Question From A Doomfist Main

Lets ignore the fact that

  1. her scope-in sound is almost silent unless you’re already close enough to destroy her
  2. most of widow’s sightlines are LITERALLY THE OBJECTIVE. You can’t ‘avoid’ that, not all of us are genji mains.
  3. Clicking things doesn’t make you a god at OW. It makes you a god at COD.

people think that one shots that require ‘skill’ are fair and balanced, despite the fact that widow has a 1 shot with no range limit, effectively no cooldown, no range requirement (look up battlefield 1 snipers if you dont understand this concept), and a super fast reload time meaning she is almost always able to 1 shot any squishy at ANY time.
people whine that df can ‘easily’ run in and get a kill.
Every other dps except maybe sombra can score kills just as easily, and the biggest downside to doomfist is, in fact, his right click.
He literally puts himself in a bad position.

Yeah, but she can do next to nothing when a barrier gets in the way.

Utterly not true. I’ll admit that Ashe is at more of a disadvantage, but Hanzo, Tracer and Doomfist can completely shut a widow down. Tracer is my go-to pick if a Widow is wrecking my team. All you have to do is catch her off guard and one-clip her.

You’re also missing a lot here, especially considering the leeway you’ve given the “Widow counters”.
I’ll admit that I forgot about Brig, but even then there are only about three heroes that can actually take Doomfist 1v1: McCree, Roadhog, and Sombra. The others just slow him down, and you’re still at the mercy of your team being observant enough to assist.

Oh yes, the barrier that gets deleted in a second.
Why do you think double shield meta was a thing. It wasn’t because DF was ovepowered, it was because it was the only way to counter snipers (that and sigma’s shield was more spammable)

Not gonna disagree, I just think the changes needed to get to a point where snipers are weak, debuffs and range cc are weak, earthshatter sucks, and farming ult charge off of poke damage isn’t a thing, would be really disruptive.

I think it’s better to just make barriers stronger, while avoiding doublebarrier problems.

✅ Fixing BarrierTanks and OffTanks

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doomfist is really annoying to get gibbed by because it’s a long process, just like how getting stunlocked in a fighting game is tilting. people say dumb stuff when they’re mad. see article: basically all of my original threads.

Because unlike widow, Doom can dive in, punch you, get shields, uppercut someone else, get shields, punch someone again, get more shields, and then get out with the extra shields.

At least widow knows when to die.

Also, Widow you can see coming, cause if her weapon trail when firing. Doom?

You get 0.1 second to try to react to his random ‘leaping out of Narnia’ bs. Not even tanks are safe from his bs, unless you’re Orisa. You’re always punched around like some practice dummy.

There’s nothing fun about that. I would rather die to the same Widow 80 times in a match than dying to Doom once.

At least I know how I died to Widow, and where it’s safe to walk 2 feet without having a damn panic attack… :unamused:

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Agreed. Snipers are broken, shatter is buggy (4 years later), and the ''use 6 ults" strat is still 2 stronk

All one-shots are cheesy, regardless of skill required. TTK should never be that low.

Honestly all 1 shots in this game are complete dog. Having no counterplay to an ability or bullet makes the game so unfun to play as it forces you to either abandon the hero u love to play another 1 shotter or the devs try to band-aid patch the game to try to counter uncountarable abilities which eventually leads to massive power creep in healers/tanks leaving the dps to either get dumpstered or switch to another 1 shot


Widowmaker counters doomfist :confused:

Like I genuinely don’t think you know enough about Doomfist if you think he can shut down widow when it’s literally the other way around.

and everyone getes on Chipsa’s a*s for being upset about widow-- however he plays df so case closed.

but hes also not wrong about widow-- and one shotters in general. DF and widow esp make this game unfun, even if u have good reaction time to df’s cds, it still doesnt guarantee your reward-- which is ur survivability and that in itself, doesnt make it really feel like a game anymore.


They only shut down Widow if she’s somehow not out of their range, which is sometimes impossible for a Hero like Tracer, and they have to be much better than the Widow. I climbed using mainly Widow and the only time people started being effective with those Heroes was when I was high Plat going against Diamonds and above, and they were the ones using t hi soe heroes. And I’ve never been countered by a Doomfist. I think in all my time playing as Widow, I’ve been killed by Doomfist twice, and that was when I first started playing her and then got positioning down.

First off, there are more than those 3 that can 1v1 Doomfist, for example Mei, Bastion, Orisa, Pharah, Widow, etc. Secondly, a Hero doesn’t need to 1v1 another Hero to counter them. I don’t know why, but people seem to think that if a Hero doesn’t immediately kill another Hero, then they’re not countering them, unless it’s Widow, then shields counter. Any Hero that can stop another Hero from doing their job counters that second Hero, and many Heroes do that to Doomfist.

You also have a team there as well. Why is Doomfist only getting the advantage of team play, but somehow you suddenly lost your team? Isn’t that moving the goal post a bit much?

Yeah but i can literally reverse it and say

People doomfist counters:

Mercy - oneshot
Widowmaker - oneshot
Lucio - oneshot
symmetra - oneshot

the list literally goes on of the heroes doomfist can just smack into a wall and delete from a fight. a hero that is able to hard shut down so many heroes with one ability deserves even harsher counterplay himself

Well except for the fact that everyone I listed counters his rocket punch through range, escapes, stuns, or boops. All of those 4 factors affect Rocket Punch :confused:

doomfist forces you to star gaze all day wondering which building he will leap over to get that kill. What’s the difference? Not much, they’re both annoying.

Playing against a Doomfist feels cheaper than playing against a Widow.

Majority of the hero roster require aim but it’s not their biggest pay-off, whereas it is for the Widow. This all also comes at the cost of having quite a weak kit - One mobility (on a long cooldown and with a cast time) and a destructible mine (that people can debate the use over). Once a Widow is set up, she’s pretty much going to be staying in the same general area - which gives the enemy an option to switch to a counter or to avoid the areas that give her the biggest potential and opportunity.

This is contrasted by Doomfist, his whole kit are mobility abilities. These abilities also have weird interaction with the environment/map, where he can bounce around on certain surfaces. Meaning that a Doomfist is allowed to be unpredictable in the match, appearing out of nowhere. Then you have the addition of not only CC in his abilities but ALSO armour. This all leads to the hero feeling cheap just because of what his kit as a whole offers in comparison to Widow, who solely relies on her aim.

Also, whilst on the mention of One-shots, Widow has to keep tracking you, but you can also throw her off by movement. A Doomfist can deny this as he can turn whilst he charges up his punch.

There are other melee range characters in this game, there are other tanky melee range characters in this game. There are other tanky melee range characters in this game with CC. There is another tanky one shot character in this game with CC. There is no tanky, one shot character with CC in this game that will land on you from the sky.