Question for tank mains

Yes, with the information from OW2 test play, I am worrying about the balancing direction.

  1. Zarya bubbles cooldown increased to 20 seconds which is an abnormal nerf to her protection power. Zarya should have buff instead.

  2. What change will the dev team make to D. VA and Ball? Will they have a huge change?

  3. Remake of Brig and McCree will greatly affect tank experience. I would prefer the dev team will keep their power to interrupt flankers, but what we have seen is shield bash change to 40 damage with no stun.

Please at least review what I am worrying about, and make a test server to test the pros and cons of these change.

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I try not to worry about this crap. What happens happens. Nothing I can really do about it. It could be great, it could be BS, we’ll have to see.


Because of how the tanks have been balanced for the top, they’ve been pretty much reduced to just ult batteries and punching bags for everyone else. They can’t make the tanks viable for the playerbase without OWL complaining.

For OW2 the tank will have to take the role of two tanks, not the current two tanks however, two real tanks that can actually tank. Which would be 300-400% of what they are now.

But the top is probably going to end up complaining so the tanks are going to get a buff, but only up to 150% at most. So it’s going to have to take on the role of two, but strength wise only 1.5x.


I really don’t know
 about all I can say with confidence at this point is that I’ll try it out and see? :man_shrugging:

I mean on one hand, before role queue, there were a lot of matches where I was the only tank and I don’t remember it being that big a deal then.

But after role queue, I quite like having another tank on the field to fall back on if my shield breaks/my abilities are on cool down.

At the end of the day I’m sure they’ll change it again somewhere down the line. Just look at OW1
 it went from a game where you could pick any hero (remember all bastion or all monky teams? lol) to “okay guys just one hero per team”
 to “okay guys two heroes from each role must play” to “okay now it’s gonna be only one tank”.

Change is a constant in this game.

I’m not worried. But I do think that the drop to 5v5 is going to have a big knock on effect that will render a handful of tanks non-viable for certain ranks.

If the game is going to keep Widow as she is (and let’s face it, being a sniper is pretty is Widow in a nutshell. There’s nothing she can branch out to!) then only having one tank will mean they either need a shield, or they need to be fast as hell in order to dive her.

Because if Roadhog is the ONLY tank on Junkertown, or Kings Row, or Anubis perhaps, then Roadhog’s supports and slow DPS will just get chunked. It isn’t about tank survivability, it’s about how the tank can meaningfully protect the team on their own. Roadhog is scary, and so is Zarya, but alone in the tank role? The sheer amount of damage that they won’t be able to mitigate is going to be insane.

And damage HAS to be decent, because if you’re fighting an enemy, then TTK has to be reasonable. Or people will just get healed up. And if damage is low, healing will have to be low–possibly to the point that people (especially Mercy players) will get to the point where they feel actually healing isn’t worth it because you can’t stave off (ha, literally!) enough damage for your team to get the upper hand.

So it’ll be Bap (because of his insane damage and Immo) and it’ll be Zen, because with one tank, you’re guaranteed to be able to discord pretty much whoever you like.

Okay, so does Discord change? To 15%+ damage and -15% enemy power (as in Tracer does 85% damage when discorded!) Maybe. I think the newness and ‘abandon’ of early OW will return somewhat in OW2. So that’ll be fun, but I think a lot of heroes are going to need to be adjusted–and that will probably upset a lot of players.

Pretty much, I think Widow has to go unless they give her some genuine, solid sniper drawbacks. Reasonable falloff; single shot; no Power%; no wall hack. Make her fun, and effective, but with one shieldless tank, good Widows will just ruin matches.

Not worried, i just know for a fact OW2 is going to suck all the fun out of tanking, solo tanking is a chore no matter the amount of reworks or buff, and actually there wont be a tank role anymore, in OW2 tank are turning in to big slow terrible DPS heros

Yeah because i know 1 tank will never work in OW-2 specially after see the exhibition match.

