Question for the Mercy mains

At this point, it is pretty clear that the majority of Mercy mains would want to see Blizzard bring back mass rez as her ultimate.

BUT let’s just say as a hypothetical, Jeff came on the forums and stated unequivocally, under penalty of perjury and death, that mass rez would not ever return to the game under any circumstances.

At that point the only two options would be:

  • Keep Mercy as she is now, with rez on E or
  • Remove rez from the game completely, and give Mercy a new E

Which option would be considered preferable and why?

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Remove Rez. As long as Rez is a cooldown, there will always be people crying for Nerfs because ”Undoing a pick is too powerful!!”


Problem 1: they’ve said that they would never do things that they later ended up doing.

Problem 2: their minds being made up doesn’t mean it isn’t a mistake.

That being said, I would prefer Rez stay in the game. Because otherwise, instadeath becomes way too strong.


Option 3: Give her 1 instant Res on Q (with or without Valk) a new E and balance from there.


Just respond to the post my goodness.


who cares, he asked if you want rez on e forever or a new kit all together.


Rework her entire kit if you remove revive and make her the undisputed main healer of the game.

Remove Res. Current Mercy needs to go at that point.

There’s a such thing as a “leading question”.


Having a healer that gets all their value from healing will never work as long as Ana has both solid heals and anti-nade.

Why pick the crazy heals when the other team will pick good enough healing who can also turn your whole character off for 4 seconds?


I’m not so sure it’s a majority.

But a new E would be nice.

It’s just a hypothetical meant to set up the question of whether Mercy mains would rather have rez on E or no rez at all. It’s not meant to be taken super seriously.

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Thing is, it’s a bad question. Neither outcome is good and there’s no reason to artificially limit the options to just those 2.


I’d uninstall Overwatch and just enjoy my Mercy statue while playing other games.


Remove res. See res as a whole is unbalanceable. Respawns make the game balanced, and res messes with that. On top of that if you try to balance around res you need to make the entire hero and the ability absolute trash in order to make her net value ok.

Removing res is the only thing that will make Mercy balanced and playable, as it is right now, shes either balanced, or playable.

I’d rather them remove rez and give her something that would help prevent teammates from dying in the first place. Her healing doesn’t reliably keep characters alive anymore.

Not a main anymore, but still a member of the mercy community. I would’t say everyone in the community wants mass res back that badly. Sure many would welcome it, but more and more voices just want res to be removed.

That is my pick. Using res as an ability is not fun and rewarding at all. Same goes for valk. I personally want to see both removed.

Not true.

Consider Tracer. Her ultimate is basically “Delete an enemy with minimal counter play avaliable” but outside of that she is a fun and impactful hero.

What happens if Resurrect turns into the defensive equivalent of Pulse Bomb? For an ult, bringing one person back is good but not OMG WHAT WERE THEY THINKING levels of power like Mass Resurrect was. That Mercy would have all the power budget in the world to make her base kit good.

I have concluded nothing. I’m not making suggestions for what should happen to Mercy. I was simply curious as to what the answer would be if there were only two options.

Just give her back Mass Rez with damage resistance and a slight startup instead of invulnerability.

That still allows her to be CCed out of it.


Rez cannot be balanced outside of an ultimate. Things like Molten Core can be balanced as an E because there are numbers to play with. They can reduce its power. Rez is just too binary for that - either the target is dead or it isn’t, there’s no in-between, which makes it too powerful for anything other than an ultimate. Either you make it so limited that it’s completely useless, or people are going to complain that it’s OP.

So of your two choices, I’d rather they remove rez completely than keep it on E. It’s either ultimate or bust. That doesn’t have to mean mass rez, though - I’d be perfectly happy with a charge of single rez on Q during Valkyrie.