Quick play classic needs to be deleted

they havent

it remains one of the multiple differences between pre-222 qp and qp classic

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No thanks I’d rather the people who liked pre-2-2-2 QP stay in QPC.

I’m not sure it’s good for matchmaking but I certainly appreciate QPC being around. It’s a good mode to play if you just want to play a hero you’re awful at, but want to enjoy. Regular QP is basically an unranked mode now where trying out heroes you don’t play well will almost certainly sink your team.

Also arcade lootboxes, and if your team is incredibly terrible you can go onto fun heroes like Widowmaker and Doomfist and mess around.

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he means that comp is the carrot on the stick, and you are the rabbit. the fun you must focus on, great is this feeling.

Either my QP classic arcade MMR is high (don’t even know if that exists) as I get pretty good matches, or people like the OP post these trying to defend how unfun enforced role queue has made this game for so many people. :clown_face:

Nah, there is no need to delete Quick Play Classic. Blizzard is wise to keep it for nostalgia. Just the other day, my tank and healer main friends and I formed a 6-stack and we played Goats and had a blast! We blew through our weekly nine arcade wins by winning every match back-to-back! It was hilarious scrolling through all the angry messages directed at us for “try harding” (like who actually gets that angry in arcade?? It turns out that a lot of people do! :laughing:). I actually had some resistance from the group when I suggested we switch back to regular QP after we finished collecting our arcade boxes, lol!

If your stack was in my QPC I would absolutely not give you any data.


Oh, you mean, you would rage quit on us if you saw us playing Goats?

Are you trying to create a mass exodus of players by boring them to death?

Some of us don’t enjoy waiting 10 minutes just to tryhard in shield break simulator.

Don’t try and ruin everyone elses fun just because you can’t play without a constant pocket heal and dedicated shield.

People like to win, you obviously built a comp with that intention… I do both comp and QP, if you are not trying to win in either then I think people need to stick to Comp. I think its funny when a team wins in QP due to use some cheese strat then when the other team calls them out its “smh in QP” kind of nonsense statements…