Quick View of S10 Armor Changes

If you want to get a quick idea of whether your hero does more or less damage in the mid-season, here’s the tier list. Some heroes do a lot more and some a lot less. Unfortunately my main is in the 30% less category.

Tell me what you think.

Original source


Thinking it’s going to have a far smaller impact on the meta than people are expecting.


its gonna mean dps is gonna get ult charge waaaaaaaaaaaay slower and supports that can sorta just afk healbot are gonna consistently have ults faster than rest of lobby even more than normal. Reaper is now dumpster tier. cass is probably s tier along with tracer/souj. brig is gonna be damn near useless. and monkey is gonna be in ALOT more games.

Really? I’m curious about that. It changes so many matchups and makes a huge difference as to which tanks are viable. It also changes which heroes are effective tank busters quite a bit.

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I don’t really expect the game to turn into which team can blow the tank up fastest and many of the strongest dps are buffed from this. Dva may suffer a little but that doesn’t really change much. She’ll still have her maps and probably still be picked where she’s good.

You’re far more optimistic about D.Va than I am. I expect her to be as bad as Junk is right now.

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Why? The targets she wants to be on don’t even have armour. She’s worse into monkey but other than that what really changes?


She won’t roll certain tank matchups like Rein and Monkey anymore but she’ll still be good into squishies no? Dm will still be so valuable against projectile heroes

Junk doesn’t have any consistent value at all

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Part of it is the tank trade in general. In think that the only favorable matchup she might have will be into Mauga. So, she won’t be able to hold a line at all. At least now she has some mediocre brawl. She’ll have none.

The second part is that she’ll actually be worse against most DPS. The majority of DPS will kill her faster than they do now. This is because she’s such an armor reliant hero. She’s got the most armor in the game. She’s going to be squishier. And frankly it’s going to be harder for her to dive a lot of heroes.


zen goes brrr, also how does sojourn projectile make sense does it do less damage?

Realistically is Dva getting most of her value brawling the other tank?

I don’t think it matters when she’s able to get uncontested kills on almost any unsupported dps due to dm. With support she already needs to disengage after dm so idk. I just don’t see the enormous drop in value when her value is mostly in dm and mobility.

Maybe I’m wrong but for now I’m not seeing her dropping to Junk/Sym/Reaper tier. It’s a nerf for sure but I don’t think it’s close to killing her viability.

The key difference between future armor and past armor is that they introduced a 50% damage reduction cap that includes armor. This is important because it means that damage reduction abilities combined with an innate 50% armor will no longer provide value.

For example anyone dealing 10 or less damage to Orisa will deal 5 damage due to her armor, but when she uses Fortify it will still deal 5 damage. Add in the new 25% damage reduction from headshots on tanks and it’s still 5 damage. The heroes hit hardest by this interaction are Bastion (Ironclad), Mauga (Overdrive), and Orisa (Fortify).

This flattens the curve significantly. On the low end you have characters dealing 50% damage instead of 70% damage, but even on the high end you will characters like Widowmaker often dealing 50% damage with scoped headshots.

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She needs to at least have a reasonable matchup. When every tank is basically Zarya then that’s just bad for her. Like currently a lot of her matchups are 50/50. She has a couple favorable like Winston and a couple unfavorable. It’s bad to have basically all your matchups as unfavorable.

She’s really not. Even now certain DPS give her trouble. Hanzo is going to be broken into D.Va.

Like I said, you are way more optimistic than I am. I don’t think she’ll be any higher than C-tier at best.


You’ve misread the change. The 25% headshot reduction is on top of that.

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t it essentially a revert to OW1 armour? Can’t remember the details anymore. With the headshot decrease on top, which should disproportionately help Dva since her head hitbox is enormous.

If so given Dvas power throughout almost all of OW1 that does give you some cause for optimism.

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It is. And that’s how I know how it will feel. D.Va in OW1 was an off tank. She fully relied on the main tank to hold the Frontline. In OW2, she has to be a main tank. She’s not going to be able to do enough.

No because of what I mentioned before. If anything this makes me want 6v6 back because this is a very bad change for 5v5 D.Va. 6v6 D.Va would be fine, but she needs that second tank to pressure the front line.

D.Va will need something like Winston where she ignores armor.

These are the relevant bits of information from the blog:

First, we’re specifically buffing the Tank passive to have a 25% damage reduction from headshots, which should help cut down on being burst down in a fight

We’re also making some global gameplay changes that impact tanks. One is that we’re reverting the Armor damage reduction back to reducing five damage per projectile with up to a 50% maximum

And here’s two excerpts from the Overwatch wiki pertaining to how damage reduction works:

Damage reduction effects from different sources generally stack additively with each other, however the combined reduction is capped at 50%. Single abilities that grant more than 50% by default may override the cap.

Armor is a type of recoverable health that reduces damage taken by that portion of hit points by 30%. It stacks additively with other damage reduction effects.

My poor baby Weaver :broken_heart: Why must they hurt you so

But on the bright side, good times for Brig :dancer:

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What about baptiste?

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They’re just going back to OW1 armor. It’s just worded weird. But that’s all they are doing. Then they give all tanks like a mini headshot reduction. It’s just changing the headshot multiplier when shooting tanks.