Question for tank mains

Are you worried what is gonna happen to tanks in OW2?



Thank you for coming to my ted talk


Yes. Solo tanking sounds scary.


Such wise words, thank you for enlightening us.



But not because solo tanking sounds bad, though I’ll miss duoing with my two good friends.

I think it’s gonna take the community a long time to adjust to how the game is going to fundamentally shift in each role’s priorities.

You see, as of now (and always) it has been the job of the tanks to make and hold space for their allies to then follow up and play in.
But with all the changes and what we have seen thus far, nothing has suggested tanks can or should be doing this.

What this essentially means is that DPS have become the space makers for their team, while the tank becomes the followup.

I think alot of folks are gonna be real pissed when their tanks try and make space but feed their brains out due to all the tight maps, damage buffs, reduced healing, and mobility the DPS have to gain off angles to punish. I also think folks are gonna be real pissed when their tanks essentially AFK and don’t make space and just hold down their backline, even though that’s what they are becoming.

I’m far more concerned with how the community adapts to this fundamental shift, than I am solo-tanking, the buffs and nerfs and ability changes.


No. While I like having a tank partner, I prefer to have the enemy focus on me.

Dva is guaranteed to get buffs so I’m happy one way or the other.

As to whether or not Dva will be good in 5v5? Concerning to be sure. Tanks in general seem to need more help in 5v5

I was worried enough to stop queueing tank in OW1, if that counts.


The easiest strategy for lower ranks is just to follow the tank around, while the tank offer some protection.

Rein is the best tank to fit into that strat, but even then he’s gonna have his barrier nerfed.

So I’m more worried about the playerbase adjusting to follow tanks that offer less reliable protection, as the other tanks, and maybe none in Hog’s and Ball’s case.

And in the other hand there’s the Disruptive tank strategy, meaning the tank is gonna try and distract + displace enemies out of their comfortable protection, into bad positioning (even if briefly). Ball being the best tank to fit into that strat. I just doubt that lower ranks will be capable to adapt to that since he offers no protection and you gotta adjust your own positioning to avoid your death + follow up on what’s he’s doing to get value out of it. It requires more effort to coordinate this strat.

Worried? eh no. Doesn’t sound fun though.

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Worried but hopeful, mostly not for the tanks themselves but the CC and spike burst damage changes - i.e. I’m worried they won’t be hard enough. Hack and sleep are already staying in the game and there’s no evidence, so far, that FTH, Echo or Storm Arrows will be addressed.


Tank is my second role, I can’t wait to aggressively one trick DVA and never swap :smirk:


since I won’t be buying OW2

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only if sombra’s current build with 3 sec hack cd and stealth hacking goes live. If she gets dumpstered, and zen gets dumpstered, and nade gets dumpstered, and storm arrows, and fan the hammer, and… U get the idea, then tanking will b ok. Otherwise tanking si gonna be more like youre just a thicc dps that everyone desperately wants to slaughter immediately, and all 5 enemies will be on you 24/7

A little, but mostly I’m excited about the fact that every tank will at least be designed to be able to play solo. And hopefully, I won’t feel as pressured to select one tank just because a teammate chose another certain tank (e.g people always expect you to play Zarya if the other tank plays Rein).

I hope they don’t change Orisa’s core too much.

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No. You’ll have more control of your matches than ever.


Yes because I worry over whether the tanks will be independent self sufficient tanks or glorified punching bags that spend most of their time walking back from spawn.


I’m worried we’ll devolve into a cycle of one or two tanks dominating the ladder and the rest being garbage.


Tanks will suck to play. Buff said.

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Once upon a time when role queue didn’t exist I was stuck playing solo support or tank anyway, so its really just a return to those times. However, its still better than without role queue because the enemy team is forced to have the same restrictions.

I mostly have played Sigma, Hog, Rein, Orisa and Winston who have all traditionally been sufficient solo tanks. Its mostly concerning how they will manage to turn Zarya/Dva into viable tanks because today they have too many holes without that other tank covering up their massive weaknesses as tanks.

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