Question | How Should Mercy Mains Offer Feedback?

Feedback is someone’s ability to talk about what they wish to talk about. This should never be stifled, ever.

It’s all on the play overwatch website…in the media tab :wink:

I’m on console👌

I’m talking about the menus😄

(I can easily look up lore, but heck now even destiny has a lore tab):joy:

A good one too👌

Well if that’s the case…by all means continue repeating it…it’s worked so well for you over the course of the past year…

Lore? What is that? Can I eat it?

I see your point. It’s the only thing I can think of as a solution to people complaining about “spam threads”.

On the one hand, sure… people will post topics, and occasionally a few will blend into eachother. That kind of just happens in such a large community in a forum without any subs.

On the other hand, with so many people on the forums, how does one allow for discussion while also preventing one topic from overshadowing all the others?

Good to see you too :slight_smile:

And actually… That’s a good point. I would love some sort of lore tab. A map tab would be nice too (since new maps are a huge deal here) So many things seem to be missing here…

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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This makes no sense imo.
Why would anyone flag the thread that is supposed to contain their feedback ?
To get it closed, ok.
And why would they want to get it closed ?
To post outside of it.

But people did already post outside of the megathread before it started closing.

Yup, so many things😂

They should just add a “Fix My Hero” subforum at this point.

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I don’t know if this was intended to be a joke or not, but I actually agree.

Like, a “Fix My Hero” sub, with official sub-categories of each hero and a straight forward “Have a problem with _____? Post your feedback here” Would be amazing in my opinion. :slight_smile:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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To protest against it? It was heavily hated. Who else would care enough to bother with this ****, with persistance worthy of mercy spammers?

But, I naturally don’t know for sure. It’s just a guess.

The problem is that they don’t want to admit they are wrong.
I mean come on, you can safely admit Reaper needs some changes or that they are experimenting with mercy

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It breaks my heart to see how cash-cowed this game is now. It could have been something special, but now its going down the destiny path. What dumbfounds me is how oblivious the devs seem to be about it all. They are genuinely shocked when there is backlash at any decision like they never see it coming, see most interviews. “we play this game too” kinda hard to believe that when things they do don’t really dictate that statement. In fact I’ve always been bothered by that statement, if it was true why say it at all? If they know whats going on why does the community need reassurance of that? Why not just fix the issues they claim to see?

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I don’t think you understand what “projecting” is, or even “opinions” are after reading this.

Compared to what?

They are actually very anti-cash-cow as far as I can see.

They’ve had 3 skins that cost $10 each. And those origins skins.

And the entire rest of the game attainable for one price tag, which is currently $12 on humble bundle.

Big whoop.

Look at the quality of the game, there are bugs everywhere and balance is rarely ever actually there. its more flavor of the season rather than everyone is viable. Patches that are needed are forcefully put on hold instead of hotfixed, so exploits stay way longer than they should. The effort seems to have slowed down a lot. All the chips seems to be directed at the league meanwhile people are leaving the game in batches and they don’t seem to care. Reason being most feel the game is taking a back seat to the league, and after confirmation of it during the Korean fan festival the choice to leave was only made easier.

The DVa challenge was a healthy welcome change but like LFG before it, likely too little too late.

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I figure the game is in maintenance mode now.

Get the major balance issues out of the way. Fix a bunch of bugs. Iron out the remaining F-tier heroes.

Toss in a new skins and a map/hero every few months.

Then make stuff like more reason to use LFG. (I.e. 3x lootboxes weekly)

Maybe put out that “Slightly balanced Mystery Heroes” mode.

It’s certainly not a privilege. No other hero has been subject to the sort of nonsense that Mercy has. If Reaper had been given a rework that nobody was happy with and then given a series of nerfs that people still weren’t happy with we’d see the forum swimming in Reaper posts, and that would result in the powers that be making a Reaper mega thread to serve as a place for those posts to go and die.

Some privilege.

We also know resources are being diverted to their new FPS in development as well. So really OW is in self sustain mode right now, except quality wise its nowhere near ready for that. If it had minimal bugs and balance was actually that then sure. Were into year 3 so I’m not surprised content is slowing down, its the reason for the slow down that’s upsetting. It comes off more as neglect rather than “let the game take care of itself”.

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—sarcasm on— Mercy mains are expected to be quiet and to accept any insults and threats they receive. The reason we have so many angry Mercy haters on these forums is because Mercy mains have not obeyed and have not stayed quiet. Mercy mains do not deserve to have fun while playing, did you not know that? They are servants to the other players, and their sole purpose is to make sure the other team members have fun. —sarcasm off—

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