Question for tank mains

Wait its gonna be 20 seconds in OW2?

It isn’t quite that cut and dry from what I understand.

Think of it as two charges of bubble that have sequential cooldown timers of 10 seconds each. If you start with two bubble charges then use both within a second or two, you will get one charge back at 10 seconds, then the second cooldown starts after the previous one ends then finishes at 20 seconds. I believe that is how it works based on what I have seen and read.

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Still for solo tanking, she needs the bubble more often to protect her team, 10 seconds for a single bubble is still long.

They’ve nerfed the crap out of tanks in OW1, and queue times got bad, but they still didn’t buff them back up.

So I feel like that’s putting a lot of faith in Blizzard that their track record doesn’t necessarily warrant.

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That’s because they were stuck in a catch-22 where compositions were too durable.

So buffing Tanks wasn’t an option.

5v5 makes that an option, by lowering the how durable compositions can be.

You have been the literal champion of "The only reason comps are too durable is because of “Brig/bap/mei/etc” and not because of the tanks themselves.

Like, they could’ve easily nerfed durability from supports/dps so tanks could still be powerful (And you recommended this so, so many times).

But they weren’t willing to, so they nerfed tanks.

What makes you think they will be any more willing to help out tanks in OW2, ESPECIALLY since they are now only requiring 1 tank player, so their desire to appeal to tank players is cut by 50% (and it was never high to begin with)?


Based on what we have seen thus far, and what the people that played the pro demo have said, they haven’t buffed tanks at all. Zarya is outright nerfed compared to OW1. Rein feels like a non-factor and too easy to burn down. Winston…has some long range damage, but that won’t change how he plays. Haven’t seen/heard much about the rest of the tank roster.

That being said, I hope you are right. However, I’m not convinced that is the intended development path at this time.


Hahahahah I’ve been worried about the tank role for 3 years now so what’s stopping me now? 🥲

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your most played hero is widow…

LOL you arent that smart are ya

anyone who says tanks are too durable now is brain dead

I can’t wait for it. No one plays the role, no one knows how to play it, and people have crazy views on it. Let me solo tank, let me play the role myself. I don’t want a partner anymore, especially since priority pass came out. Double tank is ONLY fun in scrims, and that varies for people.

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Perhaps not now. But tanks have been nerfed for the last 3 years.

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thats for my QP, which I rarely touch anymore. I actually play more Rein/Zarya than I do Widow now adays

I’m excited for two less people trying to kill me in my lobby, yes. I’m also excited for having one less ticket farmer clogging up the game.

What worries me now is that 40% of my “team” could be just there to farm priority passes and won’t support the tank, but then I remember half of them never did anyways.

Not really.

It will be different, but as long as I didn’t try, I’ve no idea if it will feel better or worse and I certainly don’t want to stress over that.

you mean dps 2.0? (20 characters)

very much so. the role of a tank is to define the terms of engagement, and rebalancing all the tanks into fat DPS doesn’t sit right with me. they dont necessarily all need big protection abilities, i mean my favorite tank is hammond. I’m just worried that tanks will move away from being the tip of the team’s spear and defensive tanks like orisa or sig will be stripped of their identity in the process.

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I doubt it. At most ranks support demand is only slightly less than that of tanks. Cut tanks in half and support becomes the limiting factor.

I’ll believe it when I see it.