate charge the enemy has.
who has it and who has not so you can press Q and fly safely.
press the ultimate button and fly around corners and such so the enemy will have as less vision of you as possible during your flight.
fear that they might as well have a capable sniper who can one shot you.

You want to tell me that all of these above haven’t ran through your mind not even once after the nerfs.

And they did while you were playing Mercy 1.0 with Mass Rez, the ‘die on point quote’ and invulnerability.

People like you shouldn’t nit pick every little thing. His post was fantastic.

I played Mercy, we were talking about mass rez specifically. Try reasoning with someone who’s genuinely wrong but refuse to admit it and you’ll understand why I’m “rude” (I’m actually not, it’s just your perception).

KeEp bEiNg SarCaStic, it’s better than being rude.

I’m out.

I do think all of that but upon using valkyrie I don’t need to. Funny, right?
Unless someone has godly aim and can shoot me out of the sky, I’m not going to die.

Bye, for the third time.

I’m not genuinly wrong, though. The problem with mass res was, indeed, the invulnerability bit and no cast time.

They don’t all work on the same games in unison tho. There is different departments.

There has been 10 Megathreads created so far. Maybe more, I lost count. I don’t speak for everyone’s actions in those threads, so I also won’t say that everyone has been a saint in expressing their views either.

However, considering the fact that some threads that are flagged as “spam” get tossed into it as well, which muddles it’s intended purpose, and people have been patiently waiting for… You know… Feedback in the thread, and haven’t gotten any (in fact, all of the responses about Mercy have been done in completely different threads), I won’t exactly say that the people in that megathread were all that “respected” either. Especially so now a days, with the constant false flagging / closing of the thread and the general view of it being seen as “The Trash bin”.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

That’s the point ! You had nothing to worry about with Mass Rez.

Back with the Mass Rez, you didn’t need to think anything of these ! You had a Q to make up for the stress because of how powerful it is ! The gameplay wasn’t engaging simply because the very idea that you have Mass Rez in your kit was putting you at ease.

Reihardt has to think on who to firestrike and focus after earthshatter.
Moira has to choose on who to focus her healing and who to damage during her ultimate.
Reaper has to keep tabs on who has CC and who is not when using Death Blossom.
S76 has to keep tabs on who has barriers for him to press Q.
The list goes on!

Literally 90% of the roster has to think during and before ultimate except 1.0 Mercy and now that she finally does, players hate it ! It feels so bizarre just saying it !

I said that Valkyrie is worse than Mass res because I actually had to think about the positioning of my teammates when I used it.
With Valkyrie, I don’t. I don’t even have to be involved in the fight.
She’s brain dead right now.

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What frustrates me the most is that this game feels more like a moba than like a shooter. Shooter defining characters like 76 and Cree are in a terrible state while the game is dominated by Doomfists, who stunlock everyone to death, Brigs who counters half of heroes and Hanzo, who headshots everyone all the time because of ridiculous hitboxes for his arrows. In my opinion the time to kill is over the top, people don’t die to pressure, only to oneshots and ults.

I thought Quake is a dead game compared to OW some months ago but right now Quake feels like the better game for people who love to play hitscans.

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Hmm not sure if I agree with you there.

Valkyrie, especially since the nerfs, isn’t exactly what I would describe as “requiring lots of thought to use.”

Before Mercy was given the invuln buffs with her Mass res, she was as strategic as any other hero, maybe even more so than some, due to how risky her res was. Now? Her ult is a little more than a spectator camera in how “impactful” it is, for me at least.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

What do you mean ‘think of my teammate’s positioning’ ? You do not choose who dies where. If the flanker dies by himself/herself, it is not your choice at all, it is beyond your power. People always do whatever they want and how they want to play and this is exactly why we used to say I have rez, die on point. We used to say that so the enemy would use their ultimates in the group and everyone would be brought back. No scattered flanker or tank being left dead.

Denying that you think nothing during the Valkyrie is straight up lie and you know it. You keep tabs on enemy ultimates, you fly accordingly so you will not get hit, especially by an ultimate.

Also for the record, not choosing pistol during Valkyrie, while you can, is a choice.

You can keep denying all these on the forums just for the sake of argument, but when you will get in the game and pick her now, you will do each one of these things I have mentioned above.


I had to think of how far I had to fly in to get them all up again.

And I, to clarify, would usually say “If you die, die together.” There’s a huge difference.

And, I really don’t think much other than who I should put my beam on to get as many people as possible. Or chase after the ulting genji with damage boost so he gets a pocket.

Anyway, back on topic.

Look how you mention only one thing to think about during Mass Rez and how many I mention during Valkyrie.

Says much about how painfully easy, dull and harmful Mass Rez was to us, her old players.


I’ve been playing since launch, and she was much better and much more strategic with mass res.

Now, back on topic. :slight_smile:

Thank you for the much in depth replies on how and why Mass Rez was better.

‘Because I had to think how far I had to fly to get them all up’.

One line. Literally one line of thought.

Strategy at its finest !

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Mass res was more strategic than Valkyrie.

Back on topic. :3

Aaaand this is why adamant Mercy players cannot be taken seriously anymore, hence why they get flagged.

Here we are !


And you’re beating a dead horse by continuing.
Back on topic. 0u0

Unfortunately for you, not only I have proven why Valkyrie is currently more strategically demanding compared to Mass Rez through our conversations alone but also that anyone who clings on Mass Rez has no facts to back their thoughts. On top of that, act like mob with liking each other’s posts ( which said posts have no true substance but the same like of ‘Mass rez is good’ ), acting like stone walls also by repeating one single line over and over again.

I have given paragraphs as responses.

You gave me emoji and ‘Mass res was more strategic than Valkyrie’ in response over and over again. On the debate, you gave me one strategic thought you were bearing during Mass Rez, I gave you seven strategic thoughts you bear during Valkyrie.

Keep up with the good work. Mercy’s mains will become the disliked group to converse with in no time at this rate.