Question for bronze players

is bronze like grandmaster where you play with the same people all the time because the community is so small?

40+ Million players play overwatch.
Small community? Where?

I play the same people all the time in quick play during peak hours.

I’m not ranked for the last 2 seasons.

I doubt the game breaks 400k-500k users online at any given time.

bronze and grandmaster are a small community, grandmaster is less then 1% and bronze is like 3% i think

majority of the playerbase is in bronze…

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the majority of the playerbase is in gold actually, at least on pc

Jayne actually did a ~700 VoD a couple months back, and he commented that the bronze community is actually a lot like this, in fact.
Like people will solo queue and pick up conversations from a couple days ago, ect.
I think it’s really neat how nice some of them are to each other.

I was under the impression that the majority of the player base was tr… I mean Bronze. I am enlightened.

I feel like not only bronze and GM but the other communities shrinks as well rapidly.

i am in silver and haven’t logged for a week just to get matched with teh same player with who I have played the last time.

Jeff once give the list of more populated tiers to less; if i remember correctly it was like this:


I don’t know if this includes all platforms or also if it’s just NA servers.

Jayne, just like seagull, would know what it’s like to be in bronze. Oh wait…

Not that I’ve noticed.

would love to see the distribution of players that play comp vs QP

Well since he does actual paid coachings, if you buy the service, he does the coaching.
I’d imagine bronze players that are looking to improve don’t really consider $10 that bad of a price to get more enjoyment out of their games, you know?

Sure, I wasn’t attacking you just annoyed at these streamers who think they know what’s best for us “low skill players”

Didn’t percieve it as an attack, you’re good, lol.

It was more of a comment he made about how much he liked how friendly people were, more than him pushing stuff down people’s throat.
Although, for the record, Jayne’s an actual professional coach, more than just a streamer.
He’s Dallas’s assistance coach, and the main coach for Team Canada.
Telling people how it is, is quite literally his job, because he knows the strengths and weaknesses of the entire hero roster.
I wholly recommend his coaching videos.

40 million games sold, a lot of those are alt/smurf accounts, and a lot are people who quit the game.

Bronze is 8%, at least it was that the last time Jeff gave us info on the tier distribution - Competitive Mode Tier Distribution .

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Well I def see the same ppl in one day but maybe not people i played with a week before

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I believe only a small percent of players are bronze just like gm, so yeah I’d imagine they see a lot of each other.

altho im between low gold and low plat, and I see the same people now and again too so idk