To make 5 vs 5 work. All the tanks should have at least x2 in stats then probably yes.

I take Dva an example to make her “Solo-Tank” she should have 600 armor + 600 hp, plus her abilities cooldown reduced 50%, DM up time increased 100%, DM size increased x2 and her ult charging at least 20% faster than DPS/Support characters.

A dva with that stats. will be very hard to kill for a single DPS. That will need the work of both of them as team to take the tank-down

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Yes, especially since they won’t remove Ana sleep since ‘‘is too iconic’’

Especially since I play a lot hog and can’t wait for other 4 people crying for a shield-

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I’m actually a bit excited. “Oh tanks are gonna melt”, well I doubt that. The reason why they melt NOW is because there are TWO tanks the enemy needs to go through. Doing Solo Tank stuff NOW is probably more dangerous than it will be in OW2. PLUS you will never have an idiot tank teammate because YOU are the idiot.
With less CC, a Solo Tank should be able to do more.
People are worried about Ana, but there are tanks she can’t handle if they are playing correctly. AND there will be new tanks.
So playing tank could be more fun than people currently give it credit for right now in OW2.

Given blizz track record for the past few years on buffing Tanks to feel impactfull again without the dps crowd whinning about getting killed by tank I say its a really long shot! That they get any significant buff.

. . . solo carrying*

EZ avoid every time :wink:

There is relatively little evidence that is true. Sleep Dart and Hack are confirmed to be staying around; Mei lost her freeze on left-click, but still has the slow; Shield Bash is gone, but we don’t know if it will be replaced; Flash Bang is getting some unspecified change; Bastion actually picked up a CC effect in his rebuild. We have no idea how Doomfist and his CC heavy kit is going to be changed and the devs don’t appear to have much more insight on that than we do.

Honestly, the CC they have removed or toned down weren’t even the most frustrating things about being a tank. There are so many displacement abilities in the game that you can just be bounced around for half a match (even as Rein), and none of those have been mentioned by Devs. Then you have the proliferation of tank busting mechanics such as Storm Arrow, FTH, and Echo’s beam that also haven’t been mentioned as even being on the radar.

Throw in that defensive abilities across the board appear to be getting nerfed, while dps are getting a speed boost and more damage capabilities. As a tank, OW2 is not looking that promising.


No. Not gonna worry about anything before we even have a beta. Balance phase is still at least 6 months away.

Solo Tanking has always sucked and so far none of the changes they are coming up with look like they will change this.


Not worried at all, looking forward to a decade of Halo Infinite.

Best believe I was sweating right before the Halo announcement.

Personally yes. And if it stays the way it is now I probably wont want to play overwatch again.
Im an off tank main, my favourite being Zarya but if I have to solo as Zarya without my lovely Rein it just wont be fun at all for me. I love playing off tank because I love being in sync with my main tank while also protecting my healers. I H A T E playing as main tank because its too much pressure for me and I just dont find the play style fun either. The only main tank I can stomach is orisa and even then I dont enjoy her.

the problem isnt solo tanking

the problem is that they are nerfing a lot of the tanks on top of removing their secondary tank.

  • 1200 rein shield with 90dmg firestrike
  • 2 bubble zaryabut on 10s each
  • dva we dont really know much but then again she melts very quickly
  • Winston i think got a buff
  • Roadhog we dont know.

if they buffed them apropiately Or just didnt nerf them, then it might be fine


No, so far what I’ve seen & read sounds promising and even though I’ve stopped playing a while back- I’ll definitely give it a shot.

Nothing’s guaranteed so if it somehow flops again then np, I’ll just drop it for good.

Yes I am worried, they seem too scared to even buff the tanks to be able to be more than a punching bag from what they shown. To the point they are nerfing zarya big time for no apparent reason and calling it good.
So they are making it hard to believe that tanks will be more than anything but a punching bag in ow2